
director of shield

After waking up Vaughan felt as though he could be happy. His family being in the upper class of society was disappointed to have a couch potato for a son. vaughan thought starting a new life would provide him everything he every imagined, at least that's what he thought as he ran through the streets of New York try to play it out as if he was in the movie. the one thing vaughan didn't count on was that even though now he spoke, looked, and was believed to be captain America he wasn't so his story isn't set in stone as captain America as he will soon find out.

Vaughan looked around as the black sedans surrounded him. Just as he looked around nick fury walked looking apprehensive about the super solider. like the movie steve had been asleep for almost 70 years. After being told of the long amount of time he was asleep he was almost too calm for the director of shield. Any normal person would be freaking out but not vaughan, even though he tried to play it off he couldn't fool fury....

Nick's POV

I broke the news to cap, but he seems unaffected by the news. I am believe it may be the perfect time to begin the avengers initiative but from caps reaction I'm not sure he can lead. I will have to keep my eye on him from now on...