
Chapter 7

He clicked on the video and heard an erotic loud sound:



When Nathan heard this sound, His face turned bright red and emitting a steam, his little brother, was still in it's developing age, so it did not become a large spear, thankfully he somehow managed to controlled his steaming face, because if not, his Shisho will see his face red and will though probably inside, why is a 4 years old kid bright red just from seeing this porn as he should not know it, at his age.

Daisuke who was in deep thought, who heard this erotic sound, awakened quickly and said in a Shocked tone: "Fuck!"

Turning his face to Nathan direction, he snatched the phone immediately, even faster than flash speed, when he first became flash.

Then some group of 5 passersby, who heard this Erotic Sound, quickly whispered to each other.

"Hey guys, look at that horny black-clad guy watching porn in daylight, he is not even ashamed a bit, watching porn infront of those cute little kids. he is definitely a Scumbag and a pervert" said a black haired male, one of the passerby. the guys he talked to, nodded with their face full of disgust to Daisuke.they imagine a scene where Daisuke, ravaged the trio, with a disgusting look.

"Should we go in there to beat him up and save the three little kids?" a blond-haired woman asked.

"Yeah, we should rescue those kids before its too late!"Said the black-haired man. All of them nodded as if they already come in an agreement to save those kids before even the black-haired said his word. they were about to go to the trio but an angry piercing voice came out of Daisuke causing the group of 5, to cover their ears.

"Who said I'm a Scumbag and a pervert!?, who?"Said Daisuke with his face red from anger and several veins popping out.

Then the group of five hearing this stopped and quickly pointed there trembling hands at the black-haired man. The black-haired man who sees this wanted to curse at them, but can't as he can't even move from the scary eye of Daisuke. 'You all motherfucker how can you betray me like this' he cursed inside.

"Just to let you know I'm not a scum or a pervert, I'm a Trainer that was hired and the thing that hap..pend was just an incident as I did not know that Nathan over here will press my...Secret...file!" cleared out Daisuke who calmed down. the group of 5 who heard these apologies for their misunderstanding and left quickly. Daisuke even heard the black-haired guy cursing hid friend when they left.

Once the group left, his Naive Fellow Friend, who don't know about p*r*, ask curiously. "Shisho, What kind of Secret video was that?"

"....!"His Shisho showed a shocked expression. he did not expect the two to ask but understood as a child was an extremely curious being.

"Yeah Shisho, What was that 'Secret video' about, the woman, I saw was going up and down on a guy, then they switched position,the man was now in the back, while the girl was in front and producing those "agnn" voice"Nathan innocently ask, while inside, he was laughing as hell about his great acting skill and the hard situation that was happening to his Shisho.

"Ahh, it was just a real-life game called 'agnn" that if you say agnn you lose and you do the thing you said earlier, to beat the guy or the girl," said his Shisho

"Then if its a game, can I play it with my mom," said Nathan half-heartedly as he just want to tease his Shisho.

"...!" Shisho was startled not expecting the question Nathan asked.

"No!, the....the Game is banned by the government as it can lead to death"Shisho shouted immediately and trying his best to come up with his head to come up an answer, but all he can think of was a stupid reason, but the two was a kid that doesn't know anything and Nathan stopped asking question as don't want to tease his Shisho.

The two friends of Nathan became scared when they heard the 'It can lead to death', while Nathan though "What a stupid excuse"

Cough!, Cough!

Shisho coughed two times, to get the trio attention.

"Ok, You blockheads, let's not waste time anymore and it's now time to train your skills!"Shouted the trio's Shisho.

"first thing first, as I said earlier, we will train Skill first and physical Second"Reminded Shisho and the trio listened carefully.

"Basketball has Basic skills that will help upbuild your foundation for the future. The Basic skill are:

Shooting - As its basketball, you can't win without scoring and you will just miss the ring if you're from is not proper.

Passing - If you are passing in the wrong forum, then your pass will be just slow, Out of the direction and can be easily get stolen by the enemy.

There are different types of pass:

Chest Pass - Where you put your two hands on your chest, with the ball on hand, you pass it to your teammate chest, it is commonly used when you are not guarded heavily.

Overhead Pass - You raise your arm backward over your head or in front of the forehead and throw it to your team head, or chest, etc, it depends on where you passed the ball of how the enemy team guarded your teammates.

Bounce Pass - Bounce the ball to the teammate's chest, Chest height. (Author: I don't know about this)

Push Pass - Pushed the ball to the teammate's chest and you must use your furthest hand away from the defender.

"That is for now and do you all understand?" Asked Daisuke, he did not explain the rest as this skill was enough for them now.

The trio shakes their head, as they did not even understand a single thing, but Nathan learned all that his Shisho said, but just pretended not to, as they will think how could he possibly learned it immediately, as he was just 4 years old.


Daisuke sighs as he knows in his head, how can four years old, understand a complicated word, he thought for a minute, then his eye brightened as he knows what can be used in this situation, that is.....

'Action!' Yes action, as with action they can understand it by seeing the action done.

He took his 'cellphone' and dialed a number, causing his student to watched in curious.

After a few seconds, Daisuke ended the call and said to his student: "Wait a few minutes, then the skill training, will begin." the trio nodded as a response.

(Pls Forgive if my description of skill is not accurate as I just learned It a couple months ago when it was my mapeh class, and I'm currently re-watching kuroko no basketball to see more detail and gain enlightenment of the Basketball matched

Sorry for the chapter late as I just got home from school and just got a lot of stuff(homework,project)that I did not pass in time because I'm lazy and tommorow is the deadline, this poor Author here is gonna have an big eye bag tommorow but for my dear reader, I skip the homework for Abit and writed an story,

Im sorry if you find this chapter today to be 18 + as I though 18 + sound funny to me but don't worry I will not use it often.

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