
Reborn in the last days, I have a trillion dollars

The eerie apocalypse arrived, with malevolent anomalies rampant. Within the confines of the rules, anomalies couldn't kill. As countless struggled to survive in the apocalypse, carefully seeking a way forward within the rules, Chen Mu started with trillions of underworld credits. Money could make anomalies turn the grindstone. In this bizarre apocalypse, underworld credits were solid, hard currency! While others fought fiercely over a few credits, Chen Mu had already activated the big spending mode: Haunted university? Buy! Death hospital? Buy! Malevolent mall? Buy! One by one, bizarre scenes were acquired by Chen Mu, tucked away for safekeeping.

Daoist9Oel9K · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 17 The Driver... No eyes


With an attitude of recklessness towards his boss, the eerie driver pushed the pedal harder, the speed noticeably increased compared to usual. In less than ten minutes, the eerie taxi had traversed the entire city and arrived at the outskirts on the western side.

The museum was located in the western outskirts of the city, with a large cemetery behind it. Peering through the car window, Chen Mu observed the surroundings. Despite the blazing sun directly overhead at eleven in the morning, a layer of murky white fog shrouded the museum in the distance, casting an eerie and sinister atmosphere.

"It seems the museum has been tainted by the eerie, turning into a scene of strangeness—the Foggy Museum," Chen Mu nodded in satisfaction. If they had arrived too early, before the transformation into an eerie scene, it would have been a wasted trip. In the eerie apocalypse, many eerie scenes did not manifest right from the start.

Like the Midnight Cafeteria, which used to be the student cafeteria in the school, everything was fine until a month before the eerie apocalypse. Students would routinely dine there after school. However, two days before Chen Mu and the others received the eerie task, the cafeteria was tainted by the eerie. Every midnight, it would transform into the Midnight Cafeteria.

Similarly, the Foggy Museum underwent a transformation a week after the eerie apocalypse began, becoming the Foggy Museum.

To reach the Foggy Museum, one had to traverse a stretch of forest road. Driving on this road, the overhead trees completely blocked out the sunlight, rendering the road dark and cold, shrouded in a gray misty haze. Even with high beams, ordinary vehicles couldn't penetrate the fog, making it impossible to see beyond half a meter.

In such circumstances, one either had to drive cautiously through the dark fog, careful not to veer off the road, or abandon the vehicle and proceed on foot, groping through the thick fog. Both options were torturous, psychologically and physically.

However, sitting in the eerie taxi, Chen Mu had no worries. Since the eerie taxi was inherently eerie, its headlights could easily penetrate the fog, providing a clear view ahead. Nevertheless, Chen Mu couldn't help but feel that for the eyeless eerie driver, visibility seemed inconsequential... It was as if the eerie driver didn't rely on sight to drive.

But it was convenient for Chen Mu, allowing him to see the surroundings clearly.

As they rounded a bend, Chen Mu noticed a distinct skid mark on the road, leading directly off the road and disappearing at the edge of a cliff. It seemed someone unfortunate had driven too fast in the fog and plunged off the cliff.

Speaking of driving too fast, Chen Mu's eerie driver was even faster! With an extremely diligent work attitude, the eerie driver maintained an astonishing speed, not slowing down even for a moment while taking sharp turns. In a matter of seconds, they raced through the forest road and arrived in front of the eerie museum. "Boss Chen, we've reached the destination," the eerie driver turned to Chen Mu and said.

"Boss Chen, are you really going to proceed?" the eerie driver cautioned, "You haven't received a blood-red note, so you don't need to participate in the eerie task of the Foggy Museum. But I must remind you, if you continue forward and enter the range of the Foggy Museum, you will be forced to participate in the eerie task. Only by completing the task alive can you leave."

Acknowledging the eerie driver's well-intentioned reminder, Chen Mu nodded. "I know, but I must make a trip to the Foggy Museum."

Seeing the determined look in his boss's eyes, the eerie driver suggested, "How about I accompany you, Boss?"

Chen Mu waved his hand, politely declining the eerie driver's offer. As an eerie scene occupied by the Duke's family, rushing in recklessly might provoke the Duke's wrath. Just like how two tigers couldn't share the same mountain, it wasn't advisable to trespass into the territory of other eerie forces.

Finally, the driver got out of the car, opened the door for Chen Mu, and respectfully watched him depart.

Alone, Chen Mu walked towards the Foggy Museum.

Walking through the dense fog, Chen Mu felt a bit apprehensive. To be honest, even if he were alone, Chen Mu would feel confident if he could obtain the Death Heavy Armor.

It seemed having strength was indeed important! This strengthened Chen Mu's determination to acquire the props.

After a few steps, Chen Mu entered the range of the Foggy Museum. The surroundings were desolate, with dense fog pervading the area, and the temperature dropped significantly, causing shivers.

The Foggy Museum stood directly ahead, its appearance resembling a medieval European castle. Several black crows circled above the castle, occasionally emitting eerie cries.

Outside the Foggy Museum's gate stood several people dressed in modern clothing. Chen Mu wasn't surprised; if he guessed correctly, these individuals had received blood-red notes and reluctantly came to participate in the eerie task. Among them were three men and one woman, all looking pale and visibly frightened.

One of the men, in his forties or fifties, balding with a large belly, was immediately recognizable to Chen Mu. He was a well-known local tycoon, frequently seen in the local newspapers.

Even wealthy individuals couldn't escape the looming shadow of death when the eerie apocalypse arrived. However, those with sufficient underworld currency were exceptions.

Besides the tycoon, there were two young men—one with yellow-dyed hair and the other with green. It was evident they were friends.

Lastly, there was a young woman. She was fashionable, wearing revealing clothes and heavy makeup, trembling in the tycoon's arms.

From their ages, she could easily be the tycoon's daughter. But Chen Mu knew she wasn't.

In all likelihood, she was the tycoon's kept woman.

Upon seeing Chen Mu's arrival, they all turned to him simultaneously.

The two young men greeted Chen Mu enthusiastically upon seeing someone of their age, seemingly eager to recruit him.

"Hey, buddy, did you also receive the eerie task called 'Foggy Museum'?" one of the young men asked.

Chen Mu didn't reply. Experience had taught him that there were no friends in eerie tasks. Even close brothers could become enemies during eerie tasks. Betrayal and deceit were common, and sometimes, companions were more terrifying than the eerie itself.

Only during the early days of the eerie apocalypse did people consider teaming up, thinking friends could help each other increase their survival chances. Little did they know, those people often perished the fastest!

Seeing Chen Mu's silence, the two young men lost interest, turning away to converse among themselves, ignoring Chen Mu.

However, the tycoon's kept woman stared at Chen Mu with a frightened expression.

"Darling, are you scared? Don't worry, I've seen it all. I'll handle this little matter for you," the tycoon said, his words oily as he comforted the trembling woman in his arms, though he himself was trembling.

Pointing at Chen Mu, the woman spoke in a trembling voice, "I saw him just now, getting off a taxi. But... I saw the driver of that taxi..."

At this point, fear flashed in her eyes.

"That driver... had no eyes!"