
Reborn in marvel as Man of Steel (SUPERMAN)

Reincarnated as a kryptonian in marvel universe, just read it and you'll like it It's just a dream fulfilling novel and my first try at reading so there may be mistakes

Hgoma · Sci-fi
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4 Chs


As I opened my eyes all I felt was cold like I just left my warm blanket and then suddenly someone hit my butt and even though I didn't want to cry that is what happened. (oh fudge cakes, I transmigrated., but why a baby 😥)

Soon after I was given to woman with baby blue eyes, and black​ hair, she looked at me with such a loving expression that my entire body was filled with warm, I fell in love with her (maternal love weirdos)

Then I heard a male voice" his eyes are just like you martha, what should we name him? "my father(i think) asked.

Martha or my mom replied" Clark, his name will be Clark Kent. "dad said" Clarke, I like it, he is going to be a ladykiller when he grows up. "

Mom" don't you dare say anything negative about my baby Jonathan Kent. "mom said feigning anger.

Dad" Yes Mam. "

Seeing all this I gave a toothless smile and fell asleep.

[2 year time skip]

1995, 5th January (birthday)

Mc pov

So today's my second birthday, turns out I live in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York , looks like whoever dieiety send me here stick close to the superman theme(Mc don't remember his meeting with one above all), I don't know what kind of world I am in, it is it dc or marvel, one thing is clear I only have super strength, speed and invulnerability and of course my brain power is much more than that of a baby. Of course I tested my powers hiding from my parents. I tried to fly, blow freeze breadth, tried to hear something from across the house but nothing happened other than me pooping my pants.

My parents knew one thing that I was a smart kid, I started walking at 3 month old, spoke my first words at 7 month as "shit" for which my mom was happy that I spoke my first word but scrapped dad for thinking he was being a bad influence on the baby. (heh sorry dad). Learned potty training at 8 months, one of the most embarrassing things of my life

While I was thinking of all that happened till now my mom's voice came from behind me while she lifted me up giving kisses to my face"oh my baby boy, you turned 2 years old today, come one give mommy a hug and lots of kisses💋"

I said"mommy pwease put me down, now I've gvon up, it's embarrassing "in my chubby baby voice.

I somehow escaped mom's clutches and hid behind my dad's leg" dad mommy going crazy again save me"

Mom"aww I just want to play with my baby Clark now I'm going to cry"she said fake crying.

I knew it was fake but I still didn't like my mom acting to cry and I also had to keep my baby appearance "mommy don't cry I am here, all the pain will go away" I said pating her on the leg after which she quickly hugged me again.

Ding dong

Dad" looks like the grey's are here, Clark come meet your neighbours, they came for your birthday, their daughter is the same age as you."after which we welcomed a family of three people

My dad said hugging the brown haired man " hi Joseph, this is my son Clark, Clark this is my best friend and our neighbour Joseph grey, his wife Emilia grey and their daughter Jean Grey" after hearing that name I remembered something fuzzy but after seeing the chubby read haired, emerald eyed girl hiding behind her mother's leg did I remember that this is the Jean grey, omega class mutant, host of the phoenix force, I was sweating bullets freezed , after sometime I shuttered "h-hi" after seeing me suttering she gained a confident look and said "hello".

I didn't notice all that and thinking' so this is the marvel universe and it have mutants, now I have to figure out if there are anything related to dc since I have powers similar to a young superman and same name and all. '

We celebrated my birthday and my parents forced me to play house house with Jean after she was nearly going to cry when I first denied. Well she is cute, and I know she is going to be one of the most beautiful ladies of the marvel universe, nooo I'm just 2 years I don't need to think about this stuff.

Pov end

Time passed me and Jean became friends and we go to same play school, acting like a kid was too difficult so I started acting smart and reading middle school books so that my parents don't get too surprised, well surprise is going to be my middle name after I show them my powers.

[5 year time skip]


Mc Pov

There are lot of things to tell, well for one I turned seven this year and we shifted to our family farms in kansas after I told my parents about my powers. Yup I told them about my powers, for first I didn't like the idea of hiding it from them and for second I needed to move to a place where people won't notice the unnatural things happening around me and for third I unlocked telescopic vision on my 4th birthday and wasn't able control where I am looking properly for an entire month and my strength and speed were also increasing to the point I could accidentally hurt someone. After gaining telescopic vision I figured that I will be unlocking other kryptonian abilities as I grow and just like any other superpower I didn't have any control over them at first so we moved to kansas which was a quiet place which helped me in learning and keeping out the extra voices after I gained my super hearing which was a pain in the ass I mean ears. I also gained x-ray vision and all the super senses that superman had it took me an entire year from the age of 6 to 7 to master my senses but the problem is they are still getting stronger regularly. So I started focusing on science so that I could make tech that could me keep my powers under control.

