
First battle

Taking advantage of the smoke screen I snuck up behind her silently kicking her in the back before retreating into the smoke screen turning around she ask "where are you damn! It's you son of a bitch when I find you I'm going break your skull" Said Sonya not listening to her I was sneaking around again coming in front of her and punching her in the face with a combo as she counted some of them before throwing a punch at me as I dodged getting around he putting her I choke hold as she struggled to get free before she used her weight to flip me over as she started to cough as she looked down where I had landed but I was not there as I kicked her the side as we engage in hand-to-hand combat as she punched and kicked me sending me to flip the smoke screen long since disappeared.

As we engaged in combat again I finally knocked her unconscious with a clean punch to the face after a while of recovering I brought her to my house and sat here on my bed cleaning her wound from her fights she was pretty banged up but she looked so beautiful sleeping as I had got done cleaning her wounds before I got up and made some food for me and her as when I was done I saw she was awake as she woke up shouting were was she and rushed downstairs as I was in the kitchen with the food on the plates as I turned around to see Sonya with a knife in her hands.

As she put it to my neck witch I could easily disarm her but I let it has as she started talking "what am I doing here you knocked me unconscious and brought me here what did do to me while I was unconscious answer or I swear I"ll put this knife through your throat" Said Sonya "woooo wooo hey calm down chill first off I didn't do anything to you while you were unconscious I'm not a creep I had morals second I just banged your wounds so you shouldn't be moves you could open one of them third could you put the knife away I have some food for us and I need to ask you something so please calm down" I said I finish talking as she just stared me in the eye for what felt like ages as it felt like she was looking into my soul it felt uncomfortable until she put the knife away while stating "fine ok but if you do anything remotely suspicious I won't hesitate to kill you on the spot and trust I will" said Sonya as we got to the table in the dining room she stalked behind me watching me closelyI was starting to get nervous this was awkward finally there.

We sat down and I started to ask her about the mortal kombat tournament and if she knows about witch she reapplied she does as I asked her does she know when it starts she said in about 6 months so just enough time for me to get enough training in I had told her that I just wanted this knowledge so I could enter to break my limits in martial arts after that she left as I started to train again.