
Reborn in naruto as darui's adopted son.

Follow a guy as he tries to have fun in this new chaotic world filled with child soldiers, psychopathic elderly people and men that can destroy entire nations single handedly. His best course of action in order to do that is to avoid the village where 90% of the death happens. Atleast until he's 13. ****** " " = talking out loud ' ' = thinking ( ) = sound effects * * = POV switch or time skip ****** = end of chapter and my questions.

Captain_0bvious · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs



obligatory warning as this is my first fan-fic so it will most likely be horrible so please point out any mistakes i make so I can improve.


'Darkness, that is all i remember, well apart from the naruto timeline but even that is blurry. When I died i got taken to this dark room where i heard a voice. I don't remember the exact details but here's what I remember'

Unknown voice "Alright 3 wishes what do you want."

'It was... weird, just like some random guy you would meet whilst taking a walk. Yet his words confused me.'

Me "What do you mean."

Unknown voice "Well i am going to reincarnate you to another world. I thought you would have gathered that much with all the novels, anime and manga you read."

'What he was spying on me? well he is most likely a god so he should atleast know what mortals do. Anyway time for these wishes.'

Unknown god "Just before you waste my time, I have already chosen the world you're going to so don't bother asking."

'Well that helps narrow down my choices.'

Me "Can I atleast know what world i am going to?"

Unknown god "Naruto."

'... could be worse, atleast i can choose where I am born and the time.'

Me "For my first wish I want to be born in kumogakure as Darui's son-'

Unknown god "You can be his adopted son since I can't be bothered to rewrite his entire story and give him a girlfriend/wife."

Me "Fair enough, for my second wish I want to have infin-"

Unknown god "No"

Me "What about an extremely high potential with a higher affinity for lightning release then anyone seen before."

Unknown god "that's pushing it, but fine. the limit for your strength is a little above naruto at his peak, not including baryon mode."

'He sounded annoyed, I wonder why. he did say 3 wishes but he didn't say there was a limit to them.'

Unknown god "Alright since you continue to push your luck with wishes, I will just make you reincarnate at the same time as naruto is born."

Me "Wait wh-"

At that moment I felt a slight shock, almost like you accidentally brush against an electric fence, then there was silence again.

Now some of you might be wondering why i chose the wishes that i did. Its simple if you think about it, If I chose konoha i would have to hope i live through the kyuubi attack, hope I don't get taken into root if Danzo notices the talent i have from my second wish, or if I get unlucky end up as an uchiha or a hyuga.

Both of them sound good at first glance but if I became an uchiha i would need to survive itachi and obito's massacre, and that would be near impossible if I'm under the age of 10, maybe even 15 if I'm unlucky. And even if I survive all of that I would still have danzo and orochimaru after my eyes and I wouldn't have itachi keeping the rest of the elders in check for me like sasuke.

As for the hyuga clan, if I become a member of the branch family i doubt they will be as lenient with me as they were with neji if I got too strong. Aswell as a slight problem in the caged bird seal that can kill any branch hyuga easily. So I chose kumo as that is arguably the second strongest ninja village after konoha.

Any way back to the story. After the shock there was nothing, at first I thought I was put in the body of a fetus so I waited, but after what felt like months I started counting. Then I reached 1 million seconds then 2 then 3. I started losing hope and then after I reached 1 billion seconds (a little over 31 years) i saw light for the first time in years. and the next thing I know, I was looking at two people who held me in their arms, A man and a woman who are most likely my parents.

The woman looked like she was on deaths door with pale skin and shaking arms as she tried to hold me. From what I can tell she used to have dark skin but as I was just born and spent over 1 billion seconds in darkness my eyes weren't very well adjusted to the light. But what I could see was her black hair, blue eyes, and shiny head protector wrapped around her arm with kumogakures symbol engraved into it. Eventually her arms stopped shaking and her eyes closed.

'I guess she died, maybe this is how that god gets me adopted."

After awhile my eyes adjusted slightly to the light so I turned to look at the man, he had dark skin and black hair aswell but brown eyes that were dripping with tears. He too had a kumo headband but this one was hanging around his neck. But as he looked at me i felt a sudden change. I couldn't tell what it was, but I knew he was angry. after that I fell asleep and when I woke up, I woke up infront of a fireplace with an old woman holding me in her arms. After 5 minutes I could hear her mumble something.

Old woman "How could he be so heartless to leave after dropping his son off here when his wife died to give birth to him."

Me 'It's not unheard of for people to blame the child when their wife dies, I'm actually glad he left me here if that's the case. How would he have treated me if he kept me with him whilst thinking like that.'

After another 5 minutes of sitting by the fire i went back to sleep in the old woman's arms hoping that when I woke up, I would still be in this world instead of back in that endless void.