
Esther and Qetsiyah

The other side, before the Resurrection of Qetsiyah

Qetsiyah: "sigh, he really meant it when he said that, what a bastard"

Qetsiyah was angry at Viktor for truly going by his words keeping her here for a 100 years.

Qetsiyah: " well I've been here for a thousand years, what's another hundred years, I just have to endure it for now and make him pay later"

???: "thinking about someone there?"

Qetsiyah was a little surprised by the sudden voice of someone. Qetsiyah had lived in the other side in isolation, she didn't even pay her descendants a visit when they arrived as she didn't see the need to but someone had taken notice of her presence here. She turned to take a look at the woman which made raised her eyebrows when she saw who the woman was.

She saw a tall, slim and beautiful woman in her mid to late 40's, somewhere between 45-49. She has long natural blond hair and brown eyes. She had fine facial features, which testified to her Scandinavian origins. She wore a Long, flowing dress that compliments her pale skin. She is Esther Mikealson, the mother of the original immortals.

Qetsiyah: "what are you doing here, Esther Mikealson"

Esther: "you seem to know me, miss ...?"

Qetsiyah: "Qetsiyah, and of course I know you, you were the one who used my spell to grant your children immortality"

Surprise flashed in Esther's eyes when she heard the word of Qetsiyah.

Esther: "you are the ancestor of Ayana?"

Qetsiyah nodded and turned around to walk away from here when Esther followed her.

Qetsiyah: "why are you following me, you know I left there because of you right?"

Esther: "I know but I need your help, can you please tell me a way to cure my children"

Qetsiyah looked at her and wondered what was wrong with her.

Qetsiyah: "as you know, your son has destroyed the cure for immortality if you are paying attention to your children"

Esther saw when Viktor put the tomb of Silas in his shadow so she assumed that was him destroying the cure, what she didn't know was that he simply put away Silas's tomb for safekeeping.

Esther: "I know, that's why I am asking you, since you were the one who created it then you should be able to create it once again, right?"

Qetsiyah: "sigh, woman, if you haven't noticed, then let me tell you, we are dead and we can't affect the living and also from what I have seen, your children haven't done anything that should warrant you to look for a way to rid their existence, so why?"

Esther was silent for a moment, then continued.

Esther: "they haven't done anything, but what of the people they killed unaware to satiate their hunger, the people they turned to monster like them, they go against the very law of nature and I am the cause of that. To protect my family I created monsters"

Qetsiyah: "sigh, nature has a way to even the fields, so I suggest you let nature take its course and live your life in Peace and stop thinking about your children being monsters instead view them as the children you gave birth to, the children you watch grow up and put a smile on your face, then you might come to love them as you did before"

Esther listened to what Qetsiyah said and decided to reflect on it, so she left her alone.

That's was how Esther and Qetsiyah become friends with Esther always bothering Qetsiyah's daily life making the latter curse Viktor for making her wait for 100 years despite that she has come to enjoy the company of Esther.

On the day Viktor performed the Resurrection spell

Esther and Qetsiyah could be seen laying on a bare ground watching the stars in the sky.

Esther: "you know, I used to watch the stars with my children on a night like this and tell them bedtime stories. We made happy memories on nights like this, sigh, how I wish to go back and stop myself from ever trying to hurt my children and also giving up on my daughter, Freya"

After the talk with Qetsiyah, Esther learnt the error of her ways and came to love her children for who they were.

Qetsiyah: "you know you could communicate with them and tell them how much you regret your actions"

Esther: "no I can't talk to them like that, I have to ask for their forgiveness face to face, that's the best way"

Qetsiyah: "but you can't talk to them, you are already dead"

Esther: "I know and let it be that way, let them hate me, after what I did, I don't deserve their forgiveness"

Qetsiyah seeing the only friend she made in the other side sighed and asked her a question.

Qetsiyah: "what do you want to say to your children if you ever have the chance to speak to them once again"

Esther told Qetsiyah what she would say if she has another chance with her family once again when the veil preventing the other side from interfering with the land of the living weakened, Qetsiyah knew her time has come leave the other side.

Qetsiyah: "I will make sure to pass your word to your family, my friend and I hope to see you once again, until then goodbye"

Qetsiyah said as she started to fade leaving Esther confused and lost for words to say to her friend.

Back to the present

The Mikealson's all gathered together and listented to what Qetsiyah had to say.

Mikeal: "what did she say?"

Qetsiyah: "she said and I quote" Mikeal, I'm sorry for not telling you about Freya, I was afraid of what you might do once you find out what happened to her and I'm sorry for lying to you about Viktor and Niklaus birth, I know it would be hard for you to let go of your anger but please don't take it out on them. Freya, forgive me for not fighting back my sister when she came for you, I was terrified when she threatened to also take little Finn and the unborn Elijah, I had no choice but to give you up, I'm sorry for being powerless as your mother and failing to be your mother. To the rest of my children, I'm sorry making you the way you are and also trying to get rid of you especially both of you, Viktor and Niklaus for hiding the true about your true heritage and giving you enchanted necklace to make you two weak and have no will to fight when your father hurt you for lacking in some areas, Niklaus. You all must know one thing, I will always love you, always and forever"

Freya held unto a crying Rebekah while holding herself from also crying. Mikeal walked to a conner of the room and sat there.

The boys were silent not knowing what to do when Rebekah spoke.

Rebekah: "Viktor, you resurrected her right, which means you can also do the same to mother, right?, tell me you can, brother"

Viktor: "I can, but..."

Rebekah: "no buts, please just say you can do it and you will do it, please just say that"

Freya: "we can resurrect her and we do it, but we will need some ingredients and her body remains to resurrect her"

Rebekah: "then we will just go back to the new world"

Kol: "yes, but we have been travelling for years now, so it's going to take some time, sister"

Kol consoled his little sister while petting her head, she is the baby of the family despite Henrik's presence.

Viktor: "I promise you sister, I will bring mother back"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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300 power stones - 2 extra chapters on Saturday[check]

600 power stones - 3 extra chapters on Saturday

1000 power Stones - 4 extra chapters on Saturday and bonus chapter on Sunday.

I think I will be pairing Finn and Camille, what do you think.

Check out my novels

The Omnipotent System

My Infinite System - currently in participating in ongoing WPC cont

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