
Reborn in the 60s: The Mastermind Behind the Modern World

Imagine having a second chance to live your life differently. That’s the opportunity that Alan Waker got when he suddenly found himself in 1960 as a young boy with the same name and memories as his 2024 self. With his knowledge of the future, he embarked on a mission to change the course of history and make his mark on the world. Along the way, he faced challenges, dangers, and surprises that tested his resolve and his morality. How far would he go to shape the world according to his vision? Follow his incredible journey as he uses his future knowledge to transform the world of technology, entertainment, and politics.

Anirban_Ghosh · Urban
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8 Chs

Coming Out

"Ding, dong"

With the sound of the bell ringing, the door was opened by the housekeeper and a middle couple with three children walked in.

After seeing the couple Mom told them, "Charlie, Kate you're here". Then looked at the three children behind them and said " Percy, Penelope, Ronald your cousins are all in the living room watching Television, you can go join them there are snacks and hot cocoa". The three children said thank you and they ran in.

Today is Alan's sixth birthday and he only requested that today only family members could attend and he had something to share with them. He was very stubborn about the decision and told them he needed to hold a family meeting to share something and it was really important, so they could only helplessly agree.

The aunts today were helping out in the kitchen and gossiping. Uncles, grandpas and grandmas were on the lawn sitting and chatting.

The living room was lively today with children all with snacks in their mouths and watching cartoons on TV.

At half past six, the bakery delivered the cake, and by seven everyone gathered together and sang and wished happy birthday and cut the cake. After that, everyone chatted and had dinner talking about various gossip, business and life, by eight o'clock dinner was finished and everyone moved their conversation to the living room.

At this time Alan asked the housekeeper to move the table and snacks from the center to the side. Arranged a board, and brought down a bunch of documents and board for his presentation, while everyone also knew some news that Alan wanted to share something with them and now, they were also a little curious.

They also helped him move things and set up the venue.

After seeing that the venue was set up as he wanted and everyone had gathered around and was paying attention, like a little adult he began his presentation.

"Grandpas, grandmas, uncles, aunts, dad, mom, and cousins. What I am going to present to you is a chance to become famous, maybe world famous. Just like Disney's in the United States, what I plan to build or what I want to build is a media empire."

"Wait Alan what are you talking about?" asked Charlie, Dad's elder brother, with some doubts. Then he looked at my dad with a questioning eye. To which Dad also expressed his confusion and said I don't know. Grandfather was more straightforward and asked directly "Alan what are you doing? Grandpa promises you if it's not too outrageous, those business talks are for offices". Then he looked at my dad and scolded, "What are you teaching children?". Dad also protested to Grandpa, "Dad, this is not my idea".

Then everyone looked at Alan again.

Alan was also a little embarrassed, he knew his greatest disadvantage was his age but he still had to try, or more than a year's work may be in vain.

So, he looked at everyone then in a somewhat childish voice he said "That… in the magazine they said this is how you should pitch your ideas", then scratched the back of his hair, which looked somewhat cute to the adults.

After hearing this everyone understood. All the adults had the thought that he was trying to act like an adult.

"Ok, Alan then what is your idea, let's hear it and discuss it," said the other grandpa, he was a little curious about all the documents on the table.

So Alan was also very straightforward and said "I want to set up a cultural media company and I need the family's help to establish and run it for me".

Everyone paused for a while not knowing what to say. One of the aunts asked from the side curiously "What do you mean by cultural media company?"

Alan took out a few copies of a document from the pile of documents and distributed them to the adults. Then he began to explain the contents of the document. The document lists how Disney and Marvel operate, their revenue channel, and their operational model.

This everyone understood.

Alan then distributed a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" each of them. And also explained "This is a book I have been preparing for a year, these are the first two volumes, there are a total of seven volumes to this story, and there are related stories about various other characters mentioned in the books, if you want to see them the draft is in my room, I think we can have a better conversation after you finish seeing these books and this is my business plan you can also look at it if you have time" after saying that he distributed another set of documents, then he looked at his grandpa and asked "Ok grandpa?".

Grandpa replied absentmindedly "Okay".

Everyone was still processing the information they just received.

Alan tidied up the documents and other things he brought down and took them up again with the help of the housekeeper. Then he said good night to everyone and returned to his room.

Everyone also understood that Alan had some good ideas, but they also needed to process information for them to understand the situation. So, some looked at the books and documents in their hands and started going through them. Others went to their rooms and read books. A book to read would take about 4 to 5 hours. Everyone reads the book till late at night. And even in the early morning, they were seen reading the book at the breakfast table. Even the children were no exception.

At around 10 o'clock the next day, everyone once again gathered together in the living room. Everyone was fascinated by the story. Alan then introduced everyone to the concept of a "Wizarding World" and showed the props he had prepared yesterday, sketches and illustrations he had made. Plans he made. Various patent applications, copyright applications, and trademark applications. Hotel Designs. Everyone understood it was a big project, a very big and grand project, which if operated well might be able to make them rich and famous. Discussions continued till dinner. Everyone was excited and tired and needed to process the information from today's discussion. So, they went back to their rooms.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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