
281. Lie Fan Receive New Quest

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True to Cao Cao and his advisor's thought, all people across the land were shaken by his move, but unbeknownst to Cao Cao and his retainers, since Cao Cao had forced and used Imperial Power like it was he who had the power, Dong Chao and the Imperial Court officials who still loyal to the Han Dynasty, held a secret meeting the night after Emperor Xian was forced to stamp his seal on the letters.

Dong Chao gathered all the loyalists in his mansion in the middle of the night, and the ones who arrived were truly hardcore loyalists of the Han Dynasty and people who still cling to past glory.

Since Wang Yun's death at Chang'An, the loyalist supporter of the Han Dynasty have gradually lessened since Dong Chao's influence and prestige aren't as great as Wang Yun's.

Dong Chao: "Just this much who come to our meeting? Huh... Looks like our power is growing smaller day by day."

Minister A: "Brother Dong Chao it's not that our power grows weaker, but Cao Cao has poached some of those bastards to his side, I'm afraid he wants to become like Doing Zhuo but through a more subtle move."

Dong Chao: "What are you afraid of has come, yesterday Cao Cao forced Your Majesty and me to stamp all letters of the announcement that inside it was a promotion and title conferred to many people."

Minister B: "What?! That bastard Cao Cao does that?! How could he trample the Emperor of the Han Dynasty?! We can't let him go unscathed!"

Minister C: "But what do you think we should do? You knew that we don't have any military power whatsoever, Yang Feng was banished to Hangu Pass to guard against Zhang Ji."

Dong Chao: "I have a plan since we can't gain military power in a short amount of time, we should increase our influence and at least force Cao Cao to resurrect some of the Han Dynasty prestige!"

Minister A: "What should we do Brother Dong Chao? It's not that I don't believe in you and the prestige of the Han but since the Yellow Turbans to now, the prestige of the Han Dynasty has been on the curb."

Dong Chao: "There is one thing we can do, something that needs great fanfare and announcement, that all people across the lands even those Warlords must answer, a royal marriage!"

Hearing Doing Chao's words, everyone in the room was surprised at first then murmurs were heard across the room, agreeing with what Dong Chao said then one of the ministers asked who should they pick since he was sure that the nobles at Xuchang already bowed down to Cao Cao's power and outside of Xuchang will be difficult.

This statement caused the room to be silent immediately, Dong Chao who heard this smiled and began to unravel his true plan, which was his granddaughter was the one he planned to marry the Emperor, not as Empress but as a concubine.

Hearing this several faces of the minister turned ashen, as they saw through what Dong Cheng had planned, which was to strengthen his position as the leader of this group, and also expand his power at the same time.

Everyone was silent at first but soon gave their agreement since there was no one left with the influence and status that could match Emperor Xian except for Dong Cheng.

Dong Cheng was satisfied with the agreement that he received from the others, he knew that several of these old foxes had wanted to suggest their granddaughter or nieces or daughters.

While in Xuchang the undercurrents were heavy unbeknownst to Cao Cao and his advisors for now because they were focused on the impact that the letters they sent out caused.

Back to Xiapi, after Lie Fan decides to accept all the conferred titles and promotions he receives, he is glad that he decided to expand Xiapi because it could also show his status as the richest Warlord in the land.

Maybe it can be seen as arrogant but Lie Fan's force can be said to be the richest due to the Mi Clan's support alongside the Yu Merchant Clan and the business under Lie Fan all an economic machine that pumps Lie Fan more and more money each day.

After the meeting, Lie Fan had a discussion with Mi Zhu about the investment they had received from the nobles, merchants, and scholars who invested their money in the project, and when Lie Fan heard the total amount it was a surprise to him because it can be said to be 6 months of almost all of his industry income combined into one.

His Serenity Inn and Dragon's Fang Tavern have opened a branch across the land and continue expanding their reach, and with its exquisite cuisine from the future alongside the Fruity Wine and Beer it dominated the restaurant industry in this era.

Of course, many wanted to steal the recipe or copy what the Serenity Inn and Dragon's Fang Tavern had, but they all closed down in a matter of days or weeks due to the Oriole sabotaging and stopping them.

While discussing the matter of investment, a messenger suddenly arrived disturbing the two of them and informing them that Mi Zhu's father the head of the Mi Clan due to his sickness was in a critical condition, and according to Hua Tuo, he didn't have much longer to live.