In this time I was being home schooled by which I mean I was doing self study since my in was the 170ish range I didn't have to worry about learning and actually found science fun.

Pov end

Jonathan Kent pov

Its been 7 years since my son was borned. I knew he was going to accomplish wonders but I didn't know that he was a wonder boy himself.

I was scared at first when my son told us that he was a mutant, people don't have any good views about them. At first I thought Clark was skeptical until he lifted the sofa me and Martha were sitting on with one hand scaring the hell out of us.

He told us that he had more than 1 powers like super strength, speed, defence, he told us that he is still gaining new abilities as he is growing and told us that we should move to our farm in kansas so that no one finds about his gifts. Martha and I had a long discussion about our son's future after which we decide it was in our best interest to move as the world wasn't ready to accept our son.

I was driving and looking at the audio recording I created for my son as a birthday present for his 10th birthday it's nothing flashy, just a simple speech about with great powers, comes great responsibilities a family moto from my friend Ben Parker's family.

I reached the bank for some transaction but unfortunately there was a bank robbery soon after i entered. There was only one robber with a shot gun, he wasn't focusing on his surrounding so I took action and attacked him from the behind and was able to subdue him but I didn't know that he had partner after seeing me holding his a compliance he fired a shot, I turned around and the robber I was holding was shot in the chest and died, I was scared, I wanted to run but couldn't as the other robber took a little boy as a hostage same as clerk's age I guess, I moved without thinking, I was able to free the boy but was struggling to take control of the handgun in robbers hand (why isn't anyone helping him?).

We heard police sirens,some offers came in seeing them I relaxed a made a mistake because of which I was shot I chest. The polices officer shot the robber in the leg and subdued him, I think his name was sergeant Stay, I felt my cociousness fading and could only think'

Clarke looks like I'm leaving a little early, you have to take care of mother, be happy, Martha I love you. '

Martha' why did I suddenly have an dreadful sensation? '

Clark seeing his mom freezed face "mom what happened?"

She replied "nothing honey, just felt a little cold."

(3 days time skip)

Clark was crying ' I can't believe dad left us, I never thought that something like this might happen, what will happen to me and mom now, I wanted to kill that bustard who shot dad but he is already apprehended by the police and dad won't want me to be a killer, even having all this power I wasn't able to save him, the age of heroes hasn't started yet, if only I would have become a hero and started patrolling I could have saved him,he wasn't supposed to die, I had the power to act but I didn't, dad's death is on me, but I know I'm not guilty even if I do want to be a hero, I would have started at age of 14 or 15 years, I can't just leave mom but still this feeling, dad what should I do, in my previous life I was always an orphan, I had close friends but I never experienced a loss of a loved one, I don't like this feeling. '

Martha on the podium "Jon was a brave man but more than that he was a loving husband and a father, losing him like losing a part of my life,I'm not brave like him, I'm... I.." Martha started crying, I went on the podium and hugged her and gave the speech in her stead. The funeral was small, only few of dad's close friends including the grey, surprisingly the parkers and some other families. After the funeral I stayed behind with mom. It looked like Jean wanted to comfort but couldn't find a moment to talk.we finally went home.

Jean pov(going back home in car)

I can't believe that Mr Jonathan died, he was a person full of life, always treated me as his own daughter, it's saddening I don't even know how Clarke is going to be, Martha looked so sad 'aah my head'

I don't like the gloomy look on Clarke's face, he is a happy go lucky kid, I hope he can recover from this 'waah my head, where are this voices coming from?'Jean thought clutching her head, while the voices and pain in her head was increasing, finally unable to bear the pain she acreages and the car they were in turned upside down.

Pov end

(in this accident jeans mom died, Jean's father consulted one of his friends Charles xavier, who after sensing an unknown entity in Jean's mind locked her memory of the accidents and made it seem like both her parents died, Charles used cerebro to change everyone memory related to Jean making them forget about her, he didn't lock all of jean's childhood in fear of making her vegetative so erased memories of other about Jean, but Mc being a kryptonian wasn't affected by cerebro. Jean went to Charles xavier school for gifted youngsters and the story continues)