
Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen World with THREE wishes

(Action / Romance) MC died an unfortunate death and a god offers her to reborn in Jujutsu kaisen world! And she had THREE WISHES! Innate technique? Cursed energy? She can have EVERYTHING !!! Follow MC's journey as she goes to Tokyo Jujutsu High, messes with people, toying with curses and getting stronger all the while facing strong, unexpected enemies. Will she overcome the obstacles and uncover the truth of her rebirth to get a happy ending for herself? Or will she get consumed in her own emotions and darkness? OC x Gojo Satoru Fluff/ Angst/ Smut/ Romance (Eventual Happy Ending) So, for the male ML, I decided to go with Gojo anyway so it'll technically be Student-Teacher relationship. MC is NOT UNDERAGE. However you have triggers, please do not read this. Warning - Violence, Death, Self-harm, Explicit Sex scenes, Extremely Possessive Behavior SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DON'T READ MANGA SOME EVENTS AND INFO FROM MANGA STARTING FROM VOL 2!! (Bookcover is an art I commissioned an artist san ^.^)

Chaotic_Clara · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 64 - Calling Mom

After leaving *Sachiko's base, Sachiko finds herself in a neighborhood near Shinjuku station. Her other self probably turned an apartment into her base, destroyed her cursed energy residuals and stay hidden.

Sachiko turned to look at the direction she came in, and wondered if she could find her again. Because they have the same cursed technique, Sachiko knew she would only win if she got stronger than *Sachiko. Or she probably needs to persuade her to free Satoru. But, Sachiko didn't think it would work without the other party trying to manipulate her.

"I guess I need to focus on getting stronger first. Only then, I'll be able to free Satoru and this whole mess will be solved." Sachiko said to herself.

She walked towards Shinjuku station, but stopped after a few steps. Her necks itches and she was reminded of the scar her mom, no, the fake mom *Sachiko made, gave her.

"Right, I should call her to check up on her. What if she's worried?" Sachiko tried to take her phone out from the jacket but then, remembered she didn't have it with her. She probably lost it back in Shibuya or, her other self took it. She sighed in annoyance before finding a payphone. She quickly inserted the coins she picked up along the way.

Well, 'pick up' is not exactly the correct word, but Sachiko didn't think taking money from a bunch of guys who tried to rob her was wrong. They were lucky taking their money was all she did when she could have killed them all, she thought. Maybe she are tuning a bit more into the evil side from the neutral. But, Sachiko found herself not caring of that.

After inserting the coins, she dialed her mom's number almost anxiously. She still doesn't know her mom's exact situation except for the fact that she's currently safe. She also doesn't know what was happening in Japan after Shibuya incident.

Maybe she underestimated when she thought what if her mom was worried, because the voice on the phone was extremely anxious.

"Sachiko? Is this really you?!" Misaki's sobbing voice could be heard over the phone, Sachiko felt really bad for a second.

"Yea..Yeah, it's me. How're you doing mom? Are you alright? Do you see any of those curses again?" Sachiko asked.

"I'm okay. But are you? I heard you and..that Gojo Satoru mention something about going to Shibuya. When I saw the massacre there in the news, I was worried about you."

Misaki said.

"I'm okay, too." That was all Sachiko could reply at that moment. Her mom mentioning Gojo and the massacre reminded her of how badly she messed up.

"You didn't get hurt? That's good. Although we can't say the same for those poor souls.." Misaki sighed, "Imagine minding your own business and the next moment, dying from an unexplainable incident? That is so messed up."

Sachiko went absolutely still, frozen in place as she held the phone, every word coming out of the phone practically touching the very thing she didn't want to be reminded of. She didn't want to know how those civilians didn't deserve to die, get caught in her murder party of those rotten Jujutsu sorcerers. She wasn't thinking properly back then but now that she was forced to, she couldn't think she was right.

Sachiko was feeling lost, numb, but at the same time, it hurt. She couldn't name what emotion she was feeling. But, she somehow knew it wasn't guilt. She didn't feel guilty somehow.

It was sad that they got caught up in the incident. But, it wasn't like she actively chose to kill them. Besides, Satoru went there in tge first place to save those civilians, right? If it were up to them, Sachiko would've chose the battle somewhere else.

She probably went silent for longer than she thought, because her mom worriedly called her name on the phone. She shook herself out of the spiral of thoughts to reply, "Sorry, mom. I was..uhh just caught up with something."

"Oh, if you're busy, we can talk later. Just...just take care of yourself, okay?" Misaki said.

"Yeah, of course, you too. Take care , mom. I will call you again after I get a new phone. I lost my phone yesterday so yeah." Sachiko told her.

"Okay then."

Just when Misaki was about to hang up, Sachiko remembered *Sachiko said, "Mom said she was staying by my side no matter what happen but it was all lies."

"Mom, I actually have something to tell you.." Sachiko started nevertheless.

Misaki hummed and Sachiko knew she was listening to her.

She recalled *Sachiko's words again, "When she knew the real me, she didn't hesitate to stab my neck with a cursed tool she got from a Jujutsu sorcerer."

Sachiko felt her heartbeats racing faster, her fingers getting cold and getting more difficult to breathe. What if...

What if mom wouldn't be on her side after knowing what she did?

What if mom says she's a monster for not feeling guilty?

Sachiko shook her head and said, "Nothing, mom. I ...just wanted to tell you I love you."

Misaki's giggle could be heard over the phonr but Sachiko felt detached.

What if *Sachiko was right?

Finally a new chapter after months? I'm sorry TT Couldn't really focus on anything these days.

Chaotic_Claracreators' thoughts