
Reborn In naruto with sign in System

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs


"Uchiha Sasuke!" Iruka said loudly.

"Bang~" Sasuke walked to the podium with a cold expression, and then displayed the Transformation Technique.

"Pass!" Iruka nodded, and then said, "Uzumaki Naruto!"

Naruto walked to the podium and muttered in a low voice: "Let's let Mr. Iruka see, my newly invented ninjutsu!"

"Sex Friends Technique! Bang~"

"Puff puff~~~" Iruka's eyes burst, and his nose bleeds!

He suddenly shouted: "Uzumaki Naruto! Unqualified!!!"

Soon all the students in the class finished the assessment, and Ryuun passed the assessment easily.

However, this point surprised Iruka slightly.

After all, the previous Ryuun's sense of existence was too low.

Moreover, there has never been any ninja talent shown.

But right now, Iruka couldn't help but glance at Ryuun seriously.

The next assessment is Clone Technique.

I can't help but say that Ryuun passed perfectly naturally, and naturally also got Konoha forehead protector perfectly.

"Oh! It's so easy!" Ryuun said helplessly.

The next step is to see how his ninja is divided into classes.

Ryuun has actually planned his own back.

Konoha Village, I can't stay here forever.

It's better now, but as long as Konoha after Sarutobi Hiruzen dies, it will be a mess, and it's time for Danzo to be born.

I still need to keep a low profile now, because there are still many places in Konoha that I haven't signed in yet!

So now, Ryuun is looking for the next sign-in point.

"Where exactly is the sign-in point..."

Ryuun walked boringly on the streets of Konoha.

Suddenly, a breath swept over him, and immediately went away.

Ryuun paused slightly. The aura was not very strong just now, but instead, it was very weak...

But it was very familiar. After a second, Ryuun already knew who the breath was.


In other words, is it time for the Book of Seal to be stolen tonight? !

The corners of Ryuun's mouth rose slightly, it seems that he is lucky!

He knows that there are many good things in the Book of Seals!

Can't waste it! Besides, I now own Three Tomoe Sharingan, so there is no problem in copying a few!

"Body Flicker Technique!"

Ryuun quickly started ninjutsu, and his figure disappeared without a trace in an instant!

When he appeared again, he was already on the roof of Uzumaki Naruto.

Not long after, Uzumaki Naruto opened the window and left his house.

Ryuun smacked his tongue slightly.

"It seems to have taken action!"(Read more @ mtlnation.com)

With the current strength of Ryuun, tracking Naruto is a breeze.

Not only that, he can also clearly feel Mizuki's Chakra.

"It deserves to be Uchiha Madara's Chakra perception at the level of a big boss! It's really strong!"

"That's natural! Don't look at who I am!" Uchiha Madara's voice suddenly appeared.

"Fuck, boss, it's so late, don't you sleep?" The corner of Ryuun's mouth twitched slightly.

"I have nothing to do, I want to see what you can do." Uchiha Madara said indifferently.

"All right..." Ryuun was helpless.

The Body Flicker Technique was activated, and soon he came to the forest behind Konoha.

Because he knew that Naruto would flee here after stealing the scroll, so at this moment Ryuun plans to come and wait.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, he saw Uzumaki Naruto's staggered figure and the huge bundle of scrolls in his hand.

Ryuun chuckled, then quickly put on a fox mask.

He bought the mask at random at a stall, and it was also easy to buy on the move.

Then he jumped directly from the tree.

"Who! Who is there!" Uzumaki Naruto was shocked and sat down on the ground.


Ryuun didn't talk nonsense with Uzumaki Naruto, but directly performed Sharingan illusion!

The two scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan reflect the magical red light under the reflection of the moonlight!

One encounter, Uzumaki Naruto directly entered the illusion.

"Hey, this little guy, it's not easy... I feel the breath of Nine Tails..." Uchiha Madara was surprised.

"He is this Nine Tails Jinchūriki." Ryuun said.

"Nine Tails Jinchūriki..." Uchiha Madara said here, and stopped talking.

Ryuun is not idle at this moment, he quickly opened the book of seals at this moment.


The multiple Shadow Clone Technique Ryuun is directly omitted.

After all, the latter types of ninjutsu are what he wants!

"Ding! Forbidden technique·Flying Thunder God Technique replicated successfully!"

"Ding! Impure World Reincarnation Technique replicated successfully!"

"Ding! Forbidden Art·Ghoul Seal Completed and copied successfully!"

The three ninjutsu that Ryuun fancyed, and quickly copied them all directly.

Then he left here.

As for the latter things, Ryuun doesn't plan to mix it up.

"Ryuun, what are you going to do?" After seeing Ryuun's actions, Uchiha Madara became active in his heart.

"I'm also curious, why are you copying my forbidden technique?" Suddenly, Senju Tobirama's voice appeared in Ryuun's ear.

Moreover, Senju Tobirama's accentuated pronunciation on top of the two words "my".

"Ryuun, let's talk privately." Uchiha Madara said.

"Ah? Madara, I just came, why did you talk privately...you can't do this!" Senju Hashirama's voice sounded.

Ryuun was helpless...

[Private chat with Uchiha Madara]

Uchiha Madara: "Ryuun, what are you going to do? Why copy so many forbidden techniques?"

Uzumaki Ryuun: "To be honest, I want to do something big!"

Uchiha Madara: "What's the big deal?"

Uzumaki Ryuun: "I want to open up the sixth largest Ninja village! Independent other Ninja villages and other Ninja villages except for the daimyo!"

Uzumaki Ryuun: "So now, I want to accumulate my own heritage!"

Uchiha Madara: "If you do this, the other Five Ninja Villages and the Five Great Nations will not agree."

Uzumaki Ryuun: "Hahaha! I don't care if he agrees! If you don't agree, I will call them to agree!"

Uchiha Madara: "Hahaha! Good! I am optimistic about you! Say! What do I need? I have what I have here, and I will give you all!"

Uzumaki Ryuun: "Ahem... After my Sharingan arrives at Mangekyō, you can give it to me."

Uchiha Madara: "Mangekyō... Mangekyō's evolutionary needs... also... You can't judge by common sense... I went to Hashirama to practice my hands. This guy is stalking me... Am I... "

When Ryuun saw this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Ding! You have a new private message."

Ryuun just finished chatting with Uchiha Madara, and now another one came out.

"Senju Tobirama?" Ryuun opened the message curiously.

[Private chat with Senju Tobirama]

Senju Tobirama: "Ryuun, is Uchiha Madara plotting another evil plan?!"

When Ryuun saw this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Since I want to get the news, how can I not let you bleed!

Think about the ninjutsu on Senju Tobirama, Ryuun gets excited!