
Reborn in the Warring States Period

Warring States Period is chaotic and accustomed to war. The shinobi are expendable mercenaries utilized by the various powers to compete for land and wealth. In order to protect themselves, these shinobi developed clans. Amongst those clan's are the most prominent-- Senju and Uchiha. Pit against each other, these two clan's deep seeded hatred was known to all. ============= Ohayo Gozaimasu! This is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction, please be gentle! I am not a native japanese speaker but I'll try my best when it comes to deconstructing the culture based on the anime/manga of Naruto and historical records of the Sengoku period. Thanks to Zetsuai89 for the beautiful cover!

Pengincognito · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs


Natsume dozed off for a while until she felt people entering the room. Kono had brought in a heroic looking Uchiha woman. She held a longsword strapped to her back and had her sharingan active. Kono was talking non-stop to the woman while she silently listened. "Natsume-chan, this is Saki. She can be considered the second best kenjutsu in the clan currently. Isn't that fantastic?"

"Who is the first?" Natsume asked offhandedly, but Kono just looked at her strangely.

"Tajima, of course." Kono replied as if it was obvious. However, Natsume was a bit skeptical. But seeing Saki's humble expression made her rethink Tajima's ability. 'Perhaps I underestimated him…' she thought. He hardly participated directly in combat and mostly stayed back to manage the complex or direct the shinobi. Natsume even guessed that many didn't know how strong their leader really was.

"Kono-sama tells me that you have an issue with a Jutsu. Although ninjutsu is not my specialty, I am willing to listen." Saki spoke up seeing that Kono was derailing the conversation.

"Thank you, Saki-sama. It's like this…" Natsume explained the situation and what she experienced in much more detail than she divulged to Kono. Part of it was that she had more time to think of the words to use, and the other was that Kono wouldn't have understood some of the finer details of the explanation. Throughout the explanation, Saki would nod her head or ask for further clarification. Once Natsume finished speaking, Saki took a moment to contemplate.

"Well, what do you think?" Kono couldn't hold back anymore. She was unable to keep up with their conversation about chakra natures, nature transformation, yin release, and hand seals. Saki placed her hand on her sword and drew the finely crafted blade.

"Your Jutsu is like my sword. It is a part of me, I do not control it as a weapon, but an extension of my arm. I believe it is something like a kekkei genkai, but it also isn't quite that either. Perhaps once you get stronger you will unlock the secrets. Apologies if that wasn't any help, I do not quite understand the principle myself."

Of course, Natsume naturally understood what a kekkei genkai was. Every Uchiha possessed one of the most powerful ones in the ninja world—Sharingan! Although she didn't learn a lot from Saki, the revelation that it might be a kekkei genkai, or similar to one, Natsume began to formulate some ideas. Since she was no longer needed, Saki bowed to the two of them and returned to her duties. Kono yawned since it was late and decided to head back.

After a night's rest, Natsume was able to move to her family residence to rest. She took up the role as caretaker for the next few days since Hinako and Sahiro were still gone. Although Haru was older than her, she still ended up doing most of the chores. There were many facets to the agreement that Sahiro made with Tajima. Since Natsume was such a talent, Sahiro volunteered to go back to the frontlines instead of Haru. Therefore, Haru only started shinobi training at a normal pace, unlike the accelerated intense form Natsume went through.

Nearly a week passed, and she was finally back to top shape. As she dressed herself in her uniform to restart her protection duty, she saw Haru being teased by a boy five or six years older than him. "Good morning Haru-san, who is this?"

"Ah, Natsume-chan, you don't recognize me?" The boy asked with a fake sad expression. Natsume gave him another glance and although he seemed familiar, most Uchiha had similar features so she really couldn't tell. "I last met you when you were less than one year old, so its no surprise…"

Based on the details, Natsume eventually deduced who the boy was. "Shinji nii-san, welcome home." It was her second brother. "Where is father?"

