
Reborn In naruto with sign in System

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs


After a while, Ryuun exited Sage Mode.

Originally, he wanted to test Xianshu.

However, it is estimated that such a little place is not enough.

Moreover, the power of Xianshu Wood Style is too powerful.

That is the map gun.

It will definitely arouse Konoha's attention.

So don't panic.

Moreover, Ryuun is still thinking about a problem right now.

That is, how do you let the people in the space come out? !

This is a very serious problem.

After all, his next goal is to build his own power.

And the bottom of his family is basically in the space.

"System, is there any way to get them out?" Ryuun asked, rubbing his chin.

"Ding! Two methods are recommended."

"First: Impure World Reincarnation."

"Second: Sign the space summoning contract."

Ryuun knows Impure World Reincarnation naturally, but this second one sounds very exciting!

"What is signing a space summoning contract?" Ryuun asked quickly.

"Ding! After the Host signs the Space Summoning contract with the people in the space, you can use the Summoning Technique to summon the people in the space into the world of the Host."

"But signing a contract requires both parties to agree independently."

"Summoning has a time limit of one day. When there is no order, the person who has been summoned can cancel Summoning at any time and return to the system space."

After listening to the introduction of the system, Ryuun nodded.

"Then this is reliable!"

"Ding! A space contract signed, conscience price: 50,000 gold coins."

"Fuck! Fifty thousand gold coins?!" Ryuun's mouth twitched fiercely.

I know that the system is not at ease! !

Ugh! Sure enough, there is no free lunch under the sun! !

Ryuun took a look at his gold coin balance, and it was only one hundred and fifty thousand gold coins when it was full!

In this way, I can only sign a Summoning contract with three people at most.

Moreover, the other party may not agree...

After all, who wants to be sent to Summoning by others, Summoning goes...

But some things have to be tried before you know the result!

Thinking of this, Ryuun quickly entered the space of the system.

"Brothers! I have a big event to announce!"

Ryuun waved his hand following Uchiha Madara's group in the distance.

"What's the matter?" Everyone immediately gathered around curiously.

"Yes, I just got the ability to sign a Summoning contract with any of you."

"In other words, as long as you have signed a Summoning contract with me, then I can Summoning you out!"

"However, I only have three places here for the time being, hehehe, do you guys have any interest in this?"

Ryuun explained the ability of the Summoning contract.

"Can you still go out?!" Senju Hashirama's mouth opened in surprise.

"Yes." Ryuun nodded. "But Summoning has only one day to go out."

"Wow! This sounds great!" Senju Hashirama looked a little eager to try.(Read more @ mtlnation.com)

"I don't care, but it's good to be able to go out and breathe naturally." Uchiha Madara said indifferently.

"Since my brother is going out, then I want to go out too." Uchiha Izuna said hurriedly.

"Since Madara is going out, then I want to go out too." Senju Tobirama said.

"Since the eldest brother is going out, then I will go out too." Senju Tobirama glanced at his eldest brother and immediately raised his forehead.

"Since you all want to go out, then we want to go out too." Ashura and Indra said at the same time.

Got it!

I'm afraid these brothers are not playing double acting, right? !

This affects the whole body!

All are going out.

Right now, Ryuun was a little dumbfounded.

"Ahem, I only have three Summoning contracts here..." Ryuun gave a light cough and scratched his head.

"Then I sign with Hashirama first, and you keep the rest." Uchiha Madara waved his hand and said.

When everyone heard this, it was hard to say anything. After all, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were the only opponents at the same level.

If it was the two of them, they would be able to contain each other after going out.

Since everyone had no opinion, Ryuun started to act.

"System, come with two Summoning contracts!" Ryuun said.

"Ding! Two space Summoning contracts, price: 100,000 gold coins, do you want to buy?"


"Ding! The purchase is successful! Congratulations to the Host for obtaining: "Space Summoning Contract: 2 copies""

Immediately, two paper contracts appeared in Ryuun's hands.

Yes it is...

f*ck! Is it a paper contract? ! !

Moreover, there is a pen.

"Fuck! System! Are you kidding me?!" The corner of Ryuun's mouth twitched fiercely.

"Ding! The pen is included."

After the system responded, it was completely silent.

"Ahem, come on, sign the contract..." Ryuun gave a light cough.

Then he handed the documents and contracts in his hands to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama respectively.

The contract is basically some Summoning treaty.

The systems have also been introduced.

After Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama looked at them, they didn't think there was any problem, so they picked up the pen and signed them.

And Ryuun also signed his name on the two contracts.

"Ding! "Uchiha Madara" space Summoning contract comes into effect! "

"Ding!" Senju Hashirama" space Summoning contract comes into effect! "

Suddenly, Ryuun felt like there was a slight connection between himself and Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

Moreover, the use of spatial summoning technique also came into Ryuun's mind.

"Hehehe, why don't you two go out to play?"

Ryuun chuckled.

"Haha! That's what I meant!" Uchiha Madara laughed loudly.

After Ryuun finished speaking, he exited the system space.

"Space Summoning Technique! Uchiha Madara! Senju Hashirama!"

Ryuun knotted his hands and immediately used the spatial Summoning Technique! !



Two white smoke appeared, and the smoke dissipated immediately.

Then two figures were revealed.

One is Uchiha Madara!

One is Senju Hashirama!

"Huh..." Uchiha Madara slowly raised his hands, and then took a breath of fresh air.

"It's cool!"

"It feels like I'm alive!" Uchiha Madara looked around for a week and laughed.

"It's amazing! It really came out!" Senju Hashirama looked at the valley of the end in front of him, feeling infinitely in his heart.

"Hehehe, two people, how does it feel to come out and breathe?" Ryuun chuckled.

"Hahaha! Does that need to be said?! It must be cool!" Uchiha Madara laughed.

However, at this moment, his heart is also very touching.

Looking at the Vale of the End in front of him, Uchiha Madara said, "Hashirama, do you remember the beginning..."

"Yeah, remember." Senju Hashirama slowly came to Uchiha Madara's side.

Two people just stood side by side.

At this moment, a clear breeze blew, and suddenly a piece of leaf was blown up.

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama's hair also drifted in the wind.

At this time, Uchiha Madara stretched out his hands and caught a leaf.

Immediately, he chuckled lightly.

"At the beginning, we said that we should open up the future of ninjas together and create a truly peaceful ninja village."

"Yes! I remember that you gave the village the name at the time." Senju Hashirama sighed with emotion.

"You use Wood Style, so... I named the village Konoha." Uchiha Madara whispered.

"I know..." Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara next to him, and then said heavily:

"As a Uchiha clan, you use Fire Style well, so I named the head of a village... Hokage!"
