
Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Poor John gets Killed in an unfortunate accident, meets god, and is given the chance to reincarnate. His body however is mostly a creation of a very famous mad scientist from the hidden leaf, and while stewing inside his test tube the guy said " What if I add this? " And thus a monster was born! Meet Haruko, John's new body. Adventure awaits as he learns his body's powers, and trys to survive inside of naruto. With that out of the way this fic was created on a whim, and will be updated semi regularly like evry other day or so. I'm just a dude, and this is my first fic so if there are any gramical issuues, or spelling or lore things wrong just let me know, and I'll fix it. Beyond that please review, comment, and let me know what you think. I'd like to interact with the audience as while I know alot about both fictional worlds I'm pulling from I don't know everything. I don't own the cover art lemme know if you want me to take it down. I don't own anything from Naruto only original idea is my OC this is a fan-fic. I don't own anything from the protosype games. Updates when I feel like it.

Balthizar_Blake · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Fateful meeting, and camping!

" Alright, Brat's today were doing survival training. "

" Huh? What's that, Sensei? " Naruto asked with an innocent smile.

" We're going out to the training grounds. There I'll teach you how to fend for yourselves, how to get food, secure water, cover your tracks, and feed yourselves. "

" So camping with some extra steps? Wow Big Boss Kakashi taking us camping like a good big brother haha. "

A slightly flustered Kakashi lightly smacked me before continuing. " This training is important. It's not for goofing around. "

" I never said anything about goofing around, but don't normal families go out on camping trips? They go fishing, and make their own food, and stuff like that? "

" Yes they do, but this isn't for fun. This is to teach you how to survive when you're away from the village, in enemy territory, perhaps even hiding out to prevent being captured. "

" Could it be for fun though Sensei? " Naruto asked with a tired expression. " We've been really good with all our training, and We've even read these stupid books! "

" Why would you want it to be for fun? Don't you want to be Hokage? My job is to train you two to be ninja's not kids. "

" Well yeah, but we are kids, Sensei. Besides We've been training for months, and it would be nice to relax a little bit, and spend time together without all the teaching stuff. " Naruto continued, and I was really proud of how well he was doing. He very much so makes up for my near complete lack of interpersonal skills with his maxed out talk to jutsu. I hardly have to do anything at this point. Naruto is slowly breaking down all of Kakashi's walls on his own. I only do a little nudge here, and there. Honestly it's better that way as my brutal honesty usually earns me a beating from him.

" I don't understand why you guys would wanna spend time with me that isn't dedicated to training. "

" Maybe, just maybe it's because we enjoy spending time with you? " With a look of obviousness on my face I continued. " Aside from Gramps You're the only other person that gives us the time of day, and you take our training very seriously as though you have an intense personal stake in it. That level of honest dedication deserves some level of return. So yes we would like to spend some time just existing with you. "

" Hmmm. Alright fair enough, but you still need to pay attention to what I teach you while we're out there. This is important stuff. "

" Yes sir! "

Naruto broke out into a wide grin, hopping up and down with excitement, while I smirked, and Kakashi just shook his head.

" Alright since you guys still own next to nothing I've already bought you guys some basic necessities for camping. "

Taking out a sealing scroll, and with a poof three backpacks appeared. " Inside each of these is a tent, a sleeping roll, flint, and steel, and some emergency rations. Everything else we need will be found in the wild. "

" But Kakashi. How can we go camping without chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows? "

" Huh? "

" We have to make s'mores like the other families do! "

" Why? "

" It's an important part of camping, I've heard. "

" Alright, I'll make a quick stop for some supplies. Meet me out by training ground 28. "

" Yes! " Naruto shouted while running to his room to change his clothes.

