
Reborn in Naruto with Bleach System

I have a hard time starting novels so the first few chapters are a mess, bear with it. You may like the rest after a few chaps. Ever wondered what would happen if you were born into an anime with ninjas but with System from Bleach? Well you stumbled upon the right place as our main character ,or maybe one of them who knows :], is reborn into the Naruto verse.

TheCarpe · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Package Delivery~

"You, stop right there! Why are you here ?" In a discreet alley in the outer ring of Amegakure's jurisdiction, a guard stopped a kid trying to enter a secured gate.

"Package delivery~." He said with a playful voice.

Upon hearing those words, each guard's attention was immediately drawn to the oddly shaped backpack that the person in question was clutching.

<Never thought I would see a human wear another as backpack…> Zengetsu's voice rang in his head.

"Anyway~, tell your leader that a kid named Dantes brought 'Yahiko's killer'. Just wanted to make a delivery as I was passing by Mhm ~. See you guys later!" the kid just threw the backpack in front of them and they all heard a grunt coming from it.

Before they could react, the kid had disappeared from his spot.

As everyone stood there, confused and uncertain, a sweet and harmonious voice suddenly broke the silence, echoing across the surroundings. The source of the voice became apparent as the culprit floated down from above, their paper wings fluttering gently in the breeze, resembling those of a celestial being descended from the heavens.

"L-lady Angel! A kid came here a few moments ago and asked us to deliver this to Lady Angel! He said it's a special delivery with the message 'Dantes brought Yahiko's killer." They all lowered their heads in respect of the figure before them.

When the purple hair and golden eyes heard the last part, her eyes widened in shock. Apart from her and Nagato, everyone had been killed, leaving no witnesses. No one should know who Yahiko is, Hanzo having hidden well the slaughter he had caused under wraps.

In her shock, she looked closely toward the 'package' and saw a nose and knew well enough what all this was about.

But she couldn't help but be doubtful. Then as if it possessed a mind of its own, a sheet of paper folded and opened the face covers. The person who had ruined her life once, haunted her every sleeping moment reminiscing her of the tragedy that happened because of her, was in such a pitiful state.

His limbs were cut to joint level, his body riddled with hundreds of small wounds intended to inflict pain.

Or so she thought until she saw the chains coming out of them. The paper she was so familiar with wrapping around his body.

"W-where the kid?" She stammered under this extremely weird scene. She even thought she was trapped in a nightmare again.

"He just disappeared the moment we took our eyes off him… But all we can say is that he looks very young, with long white hair and eerie opaque black eyes."

Despite Dantes' infamous reputation as the notorious Flower Demon, he remained a mystery to many as nobody had ever caught a glimpse of his true identity. His face was always concealed behind a black and white mask that looked like a demon and every time he made an appearance, people would whisper in hushed tones, wondering who or what could be lurking behind that enigmatic façade.

But she knew well enough that this paper wrapping around Hanzo was used by the Flower Demon. She had always gone to the locations and battlefields he would appear to study and make schemes on how to eliminate him. But here he was…

'Why would he betray Hanzo? Is he an ally or an enemy?' Was what plagued her mind. The white paper dancing around her slowly made its way toward the man on the ground, everyone looking as she transported her toward the gate, where Nagato was preparing the Six Paths of Pain's bodies.