
Reborn in Naruto with gravity kekkei tota

All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner{s} hello there this is my first story on this website so go easy one me in the comments also if you have any suggestion feel free to tell me in the comments however this is my story so I will only put the suggestion that I like Thank you synopsis A 17-year-old boy gets reincarnated in the shinobi world with a gravity kekkei tota. Watch as he overcomes the challenges ahead of him as he rises to the top

abd_almassri · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

A Legends beginning

In the kid's playground of Konohagakure, under the shade of a large vibrant tree, a little toddler is seen lying on his back. with light purple hair a cute face, everyone is sure that he will grow up to become a ladykiller in the future

back to our MC

I don't remember much after blacking out other than I was travelling at insane speeds through the void and I could also fell something added to my soul, this must be my kekkei tota gravity release I thought to myself. it didn't take much time for me to go through a weird blinking tunnel. Once I went through the tunnel I waited for something to happen only to be disappointed as it felt like ages waiting for my reincarnation I finally gave up and tried opening my and to my relief I could.

the very first thing I saw was the beautiful leaves swaying in the air as if in a melody. looking around me all I saw was a playground with many kids ranging from 2 to 6 playing around. All of a sudden I receive a mild headache alongside some memories. I didn't receive much due to this body being only 2 years old and the bodies brain is not developed to store long term information.

I did get the name of this body or should I say my name from now on. my new name is just "fuji" I also got to know what type of person this toddler was and he seems to be the lonely and quiet type he also has no friends whatsoever.

looking at the cliff overlooking Konoha with 3 faces sculpted in it" I really did reincarnate in naruto hehe" chuckling a little creepily for a 2 year old.

however, my main concern now is to unlock my chakra and see if I have my gravity release although I am sure that I have it it doesn't hurt anyone if I check and also get familiar with it. the problem is I cannot do it here as I am sure there are ninjas watching alongside the parents of those kids, some of those parents might know what I am up to so I need a secluded place to unlock my chakra. getting up was I bit difficult due to me lying on the ground for too long, finally stabilizing my self on my feet I looked left and right making sure no one was looking at me before running as stealthy as I can to the forest surrounding the playground.

I only ran for 3 minutes and I am already panting although this would be amazing to do for a 2-year-old in my previous world here kids grow stronger and faster due to the presence of chakra in their bodies even a normal civilian who never trained in his life and has not unlocked his chakra is comparable to world-class athletes on home earth or maybe even stronger.

discarding the thought of running as I don't have the stamina for it I began walking instead while making sure one was around. After walking for half an hour I finally found a suitable place. it was a giant tree with a giant hole in it enough to fit 4 of me. looking around me until my eyes landed on a long stick that I picked up and started to probe the hole just to make sure no animal was in it like a snake or something of the like. after all, dying to snake in naruto is the most humiliating way a reincarnated person like me can.

after making sure there was no animal hiding there I got on all fours and crawled in, after getting comfortable with my sitting position I focus on the inside of my body to search for any sort of energy in my precisely my chakra after fifteen minutes of focus and me almost giving up and I felt a hint of it in one of my cells, as quickly as I can I gather all my attention on the cell and try to draw out the chakra kept in it after some time I succeeded in doing so and like a puzzle connecting together I started to feel the minuscule amount of chakra in each cell. due to me reading many naruto fanfics I know I must collect the chakra in every cell and circulate around my body before finally connecting in my chakra core which is located just below my belly button. so I did although hard at the beginning with me trying to push the chakra around my body but it became easier after each cycle. with each cycle I felt stronger, more refreshed like I sank in a hot tub after a stressful day of work.

after the ninth cycle, my chakra finally settled in my core. just by looking at my chakra volume, I can instinctively tell it is much bigger than a 2-year-old should have. of course this was within my calculation when I chose my wish. since I only got one wish I couldn't waste it on chakra volume. although the more chakra a shinobi has the more powerful he is but that's only if he has great chakra control if not then he will be just like naruto at the beginning of the series as his chakra alone was 10 times that of an elite jonin Kakashi and if you count the nine tails then its a 100 times more. this example shows me that although chakra volume is important its is not the most important. the real thing that a ninja needs is talent. with the talent he can master all forms of ninjutsu, bukijutsu, taijutsu, fuinjutsu and the like with much less effort and time compared to an average ninja.

even then I wanted to have a unique ability that can overpower other ninjas in combat and that is where my gravity release comes in. if I told that weird ball that I wanted a kekkei tota of gravity release in my bloodline I could have the problem of not awakening it. just like an Uchiha civilian who although has Uchiha blood in him or her doesn't mean he will ever awaken the Sharingan. my wish was to specifically control gravity and god tailored it to be a kekkei tota as i believe i cant break the laws of this world using, for example, he could have given me a gravity devil fruit from one piece or a quirk from my hero academia.

and since my ability is kekkei tota that awakened when I unlocked my chakra shows that I have a great talent. it is like awakening the Sharingan when an Uchiha member unlocks his chakra.

anyways enough explanation and let's see if I can at least control gravity to a small degree. focusing on my chakra I tried to guide it out of my body. grabbing a chunk of chakra like you would when grabbing a handful of MnMs from a bowl. along the way my chakra kept reducing showing my shit control, however, I did get some of it out of my body and immediately I felt the surroundings get heavier although it's very minuscule I could see some grass bending downwards showing that it works."hehehaHAHAHA" laughing like a maniac I got out of the hole and tried sensing my environment and to my surprise, I could sense my surroundings in a twenty-meter circle around me with me being the center "hoh it would appear that I am a sensor another lovely boon to my arsenal" my immature and cute voice rang out. fortunately, no one was around to hear me or I could be in trouble

"next step is to plan my training regime and how to stay out of the cyclops Danzos way till I am strong enough"