"He is making a report. I'm sorry you two had to face mother's passing without me. I never expected her to succumb to illness over nii-san's death…" Natsume held back her frown. In order to maintain their family's image to the rest of the clan, Tajima insisted that they rule the death as illness. The truth being buried hurt Natsume, but she understood now that Tajima wouldn't make thoughtless decisions.

"We were going to visit the ancestral tomb; do you have the time to join us?" Natsume hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. She didn't wish to let Tajima down any further.

"I have already visited mother. You two should go without me. I must return to my mission this time." Natsume began to walk toward Kono's residence when Shinji called out to her.

"Be careful, ne-chan." Natsume nodded and turned back around. Her mind was previously preoccupied with chores, strange dreams, and her new Jutsu. However, now that she cleared her head, she was reminded of her sensei's missing status. Therefore, instead of turning to the wing toward Kono's room, Natsume went straight to the main chamber and requested to see Tajima.

"Natsume, you have recovered a lot more quickly than I expected. Fortunately, I have already drafted your next mission. For now, your previous mission will be on hold." Tajima didn't even let Natsume speak before handing her a freshly inked scroll.

She kneeled onto the mat and unraveled the scroll between her forearms. As she read the mission details, she looked up at Tajima with awe. He was truly a wise leader.

[Title: Search and Rescue

Objective: Uchiha Hinako

Location: Forest Valley Danger Zone

Time Limit: 1 month

Description: Uchiha Hinako was last seen fleeing from several high-ranking Senju warriors. After luring them into a trap and severely injuring two of them, she was forced to enter the Forest Valley. The Senju retreated, not daring to face the Kyuubi.]

Natsume rolled the scroll back up and began to think. It would be difficult to find Hinako without a proper scout. Although Natsume was developing as an all-rounder, she was not a natural born sensor, and she had yet to develop that skill beyond basic understanding.

"There will be five members on this mission. There is still time remaining, so take care of your affairs in the clan. Your group of five will meet at the complex entrance before sunrise in three days. Head over to the clan archive and pick out two mid-ranked Jutsu."

"Yes, Tajima-dono! I won't let you down and thank you." With a slight bow, Natsume quickly left to the the large building next to the clan head's residence. She had been to the archive a few times to read the history of the shinobi world and the Uchiha clan, but she never got a chance to read any Jutsu scrolls. She entered and the pleasant scent of ink mixed with parchment filled her nostrils.

"Natsume-san, Tajima-sama told me you would be coming bye. Do you wish to go through the Jutsu scrolls right away?" An older Uchiha clansman greeted her at the door. Due to the high death rate in the world, it was very rare to meet an old person. In fact, it was almost dishonorable to live to such a long age. Most would use their life to exchange for an advantage when they passed their peak and began to see a decline in ability. However, the Uchiha at the door seemed to be well respected among the clansmen.

"Yes, please!" Natsume nodded. She wanted to practice the two Jutsu right away before leaving on the mission. She already knew what she lacked: mobility and escape. Although Hinako's family scroll contained dozens of Jutsu, they were of all the nature transformations and mostly low-rank. It could be considered a test scroll to determine one's chakra nature.

The scroll keeper walked her to a sealed room in the back and released a very complex fuinjutsu on the pair of stone doors. Natsume raised her brow and began to decipher the old Uchiha's specialty. If he was a fuinjutsu master, it would make sense as to why he was so respected.

"You have one hour." Natsume nodded and went straight to the mid-rank Jutsu section. It didn't take her long to find it with her Sharingan active. She took the scroll titled Body Flicker Jutsu. Although her lightning release was poor, the complexity of this Jutsu wasn't very high. Next, she scanned the earth release section and finally grabbed the more complex earth release, Subterranean Voyage.

My theory is that the S- A- B- C- D- and Genin, Chunin, Jonin, Kage ranking system wasn't impleneted until after the orginization of the shinobi village system, therefore mid-rank jutsu encompass b and c. While mid-rank warriors are your chunin. However, in the anime, the breakpoints of shinobi rank were more political in nature, but in the warring states period it is only about strength.

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