
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · History
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520 Chs

189. Yuan Shu's Declaration, Call For Crusade!

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Far away from Luoyang, Runan Yuan Shu is holding the Imperial Seal talking with Huo Zui, about how he wanted to declare his intention to become Emperor in 2 months, and that the dynasty name he chose was Zhong, promising that Hou Zui would become his prime minister due to his contribution.

Hou Zui: "My Lord I think it's the perfect time if you want to announce your sovereignty! Kong Zhou and Lu Kang agree to support you, at least your rear will be safe as they can only support you in terms of supplies and not amount of soldiers."

Yuan Shu: "What you have said is true! It's all thanks to you Hou Zui for helping me plan this meticulously."

Hou Zui: "My Lord I'm just doing what a loyal retainer should do which is supporting their lord's cause. I also have a suggestion My Lord, promoting Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang for their contribution to making Kong Zhou and Lu Kang support My Lord."

Yuan Shu: "Hou Zui you are too kind, they have ostracized you from the circle of my advisors, but you still care for them, you are truly my best advisor."

Hou Zui: "It's what I should do My Lord, to do a great cause outside, we need to stabilize internally and not let a fire suddenly erupt which could hold us back."

Yuan Shu: "Alright then listen to my order, Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang will be promoted to become the Internal Minister and Writing Minister for their contribution to having Kong Zhou and Lu Kang support me, which will be in effect after my declaration."

Hou Zui cupped his hand and bowed to Yuab Shu, he praised Yuan Shu for his generosity while hiding a smile from Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu is so stupid and drunk with his ambition, that he doesn't realize that Hou Zui is actually not that smart and he is only following orders.

Hou Zui's movement is all under Jia Xu's order, the suggestion, and how he should act, all of that was under Jia Xu's order.

After Yuan Shu announced that, he ordered Hou Zui to become the head of the preparation group, preparing for his ascension to become a new Emperor and establish the Zhong Dynasty.

Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang are having their first after returning from their mission, they were relieved that they managed to accomplish it and returned to Yuan Shu's good grace.

They were talking with each other when they heard the news of what Yuan Shu just said. This shocked both of them, as they didn't know why Yuan Shu suddenly wanted to announce himself as Emperor in 2 months.

Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang hurriedly walked towards Yuan Shu's personal office, where he is located right now after meeting with Hou Zui. When they entered the room, they saw Yuan Shu holding the Imperial Seal.

They were shocked to see what Yuan Shu's holding, as they didn't expect that Yuan Shu could have the Imperial Seal. Yuan Shu seeing the two of them, showed the Imperial Seal to them saying that he was destined to become Emperor.

Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang both approached Yuan Shu and when they saw that there was no gold corner on the Imperial Seal like the story, they immediately knew that it was fake and told Yuan Shu that it was fake.

Yuan Shu who heard this became angry at them, he said that they were jealous of Hou Zui that's why they said so, because it was given by Hou Zui and now they are trying to undermine him even though it's because of him that they were promoted.

Hearing that it was given by Hou Zui, they immediately knew that Hou Zui truly had bad intentions, they persuaded Yuan Shu to at least hold his declaration that would be done in 2 months, to maybe some years.

At this time, Hou Zui entered the room, and when he heard what they said, he immediately came forward and told Yuan Shu that it was better to do it in 2 months, as that was the best moment when all the other warlords were busy with their own things.

Yang Hong: "Hou Zui you bastard! What are you saying?! Can't you see that right now is not the best moment?! The Warlords and nobles have forgotten the Han, but the common people still uphold the Han!"

Hou Zui: "The common people don't have any say in our political landscape, Master Yang Hong, please remember that we serve our Lord and not the common people!"

Yuan Shu: "What Hou Zui saying is right you bastard! Yang Hong, I have treated you kindly and showered you with lavish gifts, now you relay my care with this kind of attitude?!"

Yang Hong: "I'm sorry My Lord, that's not what I meant! What I meant is for My Lord to hold your announcement of ascension for some years, as at that time the common people will slowly forget the Han Dynasty!"

Yang Dajiang: "My Lord what Master Yang Hong saying is true! We shou-"

Yuan Shu: "Enough! I would do it whether you like it or not! We have the biggest army numbering 400,000 men in the central plains! I have Ji Ling the greatest general and Hou Zui the best advisor at my side! Who could content against such might?!"

Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang both turned their head to each other and could see the desperation in each other's eyes, as they knew that Yuan Shu had been truly blinded by his greed and ambition.

Hou Zui just smiled seeing this happening, as the downfall of Yuan Shu and the expansion of Lie Fan was right around the corner. Just like that, 2 months passed by and Cao Cao managed to settle Emperor Xian at Xuchang where he was slowly being controlled.

