
11. Fitz has a Theory

"Umm... I-I just umm...." since Fitz didn't want to tell Coulson about his brainwashing theory to Coulson he didn't know what to say to him which would allow him to talk to Ward again.

Coulson narrowed his eyes when he saw squirting and unable to say anything, he knew that this was different from when he can't find the words to speak as he looked like someone who had something to hide.

"Fitz! If you tell me truthfully the reason for you wanting to see Ward again I may allow it but if you lie then you can forget about meeting him" Coulson said as he started right at Fitz

Knowing that this may be his only chance to get permission to meet Ward, Fitz decided to tell the truth as he knew that he wasn't a good liar, he may not be as bad as Jemma but he wasn't at the level where he could fool Coulson.

"Ok, so I-I have a theory," said Fitz as he looked at Coulson who nodded his head signaling him to continue, "I be-believe that Ward, may have been brain-brainwashed in the 5 years he lived in the wild-wilderness by Garret"

"Ward was brainwashed!? That's just wishful thinking Fitz, Ward knows how to adapt to complete a mission, on the other hand, a brainwashed person would follow orders to the end they don't change the directions until they are ordered to." Coulson said.

"Yes Yes, but thro-through that method, the-they brainwash a person with- within a few days or weeks at most, but Garret had 5 who..... whole year's with Ward and in those 5 years he was the only human...... contact that he had, it was eno-enough time for Garret to use the most simple method to brain-brainwash Ward, w-which is mu- much harder to get out from ev-even after Garret's death" stated Fitz.

"And what method would that be Fitz!?" asked Coulson with genuine intrigue as it has been some time since Fitz talked with him about science.

"Cont-Controlling the phy-physical and...... so-... social environment, an- an attempt is made to- to destroy loya-loyalties to any..... unfavorable groups or individuals, to demo-demonstrate to the individual....... that his attitudes and patterns of thinking are in.... incorrect and must be changed, and to de-develop loyalty and un.... unquestioning ob-obedience to the ruling party," Fitz explained as he showed the research that he had found to Coulson as well in his tablet then continued, "We know Ward was tak-taken from the juvie when he was 16 and in-... influence by Garret ev-even court will not find him gu-guilty for his crimes as a-all of them were... com-committed by him under the influence of John Garret since he was an underage kid,"

Coulson was stumped by that and couldn't help but ask again, "What do you mean by that Fitz!? Why would he be found non-guilty in a court!?"

"Be-because he had been under Garret's in-influence since the age of 16 when he was taken out of Juvie, every crime he com-committed can be blamed on Garret who.... be-brainwashed a kid to do his bidding. You can't blame someone men-mentally........ unstable." Fitz stated.

"So you are saying we keeping Ward imprisoned is against the law!?" asked Coulson

"If-if he was really brain-brainwashed then yes," Fitz said as he nodded his head.

Coulson was silent then he asked Fitz again, "If what you said is right then why would he suddenly started giving us information, up until now he was only willing to talk to Skye but suddenly he apologized to us and even gave some useful information against Hydra,"

"Yo-..... You told me th-that he tried to commit suicide right!?" asked Fitz to which Coulson nodded his head, "Then I think his recent... u.... suicide att-attempt in which he... banged his head against the wall may have done som-something to his brain maybe his re-repressed per-personality is coming out now that John Garret is not here or-or his... ah...

..... brain- brainwashing is wearing off now that the influ-influencer is not here to....umm... influence him anymore, I won't know correctly until I do a brain scan"

"I don't think that would be possible anytime soon Fitz, many people here still hate Ward, which includes May and Skye how are you going to convince them!?" asked Fitz.

"B-But sir we-we need his brain scan, if not ho-how will we.... um... compare it in the fu-future to see if there are any.... hmm..... im-improvements after I start my experiments," Fitz said

"So you really need his brain scan now!?" Coulson asked to which Fitz nodded his head, "Even if we decided to do it in the night do you really think that Grant would just follow us to do his brian scans silently"

"May-Maybe! Maybe not, bu-but it could be our first experiment" said Fitz.

"Explain Fitz!" asked Coulson.

"Garret has be-beaten into him the... the fact that having a..... wea-weakness is.... wrong that's why he-he... ordered Ward to kill us, now if we tell him that....we need to do a-a.... brain scan of his be... because we believe that he was brainwashed, so if... if... he fo-followed us s-silently then-then..... that means he-he.....was..."

"Faking it and was trying to manipulate you" Coulson finished Fitz's sentence.

"Ye-yes, but if he says no, then-then..... I would be proved right" said Fitz.

"Ok, then when do you want to conduct this experiment of yours," asked Coulson.

"The. ... ea-earlier the better" said Fitz hearing which Coulson nodded his head and pressed a key on his keyboard showing the surveillance video of the playground.

Both of them carefully watched where May and Skye were as these two were the only ones they feared right now the others didn't high enough rank or relation with them to scare them.

"Skye and May are still searching Werner Reinhardt through the old files with the others so this is the best time for us to conduct that experiment of yours," said Coulson as he signaled Fitz to move.

Understanding the gesture Fitz picked up the tablet and started to walk out of Coulson's office with Director Coulson right behind him.

"Th-Thank You, for be-believing in me sir.... ev-even after I-I am.... da-damaged this much you still trust me," Fitz said, "Even when I-I was..... um.... pe-perfectly fine not-not... many would have believed me."