
Reborn in Naruto with Bleach System

I have a hard time starting novels so the first few chapters are a mess, bear with it. You may like the rest after a few chaps. Ever wondered what would happen if you were born into an anime with ninjas but with System from Bleach? Well you stumbled upon the right place as our main character ,or maybe one of them who knows :], is reborn into the Naruto verse.

TheCarpe · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Make me food

"Yo man, can you make me something to eat? Some noodles or something. Anything except meat~." After eating, he got hungry again and thus came up to a former food stand.

"Sorry little traveler... The village is currently under bandi-"

"Well not anymore, go to the mayor's hall and make my food." The kid before him was very arrogant, if not for the eerie atmosphere he was feeling around the kid, he would have slapped some sense into him.

He thus obliged and arrived at the hall, finding it crumbling in fire, earth spears, and walls sticking out of it like a porcupine.

'W-egat the hell happened here? Are we saved?!' He rejoiced internally before questioning himself again; 'Could it be that kid? No, that's just a kid. He couldn't be able to take on more than twenty people by himself. Anyway since we're free now and I'm in a mood, I will make him his food.'

And then villager after villager came to witness the slowly burning corpses of the victims and most importantly, the bandits.

As the situation sank in, tears streamed down everyone's faces, each person trying to come to terms with the enormity of their losses. Amidst the grief, some people turned to the untouched food, perhaps as a way to distract themselves or simply to avoid the uncomfortable silence that had descended upon the group.


"Blerh..." Vomit flowed out of his mouth onto the side of the road.

<How can you be so retarded honestly? Of course were gonna throw up with all that food.> Zengetsu's desperate voice sounded in his head.

"Shut up already... Blerh!"

<Also what's the deal with that paper flower on your shoulder? You're gay or something?>

"Huff~, nah I just like it there. Now let's get going down the road, the villagers said that we could reach Amegakure in a few days."

Since he could force conversations with Zengetsu, Dantes' mood had gone up a lot lately.

"Hey Zengetsu, I got 164 Coins. Should I buy a new vessel or should I unlock a new form for my Shikai?" Dantes couldn't help but break into a smile; he knew his friend all too well, with his insatiable thirst for battle and love for combat.

<Of course a new Shikai!>

"Haha, was thinking about that too. Great minds think alike~."

{Unlock new Shikai form for 150 coins?} The red text appeared before him. Except for a very few things like these, everything was extremely expensive. Some of the most 'moderate' things like summon taking so much that he would need to slaughter an army of chunin ninjas.

"Also why were you so cheap when you first got bought? This doesn't make any sense…" Dantes inquired curiously. He had seen.

{White-Ichigo or Zengetsu, is just the consciousness of your inner hollow and Zenpakuto. He doesn't have a body and is just a spiritual being. Should you try to summon his real form named White then you would have to pay [??-} "OK ok I got it, no need to list every question mark."

He interrupted the system, already kind of frustrated at the exorbitant prices.

His finger then tapped on the 'Yes' button.

{Congratulations, you have unlocked another form of your Shikai. [Shikigami no Kusari]

Shikigami no Kusari: When you successfully strike an enemy, their injuries will create binding chains.}

"Hm, I don't think this very powerful…" Dantes sighed, having spent 150 coins on something he would maybe never use.

<I just thought of something.> The distorted voice in his head said.


<Didn't Fugaku send you here to spy on that guy, Hanzup? How will report him?> Dantes' already gloomy mood lowered even more.

After a few days of traveling, they finally reached a bustling city, surrounded by a vast and shimmering lake. The city was connected to the mainland by a massive bridge that seemed to stretch on forever. As they arrived, the city was already filled with an air of melancholy, which was only heightened by the constant rainfall that made the streets glisten with a dreary sheen.

<That looks gloomier than the Uchiha compound…>

"Yeah, if after betrayal, enemy attacks, violence, and oppression, the city was still happy then they're either extremely optimistic or are complete idiots."

Dantes had read a bit about this very industrialized city before departing.

"Anyway, we're finally here~" And with that, he walked to the side of the muddy road, took a handful of mud and smeared it all over his body.