
Reborn In naruto with sign in System

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs


"Kisame, we have something to say if it will work..." Ryuun said helplessly.

"Water Style! Five-eating shark!!" Hoshigaki Kisame was already out of anger at this moment.

I didn't even bother to talk to Ryuun, and started to perform ninjutsu with both hands directly.

As he slapped his hands hard! Suddenly five huge sharks appeared in front of him!

"Shark!" Ryuun touched his nose and smiled, "Are you really going to shark me?"

As soon as his words fell, the five huge sharks in front of him also rushed to Ryuun's face very swiftly!

However, a strange scene happened.

These five huge sharks penetrated Ryuun's body so strangely.

Yes it is! It penetrated Ryuun's body so directly! !

"What?!" Hoshigaki Kisame looked at Ryuun in front of him incredulously.

He is sure that his attack hit Ryuun, but why is he fine? !

At this moment, Ryuun couldn't help but sigh the abnormality of Kamui Mangekyō!

It's too BUG!

Moreover, Kamui Mangekyō owned by Ryuun is even better than Uchiha Obito's!

At the very least, he is a pair!

Furthermore, Kamui of Uchiha Obito can only hollow his body for five minutes at most.

But Ryuun's is different.

As long as the Chakra in his body is not exhausted, he can basically Hollow his body infinitely!

In other words, even if Ryuun is standing here, let Hoshigaki Kisame fight.

You can use Kamui's Hollow to consume Hoshigaki Kisame!

"It's the most buggy ninjutsu among Naruto! It really deserves its reputation!!"

Ryuun couldn't help but slap his tongue.

"What's going on?!" Hoshigaki Kisame was dumbfounded.

Then he did not believe in evil and performed ninjutsu again.

"Water Style! Thousand Food Shark!!!"

This time, Hoshigaki Kisame directly displayed a large area of ​​ninjutsu!

A thousand sharks madly bite towards Ryuun!

What a spectacular scene!

But it's no use...

"Kamui!" Ryuun just stood there quietly.

There are still these sharks penetrating their bodies.

At this moment, Ryuun felt like he was watching a three-dimensional movie.

Although these sharks are very real.

Well, it is indeed real.

But it just can't hit oneself, can only penetrate from one's own body!

This feeling is strange!

"Sharingan?!!!" At this time, Hoshigaki Kisame also saw Ryuun's Sharingan.

I was shocked again.

"How nice is it to stand there honestly?"

Ryuun touched his chin, and then his hands became imprinted.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"


In an instant, a Shadow Clone appeared next to Ryuun.(Read more @ mtlnation.com)

At this moment, Hoshigaki Kisame had some unpredictable meaning to Ryuun, so he had to look at Ryuun with full guard.

"Secret technique! Shadow imitation technique!"

Shadow Clone Ryuun quickly formed the seal, and immediately the shadow on the ground began to grow continuously!

Then quickly rushed in the direction of Hoshigaki Kisame!

"What is this..." Hoshigaki Kisame frowned when he saw the shadow on the ground.

Although he doesn't know what it is, it's better not to be touched!

At this point, Hoshigaki Kisame quickly dodges the shadow on the ground.

"It's interesting." Ryuun chuckled.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Techniques!"

Immediately, he quickly closed the seal, and then directly separated a hundred Shadow Clone!

"You can avoid one or two, but a hundred?"

The corner of Ryuun's mouth raised slightly.

Then start attacking!

"Secret technique! Shadow imitation technique!!"

"Secret technique! Shadow imitation technique!!"


A hundred Shadow Clone cast shadow imitation at the same time!

No matter how fast Hoshigaki Kisame is, it can't hold up Ryuun's crowd!

at last!

One of them, Shadow Clone, used shadow imitation to control Hoshigaki Kisame!

At this moment, Ryuun also unlocked other Shadow Clones.

"As expected of Hoshigaki Kisame, it is estimated that I will be able to break free from the shackles of shadow imitation soon!"

Ryuun glanced at Hoshigaki Kisame.

My own one is Shadow Clone after all, and I cannot compare with my own ontology.

However, at least one can hold on to one and a half minutes.

This minute and a half is enough!

At this moment, Ryuun quickly came to the grass on one side.

Then he picked up Akatsuki's fashionable black cloak.

Immediately, he leisurely walked in the direction of Hoshigaki Kisame.

"Who are you?! Why is there Sharingan?! Are you also from the Uchiha clan?"

Hoshigaki Kisame is forcibly breaking free from the shackles of shadow imitation.

Immediately, he saw Ryuun not far away, walking towards him with his cloak.

"Hey hey, it doesn't matter what my name is. Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. Maybe we will still be partners in the future."

Ryuun came to Hoshigaki Kisame and said with a smile.

"What do you want to do?" Hoshigaki Kisame stared at Ryuun firmly.

Ten seconds! He can break free!

"Come on! It's so cold, how can you not wear clothes." Ryuun put Akatsuki's cloak on Hoshigaki Kisame.

"Ding! A person is detected to sign in "Hoshigaki Kisame", do you sign in? "

"Sign in!" Ryuun grinned, this is what we are waiting for!

"Ding! Sign in successfully! Congratulations to the Host for getting:

""Water Style·Water Mackerel Technique", "Water Style·Big Mackerel Technique""

""Water Style·Water Prison Technique", "Water Style·Water Blasting Wave""

""Water Style·Big Blasting Water Rushing Wave", "Water Style·Rainbow""

""Water Style·Five Food Shark", "Water Style·Thousand Food Shark""

"Perfect!" Ryuun slapped his tongue. The ninjutsu on Hoshigaki Kisame was completely acquired by himself! Cool!

Soon, Ryuun unlocked Shadow Clone.

And Hoshigaki Kisame has regained control.

"Okay, okay, we won't fight anymore." Ryuun looked at the distraught Hoshigaki Kisame and waved his hand.

"Who are you?! What is your purpose?!" Hoshigaki Kisame asked angrily.

"Kisame, why do you make sense?!" Ryuun said with a crooked mouth.

Hoshigaki Kisame: "???"

"What?! Not convinced?! Are you reasonable?" Ryuun curled his lips and began to say:

"Our third brother is here to enjoy the scenery. Why are your brothers running over here to do nothing?"

"Are you here for a fight?"

"Furthermore, your cheating teammate is also the best, and he provoked the strongest among us as soon as he came up."

Ryuun smacked his tongue.

"Furthermore, we still don't know what your purpose is!"

"Say! Who are you?! What did Konoha do for?!"

"Hurry up! Be lenient with frankness! Be strict with resistance!!!"

While speaking, Ryuun scolded.

A posture of the boss of the sky and the second child.

And, it's like how much wronged he has been...

"Fuck!!" Hoshigaki Kisame looked at Ryuun in front of him blankly.

Immediately, the foul language was directly exploded!

f*ck? ! My Hoshigaki Kisame has been walking the arena for so many years! !

I have never met anyone who can reverse black and white so much! !

I am wronged! !
