
Reborn In naruto with sign in System

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs


A day later, Terumi Mei finally figured out the current situation of Uzumaki Country.

This is a truly peaceful country.

It's far beyond all other countries! Therefore, Terumi Mei also thinks clearly.

She wants to go back and talk to the elders in Haze Village.

Combine the country of water and the country of Uzumaki! And, Terumi Mei knows deeply in her heart.

Ryuun's strength is far from what they can match.

Therefore, now the country of water is the most correct choice to join the country of Uzumaki! In this way, Terumi Mei left the country of Uzumaki.

At this time, Ryuun was in the secret base of the Underground Akatsuki organization.

"Now we have captured five tail beasts."

Ryuun looked at the Akatsuki members in front of him, and then slowly said, "One Tail, Three Tails, Four Tails, Five Tails, Six Tails!"

"All the five tail beasts have been captured, and there are only two and two tails left, Seven Tails, Eight Tails and Nine Tails!"

"Two 2 tails and Eight Tails are all in the country of thunder, this one is not very anxious."

"Nine Tails, don't worry."

"So, just catch Seven Tails successfully now!"

"This time, who of you will go"

Ryuun looked at the people in front of him and asked.

"Um..., Ryuun, I have an appointment with Kakashi to have barbecue tonight..."

Uchiha Obito scratched his head in embarrassment.

Ryuun heard the words, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.(Read more @ mtlnation.com)

Since Uchiha Obito joined his own Uzumaki country.

The previous...the villain's character is completely gone! Directly becomes Kakashi Second Generation! Tenten and Kakashi fool around.

"Okay, take my blessings, get out!"

Ryuun waved his hand.


Uchiha Obito smiled, and immediately cast Kamui, disappearing.

"Boss, that...I made an appointment with Yahiko tonight, and I will go to his house for dinner..."

Nagato coughed lightly at this moment and said.

Ryuun stared at Nagato blankly, and kept turning Nagato's face red before letting him go.

"Okay! With Laozi's blessing! Get out!"

Ryuun was helpless.

"Thank you, Chief!"

Nagato heard the words, smiled, and quickly fled here.

"Who else"

Ryuun curled his lips and asked.

"I want to count today's vortex country financial statements, and I have a good plan! Just follow my plan! Three months! I can raise the overall level of our vortex country by ten 10 points. ! At that time, the index of our country of vortex will increase wildly!"

Jiao: Everyone said this, and there was an excitement in his eyes.

"Fuck, so professional!"

The muscles on Ryuun's face shook again.

"Stop talking, business is busy, goodbye!"

Jiao: After everything is said, immediately.

Left here.

"Chief, there are still a lot of things in the village waiting for me to deal with, so I will leave first."

Konan also turned around at this moment and smiled at Ryuun.

"Okay, you go, pay attention to rest!"

Ryuun smiled slightly.

"um hum"

Konan smiled, then turned into a sky full of paper butterflies and flew away.

At this moment.

Inside the Akatsuki organization.

There are only five people left.

"Deidara, Sasori, Hidan, Hoshigaki Kisame!"
