
Reborn in naruto as darui's adopted son.

Follow a guy as he tries to have fun in this new chaotic world filled with child soldiers, psychopathic elderly people and men that can destroy entire nations single handedly. His best course of action in order to do that is to avoid the village where 90% of the death happens. Atleast until he's 13. ****** " " = talking out loud ' ' = thinking ( ) = sound effects * * = POV switch or time skip ****** = end of chapter and my questions.

Captain_0bvious · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

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*Yugito P.O.V*

"Let's wrap it up here Carrion. I have to report to the Raikage about your progress." I said, standing up and jumping off one of the few boulders still intact.

"Do you always have to do such dramatic entrances?" Carrion asked

"No, but I like doing it. Besides, not all of my entrances are dramatic."

"Just go report to the Raikage, I finally get a break since you started this torture."

"Training~ and don't get too comfy, stage two of your training might start soon."

"What even is stage two? I've done nothing but physical training for the past year and a half." Carrion said tiredly

"Work on your chakra control and work on combining your chakra nature with your chakra." I said rolling my eyes

"But I can already do that." Carrion says as he brings his right hand up infront of his chest and starts running a bit of lightning chakra around his palm. "See?"

"Not good enough, you need to do it more efficiently and all around your body. Which you can't do yet."

"Then when will stage two of my training start?"

"It will start when it starts so just wait for a bit while I report to the Raikage." I say as my right eyebrow twitches.

"Then get going, I want to start training as soon as possible." He says shooting me away.

"Hey! Dont shoo me away! I am your superior and sensei!"

"Bleh" Carrion sticks his tongue out at me.

"*groan* Fine, fine. Stay here until I get back." *I say before using the body flicker to run to the Raikage's tower*

*P.O.V Switch*


Carrion falls to the floor exhausted. "Finally some rest. Training nonstop for over a year is difficult as hell, how does Lee do it?" He says before looking shocked 'Who's Lee?' He thinks before combing his memories, unable to pinpoint where he remembers the name from.

'Eh, oh well. No point fretting over it.' He thinks before laying down and looking up at the sky. 'Maybe I could learn the eight gates as well, but that will have to wait until after I finish learning the lightning cloak.'

A few hours later and falling asleep he gets woken up with a quick shock.

When he feels the shock in his side, he uses the kawarimi to substitute with a small boulder nearby, getting ready to fight.

"Good reaction, last time I did that you just jumped away screaming." The shocker says with a slight grin

"Dad, what are you doing here? Are you going to train me for the next stage?" Carrion asks curious.

"No, but I will be training you until you can use the thunderbolt jutsu, it's B-rank so it will be a good stepping stone. Only then will you start stage 2" Darui says, waving Carrion off.

"Why wait for stage 2?" Carrion asks

"Because you need to get better at chakra manipulation and changing it into lightning chakra." Darui says. "Learning the thunderbolt jutsu will show that you are ready to start the second stage."

"Then let's start training already." Carrion says, a little impatient.

"Alright then, catch." Darui throws a large stack of paper at Carrion. "Use your chakra to crinkle the paper all at once, like with the chakra paper before."

Carrion catches the stack of papers. "All at once from the start or can I work my way up?"

"You can start with one and then work your way up, eventually you will do them all at once." Darui said, putting another stack of papers down. "64 sheets of A4 paper per stack, when you can crinkle the entire stack all at once, then you will move onto step two."

"What's step two?" Carrion asked, picking up four sheets of paper and starting to crinkle them with his chakra.

"Simply applying your chakra to different weapons like kunai, swords and shurikens." Darui said, before quickly adding onto his sentance. "Without making them explode"

"Okay, what will you be doinging in the meantime?" Carrion asks, having crinkled half of the paper in his hand.

"I will be staying with you, just to make sure you don't overdo the chakra training." Darui said. "If you do, then I will take you to a hospital so you can be healed."

"Okay, I will make sure not to. Otherwise I will have to stop training for awhile." Carriom says, finally crinkling the sheets of paper into a ball. "This is much harder than the chakra paper."

"Yeah, it's far less receptive to chakra. It's like poring water onto dirt rather than a sponge, the water is absorbed into the dirt quickly, but not as fast as a sponge." Darui said, making a comparison.

"How long did it take you to crinkle all 64 sheets of paper?" Carrion asked, grabbing five more sheets of paper.

"It took me a two or so weeks, but it normally takes someone two to three months." Darui said, scratching the back of his head.

"How long do you think it will take me?" Carrion asked, crinkling the paper quicker than last time, getting used to the sensation.

He raises an eyebrow at the speed of my improvement. "At the speed that your improving, roughly a week."

"I won't take as long as you dad." Carrion crinkles all 5 sheets of paper. "I will do it in three days."

"Hmm, I look forward to it. Just don't overdo it." Darui says with a smile

*Two and a half days later, P.O.V Switch*

"This is harder than I thought." Carrion said, struggling to crinkle 50 sheets of paper.

"It's surprising that you have already gotten to 50 sheets already." Darui says. "But you only have 6 hours left until the end of the deadline, are you sure you want to continue?"

"I said I will do it in three days, so I will do it in three days." Carrion crinkles all 50 sheets of paper before grabbing 51 sheets of paper.

Darui just watches on, concern hidden in his eyes. Concerned at how his adopted son had so much chakra and how much he was pushing himself, even after two and a half days of training with the only breaks adding up to just five hours in total, he was still training with no signs of stopping, despite the exhaustion.

'No wonder he completed stage one in just a year and a half.' He thought to himself.

