
Reborn in naruto as darui's adopted son.

Follow a guy as he tries to have fun in this new chaotic world filled with child soldiers, psychopathic elderly people and men that can destroy entire nations single handedly. His best course of action in order to do that is to avoid the village where 90% of the death happens. Atleast until he's 13. ****** " " = talking out loud ' ' = thinking ( ) = sound effects * * = POV switch or time skip ****** = end of chapter and my questions.

Captain_0bvious · Anime & Comics
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figuring out chakra, and a surprise.

It has been 1 month since I reincarnated into this world, I haven't been able to control my chakra perfectly yet but i can atleast move it a bit. But I won't be able to do anything else unless I can do the leaf exercise, still it's better then nothing.

The old woman runs an orphanage, how original, and is looking after me and 4 other children. There seems to be 1 8 year old, 2 10 year olds and a 4 year old.

The 2 10 year olds are twins, they have brown hair and green eyes. Whilst one is easy going and energetic like Naruto the other is shy like Hinata. The energetic one is a female and has long straight hair thats a little above the midway point of her back. whilst the shy one is male and has short curly hair that goes just above the shoulders, the boy is called Shiba and the girl is called Kira.

The 8 year old is a male adrenaline junkie and likes starting fights with others his age, he frequently comes home with bruises and scrapes. He also attends the ninja academy here and is one of the better fighters. However his intelligence is somewhat lacking. He has short black hair that doesn't reach his shoulders, his name is Yami.

Whilst the 4 year old is a 4 year old and dreams of becoming the Raikage. He has long white hair that goes just below his shoulders, his name is jaune.

Meanwhile i can now move my arms and legs easily i still can't walk or crawl, I'll have to do that first before I can do any proper chakra control exercises.

(1 year later)

"Grandma! Carrion is climbing the tree again." Yelled Yami.

'I'm only climbing a tree, what's the problem. It's not even a big tree, only 2-3 metres tall, granted i will still break bone if I fell since I STILL CAN'T CONTROL MY CHAKRA PROPERLY. Even after being able to stick 10 leaves to my body i still can't walk on the tree, maybe because my body isn't developed fully yet but it's just so frustrating.'

" 'sigh' Again? that's the 3rd time this week. If only Kira didn't show him the tree walking, maybe then he wouldn't be so eager to try it." said the matron of the orphanage. 'I recently found out her name is Soroi. Turns out I was named Carrion, a little weird but I can't do anything about it so I have to deal with it.'

"Carrion can you get down before you get hurt"

"I don't want to, it's fun climbing around."

"I'll tell Kira you're being naughty."

"Fine" I only got down because Kira said she will teach me something cool if I was a good boy, being called a good boy was sooo embarissing.

As I climbed down i took a look around 1 final time to see if I could see something interesting as I normally do up here, sadly I didn't see anything this time. When I got down Yami started doing the 'haha i got you in trouble' look as he went inside, I have to admit I nearly punched him in the balls since he ruined my fun.

"Boo" I just about jumped out my skin as I reached the ground as Kira appeared from behind the tree.

"KIRA, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT." I screamed since that genuinely scared the hell out of me.

"Because I love your reactions, and I will teach you something similar."

"Kira you realize he won't be able to do it for a few more years right." Shiva says after walking into the garden from the backdoor of the orphanage.

"What are you saying? Of course our adorable little brother can do it, he is a genius after all."

'She is purely saying that since she adores me, the only thing I have shown that hints to me being a genius is talking and climbing... trees... okay maybe she has some reason to say that but for all she knows i have a problem with my chakra network that stops me from being able to use chakra.'

"You spoil him too much" Shiba states the obvious.

"Nuh-uh" Kira denies in the least convincing tone ever.

" 'sigh' just don't go overboard"

"okaaay" She waits for shiba to go inside "Are you ready to learn an awesome ninjutsu."

"Yes, please teach me."

"okay, watch closely." *POOF* and just like that, a log appeared in her place.

'substitution, an extremely under rated jutsu since you could have a log covered in paper bombs appear or another enemy. And even without those just getting out the may of an attack that could kill you is incredible, this could be fun.'

"Soo, how did you like it?" she ask from up in the tree.

"AMAZING!!! TEACH ME TEACH ME TEACH ME." I try my best exited child impression.

"Okay calm down. Sit down and listen carefully. The instant before a ninja is struck by an attack, they replace themselves with an object of similar size like a block of wood or something similar. Because their attack has hit somthing, opponents might believe that they've successfully struck the user. But this is merely an optical illusion and one opponents will quickly notice what happened. However if users are fast enough, they can use this brief lapse in attention to stage a counterattack. You can even coat the log you use with explosive tags and either, use the explosion to help you escape or catch them offgaurd and hit them with another jutsu." She proudly explained the kawarimi to me.

'That was unexpected, I didn't realize she knew so much about the kawarimi since she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Maybe she is only interested in studying jutsu and not other things like math.'

"WOW, that sounds awesome. How do you do it?"

"It's not something you can do in a day, but let's start the training." she said with a sadistic smile. 'this might have been a bad idea'.