
Remember and Awakening

when Takeshita now Eren woke up one day and did what he always did he started to train his body in taijutsu and his mom Carla called him to come to eat breakfast as he started to walk into the house suddenly I felt a huge amount of pain and started to scream "AHAAAAAAH MOM HELP" and then my mom and dad along with Mikasa started to run up to me and see what was wrong.

(Carla) "Eren baby what's wrong".

But I couldn't respond and my mom just decided to pick me up and run to the hospital in Konohagakure in the land of fire which is where we live and she got there in a couple of minutes and during that time I was still yelling the whole time when she got into the hospital the nurses heard me yelling like I was going to die and instantly brought me to a bed and gave me sedative to knock me out.


my inner mind



(Eren) "Were the hell am I".

(God) "Eren or should I say, Takeshita"

(Eren) " Who the hell is Takeshita".

(God) " You are Takeshita".

(Eren) " No, I'm Eren Yeager".

(God) " Oh that's right I haven't given you back your memories yet well here you go prepare your self because this is going to hurt a little".

(Eren) "What do you mea- SON OF A BITCH that hurt". "Wait whose memories are these"

(God) "their yours and you should look through them and remember what you wished for".

As Eren was looking through his memories his body outside was having very visible changes.


real world

* Eren's mom Carla's pov*


(Carla) " What's happening to him"!

(medical ninja) " We don't know he seems fine".

(Carla) " Well did you check everything".

(Medic nin) " Well there is one last person we could ask her name is Tsunade one of the legendary sannin but she might charge you more".

(Carla) " Just do it please I want to make sure he is ok".

(Medic nin) "Ok, miss we can call her in here and ask her to look at your son".

After about ten or so minutes we here a rowdy woman and she walks in and introduces herself as Tsunade the person who could see what's wrong with her son. As of right now, Eren's body looked so different than when his mom brought him in. He easily looked ten times more handsome and his body was pushing out all of the impurities and making his muscles more compact and lean. When black gunk started to pour out of his body his mom started to freak out and scream.


(Tsunade) " Miss his body is pushing out the impurities in his body we don't know why".

(Carla) " Well figure it out then". Visibly annoyed at this point.

Tsunade then began to inspect his body and keeps getting one surprise after another the first one was when she discovered a storage seal on his left hand that wasn't there before and when she tried to send chakra into it. It completely rejected her chakra then she noticed a weird type of energy in his body and asked his parents if their family had a kekki genki. Hearing her words Erens parents were wondering why she asked this. They then replied, "no as long as their family has been around they have never had a kekki genki". To which Tsunade was visibly surprised and she then said to them that their son might have awoken his kekki genki and that's why this was happening to him.