
Reborn In naruto with sign in System

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs


In this way, Ryuun took a group of Akatsuki members and set off vigorously! At this moment, Orochimaru should be in Otonin Village.

Therefore, Ryuun's goal is...Otonin Village.

Orochimaru is a science madman in the Ninja world! If you can use it for yourself, then your country can naturally rise to a higher level! Science is...power! This is the truth that Orochimaru believes in! At the same time, when Ryuun is dispatched .

The entire ninja world also began to change.

In Konoha Village.

Some big families have begun to shake a little.

The first is the Nara family.

The Nara clan is a smart race.

Therefore, they keenly discovered that Konoha had a problem inside.

Moreover, the Nara clan also sent someone to the Uzumaki Country in private to investigate.

Naturally, I also met people from the Hyuga clan.

All the information obtained proves one point.

They stayed here sincerely in Uzumaki Kingdom.

There is no oppression.

It's all... they volunteered.

Not only the Nara clan.

There are also the Yamanaka clan, the Inuzuka clan, the Aburame clan and the Akamichi clan! These... all of them are giant creatures inside Konoha.

It's not just the fluctuations that occur within Konoha Village.

Even among civilians, similar voices appeared.

It's just that it has been suppressed by Danzo's roots.

Moreover, it wasn't just Konoha who stared at Uzumaki Country.(Read more @ mtlnation.com)

The other four 44 Ninja villages are also staring at Uzumaki no Kuni.

It's just that they haven't figured out what the purpose of Uzumaki Kingdom is until now! Because Ryuun hasn't launched the tail beast capture plan yet, so all of these... Shinobu Village is just watching the changes.

At this moment.

Night fell.

Ryuun took Akatsuki's people to rest in place.

And he also used Wood Style to create a two-story wooden house.

Enough for these people to rest.

At this moment, Ryuun entered directly into his system space.

"Two 2 cakes!"


"Thirty thousand!"


As soon as Ryuun came in, he heard a shout not far away.

What's the situation! Ryuun walked over with a look of curiosity.

When he came to Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

I found out... f*ck, these four people actually played mahjong here!! Mahjong! Needless to say.

They must have bought it from Space Mall.

"fifty thousand!"

Uchiha Madara picked up a mahjong, then played it out.


Senju Hashirama chuckled.

Then, he took fifty thousand in front of him.

Then, Senju Hashirama hit 90,000.


At this moment, Senju Tobirama yelled.

I just ran away Senju Hashirama's 90,000.

"Brother! You can't do this!"

Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched violently.

Senju Tobirama glanced at his elder brother, and then started counting gold coins.

"A total of ten 10 gold coins! Big brother! Make money!"

Senju Tobirama said mercilessly.


Senju Hashirama was crying, and finally put his gold coins