Of the changes I've impacted to this point the most important is I prevented his attraction to the color orange, and hence no ugly ass sweat suits to worry about. Instead he mimicked my method of dressing. Since nobody will let him buy anything I've gotten all of our clothes, and since he decided to copy me I just buy two of everything. So we were wearing Black pants, Black sandals, a dark red undershirt, and of course a black overcoat. Now this color scheme was chosen for obvious reasons as one, black and red look cool. Two, that's the color scheme of my powers, so you know, gotta keep the theme going.

As we left our apartment we went for a lovely little stroll with our heads held high. Though the villagers were still rude to him, Naruto didn't let it bother him as much anymore. He had a couple good people around him, and it made his self confidence flourish. While we were walking through the village we saw something I didnt expect. Hinata was being bullied, and ganged up on by a group of kids. If I remember right this event is when she started to have a crush on Naruto.

" We should do something about that. " I said but Naruto had already rushed in that direction.

" Leave her alone! What's wrong with all of you? "

" Mind your business! We're just showing this spoiled brat that she's no better than us! "

" Yeah her freaky eyes are reason enough to beat her up! "

" Shut up! This isn't okay! Go away now or else! "

" What are you going to do about it, loser? "

" Isn't that the demon, and his servant? "

" Yeah it is! My older brother beat them up a while ago, he said they were total pushovers! Let's take care of them too! "

A few of the kids then rushed at Naruto, and oh boy were they in for a surprise. A kid threw a punch headed for his head, which he calmly caught, and tossed the kid over his shoulder to the floor. Coming up from behind him, I caught another kid by the arm, and twisted it behind his back before kicking him in the ass. The kid promptly fell to the floor. The two of us ran over, and stood in front of the poor girl.

" You okay kid? "

Hinata didn't respond to naruto's question instead she sat on the floor crying. If I remember right she could have easily beaten all these kids, but she hated violence, and harming others.

The kids represented no threat at this time. We had been training for a few months now, and when it came to fighting both of us were quick learners, in addition with our diet, and constant physical training we outclassed them by far. Not only all of that but these kids were between four, and six years old. They were our size, and not double our size so the fight was easy.

So easy in fact, I'd taken a step back, and allowed naruto to take out the 8 kids on his own. I stayed by Hinata, and prevented anybody from getting close. If they tried I'd simply toss them back at naruto.

The fight ended, and Naruto gave us a flashy smile with a thumbs up.

" My names Naruto Uzumaki! And I'll be the Hokage one day! Believe it! "

" Don't ever say that again you goofball. But yes that's Naruto, and I'm Haruko. Nice to meet you miss? "

The sniffling had died down earlier as she watched Naruto, and I saved her. Her eyes were sparkling as she saw how bravely Naruto had defended her.

" Hinata " The shy voice was barely an audible whisper.

" Alright Hinata, go home now. Out of curiosity, why did you allow them to hurt you so much? "

" Haruko, she obviously doesn't know how to fight, why else? "

" Naruto, don't be an idiot. Kakashi taught us about all the clan heirs. Hinata is basically the princess of the Hyuga. You really think they wouldn't teach her the gentle fist, or how to use her eyes? "

" Oh, yeah, good point. So why then? "

" Because I don't like hurting people. " The shy girl answered, and pity flew through our eyes as we helped her to her feet.

" Letting yourself get hurt isn't any better goofball. "

" Yeah what Haruko said. You have to be able to stand up for yourself. Even if you don't want to hurt them you need to defend yourself. Don't worry, when I become Hokage I'll make sure nobody bullies others anymore! "

".... Yeah what he said, anyway let's get you home safe, and sound. Can you lead the way? "

" Ye..yeah This way "

We followed her home where her father was standing outside clearly panicking at his missing daughter.

" Alright go on, see you around princess. "

" Remember to treat yourself better Hinata! Take care! "

Before the grouchy old man could yell at us I took the initiative to leave before some issue could arise surrounding naruto. I don't remember if he said anything rude to him in cannon, but I'd rather avoid the possibility as Naruto was in an all time good mood.

Alright we got 50 stones so 3 chapters today unless we somehow reach 100 then 4 today. As usual tell me your thoughts.

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