
Reborn In naruto with sign in System

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs


"Puff cough..."

At this moment, Yakushi Kabuto vomited!

That's right! This guy is still acting! Perfectly fooled 99.9% of the people present!

It's a pity, no matter how much he performs, he can't fool Ryuun.

Ryuun looked at Yakushi Kabuto who was kneeling on the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

I'm really sorry for not awarding you a golden figure for such superb acting skills!

"Enough! You people! All quiet down for me!!"

At this moment, a ninja in a black coat appeared on the podium.

Morino Ibihi! Brother Bald Scar!

"I've been waiting for you all! I am the examiner of Chūnin's first examination! Morino Ibiki!"

"Next, hand over the application form in your hand, and then receive your respective number plates to match the number of seats!"

"The first is a written test!"

After Uzumaki Naruto heard that it was a written test, he exploded on the spot!

At this moment, everyone began to collect their number plates in an orderly manner.

After taking a seat, Ryuun suddenly found...

Sometimes, happiness comes so suddenly!

Ryuun's left hand is Yamanaka Ino! And to his right is Hyūga Hinata!

"Oh! Life! Sometimes it's so cozy!"

Ryuun let out a long sigh.

"Ryuun-san..." Hyūga Hinata glanced at Ryuun secretly at this moment, and whispered.

"Hi~ Hinata sauce~" Ryuun naturally smiled and said hello.

Then, he turned his head again, looked at Yamanaka Ino, and said with a grin: "Hi~ Ino sauce~"

Yamanaka Ino's cheeks blushed slightly, and then whispered: "Ryuun... Jun..."

"Be quiet, everyone! In this assessment, there are a few rules that you must remember!"

At this moment, Morino Ibixi said loudly.

"Number one! All of you got ten points from the beginning!"

"There are a total of ten questions, one point will be deducted for a wrong question!"

"Second! The final score is based on the total score of the three people!"

"Third! If cheating is found during the exam! Two points will be deducted once! After the deduction is over! The group will be eliminated!"

"Fourth! If a member of a group gets zero points! Then the group is eliminated immediately!"

"The last question will be announced in forty-five minutes! The total time is one hour! Start now!"

After listening to Morino Ibiki's scary written test rules, Ryuun was also slightly amazed in his heart!

This bald-headed Knife Scar is really good at this trick!

On the surface, this is an ordinary exam, but its essence is to let you cheat without being caught!

The assessment is actually your ability to obtain information!


However, Ryuun doesn't have any worries, because the previous nine questions are basically clouds.

You can pass a blank paper, the most important thing is the last question!

Ryuun, who knows all the routines, doesn't panic at all!

Ryuun doesn't panic, but Uzumaki Naruto can't stand it anymore...

Time just passed by one minute after another.

Ryuun only felt boring!

Even if I came to the world of Hokage, I didn't expect that I still hadn't escaped the exam!

Think back then!

cheating on a test! Just right!(Read more @ mtlnation.com)

Take copying as the mainstay, and take Mongolia as the supplement!

Combination of copy and Mongolia! Pass guaranteed!

However, Ryuun is taking the route of nothing, don't panic!

Lie on the backhand!

That's right, Ryuun just lay on the table so bored!

"Ryuun-san..." Little Hinata glanced at Ryuun secretly, and found that Ryuun was lying on the table and sleeping.

Immediately he called Ryuun in a low voice.

"Hey! Ryuun-san...it's taking an exam now, don't sleep..." Little Ino couldn't help but remind her when she saw Ryuun's appearance.

Ryuun woke up in a daze, looked around, grinning.

"Don't worry! This problem won't bother me! Hehehe! Come on!"

Ryuun said with a grin.

In this way, time went by little by little.

"You! Unqualified!!! Out!!" These invigilators ruthlessly pronounced one person out.

"Unqualified! Out!"

"No. 47! Failed! Out!"

"Hey! Why do you say that I am unqualified?!"


"Drag away!"


At this moment, Konoha's Xiaoqiang and some strong players already know the purpose of the exam.

Therefore, at this time they also began to conduct their own intelligence collection.

Gaara condensed the third eye with sand.

Kankuro let his crow take him out of the classroom.

Yamanaka Ino's heart-turning technique directly invaded the ninja who knew the correct answer.

Inuzukaga is talking to his Akamaru.

Hyūga Hinata and Hyuga Neji all used Byakugan to get the correct answer easily.

Uchiha Sasuke also turned on Sharingan!

It can be said that this time the written test is that the Eight Immortals cross the sea to show their magical powers!

However, Ryuun didn't panic at all!

Don't panic at all!

With such an unhurried appearance, Hyūga Hinata and Yamanaka Ino around him were anxious...

"Okay! Forty-five minutes has come!"

Morino Ibiki said suddenly, and then he stood up and glanced coldly at the ninja below.

"Next, the tenth question will be announced!"

"But! When the tenth question is announced, I will add a rule!"

"This is a desperate rule!"

"Then, you judge by this rule, do you want to answer the tenth question!"

"What happens if you don't choose?" At this time, Temari asked.

"If you don't choose to answer this question, then all the three of you will be unqualified!"

"Does that still need to be said! Definitely choose to answer!" Someone answered again.

"Choose to answer the question, if you don't get it right! All members are eliminated! And will not be able to take the Chūnin exam for life!"

Morino Ibixi laughed coldly, "Yes, that is to say, the ninja who chose to answer the question and got the wrong answer! Genin for the rest of my life!"

"Okay, let's choose now!"

After he finished speaking, he quietly observed the movements of all the candidates.

There are a few people who are still very calm, such as the kid in Sand Shinobi Village and...

"Huh?" Morino Ibiki looked at Ryuun. "This kid... why isn't it scared at all?"

"This is too calm..."

"I...quit..." At this moment, an examinee raised his hand and said tremblingly.

"Exit 31! Exit 117 and 109 together!"

"I quit..."

"I also quit..."


Not long after, many ninjas could not stand the pressure and chose to quit.

After a while, almost half of the people left.

"It seems that all the group performances have exited." Ryuun smacked his tongue.

So in other words, next is Uzumaki Naruto's personal show.

I saw Uzumaki Naruto slowly raising his right hand.

Ryuun grinned at the corner of his mouth.

It is estimated that Naruto must be thinking this way at this time.

Uzumaki Naruto: All departments are in place! The sound engineer is ready! Look at my gestures! When I slap my right hand on the table! It's when the BGM sounds! !

Sound engineer: Understood!


really! Uzumaki Naruto slapped his right palm on the table in front of him!

"I, Uzumaki Naruto! Choose to answer the questions! How about doing Genin for a lifetime?!"

"I'm going to become Hokage in one go!!! I'm not afraid of you!!!"

With the rendering of the sound engineer, the scene exploded for a while!

After Uzumaki Naruto finished speaking, he sat back on his seat.

His actions seemed to give everyone a reassurance, and all the ninjas who were going to raise their hands decided not to raise their hands.

"Hehehe, that's kind of fun!" Ryuun smiled.