Lost in thought he didn't even notice Carrion had crinkled up to 58 sheets of paper at once. 'What! Already at 58? How long did I space out?' He thought before checking the time. 'Four hours, I guess I need to pay a bit more attention. Just two hours until the end of the day, two hours left for him to crinkle all 64 sheets.'

*One And a half hours later*

Carrion has crinkled up to 62 sheets of paper. 'Half an hour left, come on Carrion, you can do this.' Darui thought to himself, silently cheering for his son.

'How long have I been at this?' Carrion thought to himself. 'How much longer do I have?'

As the minutes tick by, carrion crinkled 63 sheets with only 5 minutes left.


Collapsing to the floor in exhaustion Carrion pants for breath.

"CARRION!" Darui shouts in concern, rushing to his side.

"I'm... fine... just out... of breath." He says between breaths

"No, you're not, you needs to rest." Darui says, holding Carrion in his arms.

"I'm not... done yet." Carrion says. "Just one more... bit left."

"You've done enough, crinkling up to 63 pieces of paper from nothing in just 3 days is incredible."

"No, I said I would do 64, how much time do I have left?" Carrion asks

"2 minutes." Darui says quickly checking the time.

"Then I will stop in 2 minutes, just let me try one time." Carrion pleads

"Fine, just once, then you stop." Darui gives in.

Carrion grabs a stack of paper, trying desperately to crinkle it.

As the seconds tick by, Carrion attempts to crinkle the paper more and more.

"10 seconds left." Darui says


Carrion starts to crinkle the paper.

"3 seconds left."


Carrion gets closer to fully crinkling the stack of paper.

"2 seconds."


Carrion mostly crinkles the paper.

"1 second."


"Did... it." Carrion says, showing the fully crinkled stack of papers before falling to the ground.

Just before Carrion hits the ground, Darui catches him and picks him up.

"Well done." Darui whispers, before walking back towards the village.

After a few hours Darui got back to the village and walked to a hospital.

After checking him in and making sure he was okay, he walked to the Raikages office to make his report.

*Five minutes later, P.O.V Switch*

(Knock ×3)

"You may enter." A voice says from the other end of the door.

"Hey boss, I have something to report." I say, walking into the Raikages office.

"Aren't you supposed to be watching over Carrions training? Are you here to report his progress?" The Raikage asks.

"Yeah, it is incredible to say the least." I say, taking a seat.

"Has he already done 30 sheets? If so that would make him just as talented as my father, he might even be able to learn hell stab." The Raikage mumbles too himself.

"I'm inclined to agree with you, however that's if he only did that." I say, putting my right hand on my face to try and hide my grin.

"Don't tell me he did more? Are you telling me that Carrion, a six year old boy, did even better than my father, the most powerful shinobi to ever come from the land of lightning at the age of twelve?" The Raikage asks, barely holding back his surprise.

"It's not even like he did only a few more. He completed it, he crumpled all 64 sheets of paper in less than three days." I chuckle.

"Eh, are you serious? You're saying that Carrion is already done, when it took my father, the previous Raikage and most powerful one too date, six days at twice his age." The Raikage asks, unable to comprehend what he just heard.

"I'm completely serious." Darui says as he tosses a crumpled stack of paper to the Raikage. "This is what he did."

The Raikage catches the paper. "Mabui!" The Raikage shouts as running can be heard from the hallway.


"Yes lord Raikage!?" Says a dark-skinned young woman with green eyes, wearing formal attire consisting of a long-sleeved, high collard dress shirt and skirt, along with a pair of long earrings with high-heel sandals, with her light grey hair pulled back into a bun with two bangs that fall on either side of her face.

"Send this to the sensor department to see if they can recognise the chakra signature." The Raikage orders as he throws the paper that Carrion crumpled to her.

"Yes lord Raikage!" The girl, now confirmed to be Mabui, uses her heavenly transfer technique to send the paper to the sensor department.

"Ah, Mabui, I just remembered. How did you run in those sandals?" I ask, curious.

"I'm used to it." She says. "Do you require anything else lord Raikage?" She asks respectfully.

"Not at the moment, but maybe soon, but I suggest you listen in to this report from Darui." The Raikage says.

"Cool, I will remain here then." She says as she walks to the Raikages side and stands there.

"Then I will briefly tell Mabui what has happened before continuing on with my report. Carrion, my adopted son, has completed the paper training in three days, Successfully crumpling an entire stack of paper. He rested for a total of five hours over the course of all three days, and proceeded to faint afterwards. I took him to the hospital on the west side of the village to make sure he was okay, thankfully he only fainted from exhaustion." I give a brief recap of the chapter (ahem) past few days.

"Mabui, go and check to see if the chakra test has come back yet." The Raikage says.

"Yes lord Raikage." Mabui walks out of the room and leaves me and the Raikage in silence.

After five minutes Mabui walks back in with a clipboard in her hand. "They are here, and the test shows that it is an unregistered chakra signature, meaning it isn't a shinobi who did it."

"I see, Carrion truly is talented beyond imagination, he could be our version of Hashirama Senju." The Raikage says oddly calm as Mabui stands there stunned. "Give him access to the jutsu library, he can pick any jutsu that isn't forbidden or S-rank. This will be his reward for this monumental achievement."

"Yes boss, I will tell him when he wakes up." I say before walking outside and walking back to the hospital I dropped Carrion off at.


Boom, longest chapter so far by about 200 words. I hope this is a good enough apology for the short chapter last time.

What Jutsu do you think Carrion should choose for a jutsu? Anything below S-rank will be checked to see if it currently exists or I should make it a new OG jutsu.

**Jutsu suggestion here**