Hearing this Lie Fan and Mi Zhu topped their meeting, and together they headed toward the Mi Clan residence, and when they arrived they immediately headed toward Mi Zhu's father's chamber.

In there, My Zhu's mother was sitting on the bedside holding Mi Zhu's father's hand while begging Hua Tuo who was standing beside the bed to cure her husband, while there was a slow young man and a young woman standing behind Hua Tuo crying and begging Hua Tuo to save their father.

Lie Fan recognizes the two of them as Mi Fang and Lady Mi, Mi Zhu's younger brother, and sister since he has met them before when he visited the Mi Clan residence to see Mi Zhu's father.

Mi Zhu joined his family while Lie Fan stood near the door with his bodyguards waiting outside, he saw Mi Zhu asking Hua Tuo about any medicine or cure that could cure his father, even from the formulae that Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjin received from Lie Fan before, he is willing to pay any price.

Hua Tuo shook his head and told Mi Zhu that he had done all he could, it could even be said to be fortunate that Mi Zhu's father could stay alive for so long, since from what he sees he should have died several years ago if not for the treatments he receives from Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjin.

Hearing this the cries of Mi Zhu's mother and sister become louder while Mi Zhu's younger brother also sheds his tears but holds his sound, coming out as whimpers.

Mi Zhu let out a painful sigh while tears also fell from his eyes, at this time Mi Zhu's father called for him and Mi Zhu immediately approached him holding his hand, Mi Zhu's father told him that he was proud of what he had become and the things he has achieved.

Since he will be gone soon, the position of head of the Mi Clan will be passed down to him and as for the elders of the Mi Clan, since Mi Zhu's achievement and reviewing support from Lie Fan, he has cleaned them from their seats of power, so Mi Zhu now hold absolute power over Mi Clan.

Mi Zhu nods his head telling his father that he will not disappoint him, which receives a smile from his father who then continues saying that he should take care of his family, and then continues by talking with his wife, Mi Fang, and Lady Mi when he suddenly closed his eyes.

Seeing this Mi Zhu and his family's tears that have fallen like rain turn into a waterfall, Lie Fan who saw this shakes his head since he knew that it was a miracle he created that Mi Zhu's father could stay alive until now that's to the medicine he introduced.

Lie Fan left the room with his bodyguards in tow leaving Mi Zhu and his family room to mourn, after walking he arrived at the garden of the Mi Clan and when he looked up to the sky suddenly he received a notification from the system.


[Host has just received a new mission 'Changing The Northern Landscape' as the next main quest with a time limit the decisive battle between Cao Cao Vs. Yuan Shao at Guandu happened and Cao Cao won]

•Changing The Northern Landscape

[In the original timeline, the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao changed the Northern Landscape and the power landscape of the land, where Cao Cao became the true hegemon of the North.

The host was tasked to change this course of history from happening within the time limit that had been set if the host failed to accomplish the task, The Host would pay 750,000 SP & lose 20 stats of each attribute.]

Lie Fan was surprised with the new mission he received, it was a main quest just like the Yellow Turban questions he received.

The time limit was very obscure because now that history has been changed thanks to him, he doesn't know when will the Battle of Guandu take place especially since Cao Cao was much weaker than in the original timeline.

The failure condition was hard but to be expected from a main quest especially since he has become this strong, and it's not as bad as his punishment for his first quest was death.

He was also confused with what the system meant by changing the northern landscape, since the system released this task it meant the even weaker version of Cao Cao in his timeline could still defeat Yuan Shao, which once again proves Cao Cao's abilities and also at the same point his luck.

Cao Cao becoming part of a main quest also proved that the system in which Sun Tzu evaluated Cao Cao to a high degree, taking him as a main threat to Lie Fan with him defeating Yuan Shao and taking control of the entire North under him.

When Lie Fan thinks about it, Sun Tzu's evaluation of Cao Cao is not wrong because if Cao Cao truly controlled the entire north of China except for Gongsun Du's land, he could support an army with size almost the same as him or even much bigger, so he needs to think of a plan that could change that, one that will not arouse Cao Cao's suspicion of his movement to the north.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 28 (195 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 2,462,000

Renown: 725

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,071,700


STR: 936 (+20)

VIT: 598 (+20)

AGI: 583 (+10)

INT: 587

CHR: 93

WIS: 509

WILL: 397

ATR Points: 0

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