
Reborn in Naruto with Dark Souls system

How much can a talentless kid accomplish in the shinobi world with the help of a Dark Souls System? Hopefully you will find answers to your questions by reading my fanfic.

Bhargab_Das_3742 · Video Games
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18 Chs

System and Undead Asylum

Yasahrio is currently on his bed thinking,

"How did this happen."

Yasahrio is in such a state ever since he learned the timeline he was in and his physical qualities.

"7 years has passed since the 9 tail's attack which means Naruto must be 7 years old. And I am in a 10 year old body which can't use chakra. Does this mean I will have to live as an ordinary blacksmith until I get killed?"

As Yasahrio was about to give up a voice from within his head said,

"System activated.

The player will now be able to use the following features:

Teleporting to the world Dark Souls,

Becoming an undead(permanently),

Returning to the real world,

Bottomless Inventory, and

Chance to choose a starting class."

Right after the voice stopped a screen appeared and Yasahrio gained his confidence back after seeing the screen.

Yasahrio selected "SYSTEM" as the keywords to open the menu screen. So from now on the system menu will appear after he says "System" aloud. Within the menu screen Yasahrio could choose to teleport to the world of Dark Souls or open inventory.

Yasahrio wanted to level up as fast a possible but he couldn't just disappear like that. His new father might not be so friendly upon his return if he did. And turning undead is also not an option right now because his appearance might change to that of a hollow.

Yasahrio decides to learn when his father will not be around first. So he goes to this father and asks,

"You said you needed to deliver those creates tomorrow."

"Yes. What about it?"

"How long will you be gone for?"

"Not interested in coming with me? That very unusual."


"I get it. You want to go and see the academy with your friends tomorrow. They will be selecting new students tomorrow."

"Ahh... Yes, that."

"Then lock the house before you leave. I will be leaving before sunrise and return some time after sunset."


The next day after Yasahrio's father left he locked the house and then selected 'Warp to Dark Souls'.

His surrounding suddenly turned black and then a screen appeared asking if really wanted to become an undead. Yasahrio selected 'YES' and right after body started changing. Few seconds later, his appearance was like that of a hollow now.

He then was asked to choose his starting class and he selected Hunter. As for the gift he choose the Old Witch's Ring.

Once Yasahrio selected the gift the darkness disappeared leaving reveling the starting area. However there was a big difference with this start compared to the game, Yasahrio already had all the equipment of the hunter class with him.

This was a pleasant surprise to Yasahrio. He however made the most of it by testing his equipment on the hollows to check for other changes. Sure enough few major discoveries were made.

1st discovery was about the HP system not being present. Damage was determined by very real principles such as the depth of the wound, the width of the wound, and what did it damage.

2nd discovery was about using weapons. Unlike the game where the player is able to use weapons effectively as long as they have the stats, here one needs skill to use weapons. For example Yasahrio couldn't hit anything with the bow even at close range and his rate of fire was also much slower then in the game. Another example is the sword, his cuts using the swords were not clean at the slightest but stabbing was easier to perform comparatively.

3rd discovery was that the arrows were reusable after being used. As long as you don't break it by hitting the break wall at a bad angle that is. Something which Yasahrio did a few times.

4th and final discovery was about stamina. Through out the testing Yasahrio never got tired and he even tested it by running back and forth the entire corridor multiple times. The stamina of an undead is seemingly infinite.

Yasahrio also speculated that the armor might also work in similar ways to reality. And if that is the case then heavier armor might be more preferable compared to in the game.

Anyways, after all that testing Yasahrio went to the bonfire and rested their. He then was about to enter the boss room when he suddenly stopped.

"What if the bosses are different too?"

That thought scared Yasahrio so much that he decided to return to Konoha. He planned to grab some weapon he can use form the forge and maybe some rope so that he can skip the boss. But going back looking like a hollow was risky however Yasahrio did it anyway.

He unlocked the forge and grabbed a 10 meter rope from inside. He also took a grappling hook he found and put everything in his inventory. He then locked the forge back up and returned to Undead Asylum.

Yasahrio then made a grappling hook like thing by attaching the hook to the rope and attempted to climb up to the 1st floor using it. It took him some time to find success but he managed to successfully skip the 1st half of the tutorial on his 14th attempt. He then went down the stares and opened the gate back to the bonfire.

By now Yasahrio was running out of time so he quickly baited the hollow into pushing the bolder and nearly got crushed by it. He then went through the broken wall and meet Oscar.

Oscar unfortunately didn't say or do anything more then in the game and died after giving use the Estus Flask ×5 and the Undead Asylum F2 East Key. Yasahrio then decided to fight the hollow in front of the gate and it didn't go as he expected.

Immediately the hollow came aggressively towards Yasahrio swinging his weapon in quick succession. Yasahrio dodged that attack combo by stepping back and keeping his distance but stumbled on the stairs in his last step and fell down.

Yasahrio was hurt from that fall but stood back up without delay. The hollow tried to charge at him then but he too fell down the stairs. Yasahrio took the opportunity to stab the hollow in the face while it was on the ground killing it instantly.

"I guess I will be using this same trick on the rest of the hollows as well."

Yasahrio then threw rocks at the other hollows one at a time to gain their attention and then lured them to the stairs. The trick worked on both the hollows with swords. And he killed the last remaining hollow who uses the bow by simply closing the distance with his shield up and then stabbing.

Now there was still another hollow left but Yasahrio decides to ignore it and instead skips the boss fight by climbing down the ledge using his rope. After that he makes his way to the edge where a giant bird grabs him in its claws and takes him to Firelink Shrine.