Lie Fan is at Xiapi, overseeing his province and the training of his army. He also spends time with his family at this time, trying to make Diao Chan and Cai Wenji pregnant to expand his family since having Chenchen and Yao Yao, he likes the feeling of becoming a father.

Both Cao Cao and Lie Fan held a large number of soldiers, Cao Cao held 200,000 men under him while Lie Fan had around 150,000 men. Cao Cao received many men from arresting Yellow Turbans in Yan and incorporating them into his army and also from the Imperial Army.

Lie Fan, on the other hand, had a smaller army but was more trained than Cao Cao's and definitely more expensive to upkeep as their equipment was best of the best, also equipping them with new inventions.

This peaceful time in the Central Plains was thought will continue, but only Lie Fana and his subjects knew that this would be disturbed. True to be told, at this time Yuan Shu declared himself Emperor of Zhing Dynasty.

The whole world was shocked by this news, as they didn't expect Yuan Shu to have such stupidity. Even Yuan Shao himself cursed Yuan Shi for this stupid move and began to distance himself and his clan from Yuan Shu.

Cao Cao who was sitting at Xuchang was most surprised by this news, as he thought that Yuan Shao would be the one to do that. But he didn't expect that it would be Yuan Shu, who was much weaker than Yuan Shao.

Xun Yu: "My Lord, this is a very great opportunity to take, we have made a pact with Lie Fan, and I think this would be the right time to use this and end Yuan Shu once and for all!"

Guo Jia: "I supported what Xun Yu said, Yuan Shu has many more men than the men under My Lord and Lie Fan, but they were only paper tigers while ours was a true tiger."

Cao Cao: "Haha! Look at all of you suggesting this idea, on the other hand, I still didn't expect that it would be Yuan Shu who did this stupid move!"

Xi Zhicai: "It's normal for My Lord to think like that, as My Lord only sees either Yuan Shao or Yuan Shu who hold the imperial ambition and will do so, while Lie Fan would never do that as he is much more like My Lord."

Cao Cao: "What Zhicai just said is true, hmm now what do you think ki should do? Us attacking Yuan Shu just like that doesn't give us much merit except for the land we will receive."

Xun Yu: "May I suggest My Lord, we use the Emperor to make an Imperial Decree, to call for a crusade against Yuan Shu and end the pretender, as if we allow Yuan Shu to do this, then sooner or later more Empeeoe will come."

Cheng Yu: "Master Xun Yu just said it perfectly, My Lord has sent many resources to relocate Emperor Xina to Xuchang, if there's more Emperor other than the Emperor in our hand, then what's the benefit for My Lord?"

Cao Cao: "Hmm alright then, heed my orders! Xun Yu, you will make the decree and then hand it to Your Majesty to be signed, Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun prepare our army for the Crusade!"

All of Cao Cai's subjects cupped their hands and bowed, Xun Yu then left the tent to make the draft for the decree, and then sent it to the 'Imperial Court' located at Xuchang.

Soon the decree of Emperor Xian was announced to the whole world, Cao Cao was appointed as the leader of the crusade against Yuan Shu, and he hoped that all of the Warlords support Cao Cao in suppressing Yuan Shu the pretender.

All of the Warlords knew that they should answer this call, as the consequences were very bad they could be excommunicated and become the next Yuan Shu, they only answered but didn't send their troops.

On the other hand, Lie Fan and Cao Cao began to intensify contact with each other, they both agreed that the one who would send their army except them was Liu Bei, and Liu Bei's territory finest adjacent. Yuan Shu's so their agreement is safe.

Lie Fan and Cao Cai began to prepare their army, Lie Fan call all of his army except for Taishi Ci, Bu Zhi and their army Zhuque to stay in the north, with their numbers now 30,000 men to guard against Liu Bei.

Yuan Shu's announcement as Emperor isn't welcomed by the common people, and Lu Kang who has already submitted to Lie Fan, uses this to break off his alliance with Yuan Shu and declare neutrality.

Yuan Shu who hears this becomes angry, and Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang become the target of his admonishing, he is already angry with the call for a crusade against him and this becomes the spark to his fuse. Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang slowly resent Yuan Shu, which was seen by Hou Zui who reported this to Jia Xu.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 25 (192 AD)

Level: 15

Next Level: 1.588.000

Renown:  605

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 371.700


STR: 906 (+20)

VIT: 578 (+20)

AGI: 563 (+10)

INT: 567

CHR: 93

WIS: 489

WILL: 377

ATR Points: 0

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