
Reborn in the Ice Age Apocalypse: Stockpiling Billions in Resources

As the world plunges into an icy apocalypse, 95% of humanity meets its end. In a past life, Zhang Yi's kindness led to his demise, betrayed by those he aided. Reborn into the frigid chaos, just a month before the cataclysm, Zhang Yi awakens to a newfound power over space, embarking on a frenzied quest to amass resources. Short on supplies? He clears out a multi-billion-dollar warehouse with ease. Uncomfortable shelter? He engineers a fortress-like safe haven, rivaling those of doomsday preppers. While others succumb to the bitter cold and desperate survival, Zhang Yi thrives, living more comfortably than ever before in this bleak, transformed world.

DaoistBciIyb · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Lin Aunt Strikes Back, Zhang Yi Fires Back Directly

Zhang Yi sat on the sofa, yawning in boredom.

At home, there was the perfect insulation system and an endless supply of fuel, enough to keep his safe house at a comfortable constant temperature all year round.

He didn't need to do anything next, just make sure he had a happy day every day.

There wasn't anything good to watch on TV at the moment.

Various live streams had also shut down due to the extreme cold.

If there were any, Zhang Yi could only give a thumbs up and say, "What a tough person!"

He opened his private space where there were plenty of game consoles and AAA titles in the electronic device area.

There were hundreds of brand new, unopened PS5s, switches, or XBOX consoles.

As for game cartridges, there were tens of thousands.

Zhang Yi took out the latest PS5, installed it on the huge 100-inch Sony TV at home, and started playing games.

He was playing the latest AAA action game of the year, "Hunting Angels 3".

There were also games like "Elden Ring", "The Witcher 3", and "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" nearby.

If he wanted to pass the time, they were all excellent choices.

If he thought the game time was too short, there were even games like "Civilization" and "Cities: Skylines", which could keep him entertained for a long time.

Since he was at home, Zhang Yi was only wearing pajamas, eating snacks, and playing games, enjoying himself.

After a while, his phone rang.

Zhang Yi picked it up and found that it was the annoying neighborhood committee leader, Aunt Lin, tagging him in the group.

"Zhang Yi, now all the roads outside are blocked by heavy snow. Get ready to come out and help shovel snow later!"

Her tone was commanding.

Zhang Yi also saw that she was calling everyone in the group to go out and shovel snow together, but few responded.

He didn't expect her to come directly to him.

Zhang Yi looked at the heavy snow outside the house, almost covering the entire floor of the building.

With three meters of heavy snow, it was almost impossible to clear it manually.

And Zhang Yi also knew that this snow would last for at least another three months.

It was faster to wait until the snow stopped to shovel.

Zhang Yi immediately refused: "It's so cold outside that I'll turn into a popsicle in a moment. Even if I want to shovel snow, I'll wait until the snow stops."

Some people below also echoed Zhang Yi.

"Yeah, it's more than seventy degrees below zero outside. You'll get frostbite in a moment."

"We're not in the northeast. We don't even have decent cold-proof equipment. How can we go out?"

Aunt Lin was immediately anxious.

"What's with your attitude? Shoveling snow isn't for me but for everyone, isn't it?"

"You're all young and strong guys. You can't just avoid serving the people when there's a disaster, can you?"

Her finger pointed at Zhang Yi, who led the opposition against her.

"Zhang Yi, I order you in the name of the neighborhood committee to go out and shovel snow!"

"Now is a time of crisis, and we must unite and obey the organization's command!"

"If anyone dares to oppose me, they are opposing the leadership of the neighborhood committee! After the snow disaster is over, they will be held accountable by the organization!"

Aunt Lin once again invoked her identity as a member of the neighborhood committee.

The owners were silent, afraid to speak out.

Now that the snow disaster had just arrived, various social orders still existed, and no one dared to disobey.

Everyone was silent, unwilling to be the first to speak out.

But many people hoped that Zhang Yi would stand up and firmly confront Aunt Lin, serving as the spokesperson for everyone.

Of course, Zhang Yi knew what these ostriches were thinking. He smirked, feeling contempt for them.

But it was impossible for him to remain silent.

So he decided to directly confront Aunt Lin.

He looked through the chat history and found that Aunt Lin had tagged several people in the group, mostly the young people in the neighborhood who were usually more accommodating.

Troublesome characters or those with power and influence were all ignored by her.

So Zhang Yi directly taunted, "Aunt Lin is right. Since it's for everyone, shouldn't the people from your neighborhood committee take the lead in shoveling snow?"

"And about being young and strong, there are so many people in our neighborhood. Why did you only call a few of us?"

"Do you think we're easy to bully? Why don't you tag those socialites and rich second generations? How come you're silent when dealing with them?"

Other owners nodded in agreement with Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi is indeed our mouthpiece on the internet!"

"Exactly, she's only finding easy targets. Why doesn't she go after Chen Zhenghao and Xu Hao?"

Everyone knew who Zhang Yi was referring to. They all lived in the same neighborhood, and the powerful figures were well known.

For example, Chen Zhenghao, who lived in 601 on the sixth floor, was a well-known social boss, running earthwork projects with hundreds of people under him.

And Xu Hao, who lived in 802 on the eighth floor, was the son of a famous real estate developer in Tianhai City, with family members working in official positions.

Aunt Lin's nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong was directly exposed by Zhang Yi, making her lose face instantly.

She didn't mention those difficult figures because she didn't have the guts, and they wouldn't even bother with her.

People like them always bullied the weak and feared the strong.

If Zhang Yi had this character before, Aunt Lin wouldn't have dared to let him shovel snow.

Feeling that she had lost face, she angrily sent several long voice messages in the group.

"Shoveling snow is a public service, for everyone's sake. Some people are just petty and have no spirit of dedication!"

"Such people are the black sheep of our owners' group!"

"If you don't want to do it, just don't do it. There are plenty of people willing to do it! Everyone's awareness is much higher than yours!"

"Also, I'm not treating certain people specially. It's just unnecessary to tag them one by one. I hope you understand and don't mislead yourselves!"

"If these slanders continue, I'll report it to the police!"

Aunt Lin's explanation seemed to make matters worse.

Especially the last part, claiming to call the police, made Zhang Yi burst into laughter.

Some of the owners who were timid were already a little afraid and went to shovel snow with their tools.

But Zhang Yi was not afraid of her at all at this time.

Not to mention her unreasonable behavior, the police would not support her at all.

And besides, did she really think all the social machinery was operating normally?