
Reborn in Naruto as a Dragoon

Kai died in his old world reborn as Narutos brother he will rise to be the strongest

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26 Chs

Chapter 22 A Snake Strikes

Kai was lying on his bed while covered in bruises." I will get Anko back for this." Kai spoke to his ceiling. Kai was also deep in thought. (Should I interfere? The chunnin exam is important. With what happens to this world, Naruto needs to experience hardship to grow. I don't want to lose my family, but if I coddle him and eliminate all the threats, will he be ready when the war pops off?) Kai was troubled by this.

As he sat there thinking he felt a pressure on his mind. He tried to fight it, concentrating on blocking it out. Whatever it was, it was felt this and redoubled the pressure. Kai felt a crack in his defenses before an ancient voice spoke. <Quit it you damn fool!> Kai was stunned before this being finished breaking through his mental defenses. <Damn Brat, I chose you, and you still tried to block me out>. (Who are you?)Kai thought. <Who do you think?> The voice said grumpily.

Kai had a thought that he almost dismiss. Afterer all it was an item born in the last moments of life. (Are you the dragoon spirit?) <About time you figured it out.> The voice said before continuing <I chose you for a reason Kai. Stop worrying about interfering too much. Let your brother grow, and if needed, we will step in, If you can wield me, then your little brother should be able to handle that little fox that he has in him.>

(Do you have a name?)Kai thought. <No. There was no need for a name when I was alive. I was the king of dragons. The strongest to ever exist, why would I have needed a name.> The voice asked back. (Well since your talking to me it's annoying to just think of you as it or him.)Kai responded. <Then name me and be done with it.) The voice said, <After all that is least important.> Mike thought about it before suggesting (What about Larvayle? It is the name of a dragon that was a leveler of ancient lanGod.

<Whatever now, if you're done let's get back to our conversation.> Larvayle replied < You are worried about ants, as my weilder have some pride. These people Madara, Kaguya, Orochi-whatever. They don't matter.They are mortals who are strong. Some even approach Godhood, but you are a being that can kill a god.>(But I) Mike replied. <Don't interrupt!> Larvayle snapped < You need to find your pride! All dragoons have the right to rule dragons, but you are my weilder, the king of all dragons. Look down with arrogance if anyone dares to touch one you hold sacred> Larvayle paused <BURN THEIR WORLD DOWN AROUND THEM>

Kai flinched at the volume before realizing that Larvayle was right. This was not some story he was reading and couldn't change. Dragoons were never supposed to exist in the first place, their very nature allows them to break the chains of fate. What did he care what destiny wanted he would do as he pleased. Felling better, he replied (Thank you, Larvayle). Larvayle snorted <Whatever it was just some words don't embarass me weilder. Become a being whose very name shakes the heavens.> Larvayle then fell silent.

Kai stood up, (Enough indecision. Let's see how the exam is going.) As he was leaving, he was wondering what else about his powers were different from the game. After all, it never showed the spirits having that kind of intelligence.

POV Anko

(He is here) Anko thought as she remembered that body they had found. She sent for backup and then rushed into the forest to track him. What could he be after, the Uzumaki kid, The Uchiha, perhaps? There were too many high-profile shinobi participating this year. Anko knew she should wait for backup, but she needed to go after him. It was personal to her, she touched the curse mark on her shoulder subconsciously.

She caught up to him quickly using snakes to attack. Orochimaru dodged and started gloating at her. He went on and on about how she was a failure he had discarded. How he found it amusing that she kept following him. He then activated the curse mark, paralyzing her, and began to walk slowly towards her, still gloating.

Anko was feeling helpless. It infuriated her. This bastard used her and threw her away like trash. Now he was in her village mocking her. Suddenly, she was overcome by immense pain. it radiated from the little rock that she was carrying. A power rushed from it into her. Anko could feel whatever it was purging all chakra from her body. The pain only increased to the point she almost passed out. The cursed seal began to dissolve, freeing her from Orochimaru's control.

POV Orochimaru

Anko stood up, acting as if in a daze. Her normal outfit was replaced by a dark blue, almost black armor with a pair of wings. Orochimaru attacked intending to capture her to figure out what this power was. (I must have it) He thought. Without seeming to realize what she was doing, Anko did a backflip kicking Orochimaru high into the air.

As he landed, he called one of his summons. "Capture her." He ordered. As the snake moved to do his bidding, Orochimaru heard a cold voice from Anko, "Death Dimension." He watched in fascination and horror as the massive snake he summoned seemed to be sealed inside of a flat surface. The picture like space, began to spin rapidly before Anko spoke again "Begone" the space shattered, and the snake was nowhere to be seen as if it had never been there in the first place.

Anko staggered from using her power. As Orochimaru began to make another move, seeing the expansion on Anko's face, a shadow dropped down in front of her. A boy in an armor similar to hers stood there. "Leave now little snake before I show you the power of a dragon." The boy spoke in a prideful tone. Orochimaru considered attacking before a bloodlust like he had never felt before rushed past him, freezing him in his tracks. "Last warning, little snake." The boy said coldly.

Orochimaru felt his old mentor approaching and chose to flee. He promised himself he would find out what this new jutsu was, though.


Kai watched as Orochimaru ran before turning to Anko in time to avoid one of her attacks. She was still in a berserk state and was attacking anything that got close. As the Third Hokage arrived, Kai warned him to stay back, explaining that she was out of control and a danger to herself and others.

Before he could respond, Kai launched himself at her grabbing her and quickly flying to an untouched part of the wilderness outside of the village. When he landed, he began to fight her in a battle that lasted for 2 hours before she finally fainted from exhaustion.

Sitting down, exhausted Mike complained loudly "I hope the rest are not this much trouble." before waiting on her to wakeup while pondering on her lack of chakra