
Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen with some Naruto abilities

A man fulfills his dream of becoming rich and repays the people who used to try not to fulfill his dream and dies shortly thereafter The soul is reborn without memories and a human being is created anew in the Jujutsu Kaisen univers with some powers of the Narutoverse Jujutsu Kaisen AU Disclaimer: •I do not own anything only my oc. •If there is any problem about the cover please send me a message i'll delte it. •I have a very bad spelling and i'll mostly use the translater so pls blame me not this much. •Don't expect regular updates i do it because i'm bored.

Erdzan_21 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 A new acquaintance


In the dark nothing a light illuminates a soul an unrecognizable figure it touches the light and it breaks

"Orio Shin"

"Thanks to you rather your money there is no more hunger on Earth 0805111115 so you will reborn in a other univers in a other world with some help"

(AN: he gets some powers but he won't go straight op)



Pain I can only remember pain what am I who am I

Again pain

New pain

I'm so tired

Ther in pain anymore i can hear something

"Wahh Wahhh Wahhh"

Something weird is screaming

I'm so tired i-i need to sleeppppp


Somewhere in japan

"Today the eleventh of march 2003 my son Nakano Toshio was born"

*2 years time skip*

Two years have passed and Nakano has arrived in the new world. He is currently living with his mother Minami Kiyomi.

She is a young brunette about 1.65m woman, has blue eyes and is extremely affectionate with her son.

She tries to provide for him as best as she can even though she lives in rather slaughtering circumstances.

She works as a clerk in a small grocery store.

They live in a small apartment provided by the state.

Nakano hasn't met his father yet because his father left his mother before he was born.

Nakano often tries to get up and walk normally, but in the end he just crawls

He often shows interest in newspapers and advertisements it almost seems as if he can read them.

But is that even possible? A two-year-old baby who can read is impossible, isn't it?

Every time Minami goes shopping, she takes him with her because she is afraid that if the apartment is attacked by shady people, she will lose him.

This is not uncommon in this area, it is a problem in Japan.

The yakuza and other criminal gangs are reacting to the area and wreaking havoc.

*Time skip*

Today Minami had the night shift and came home late on the way she luckily didn't meet any shady people.

When she entered the apartment she locked the door several times and made herself a piece of bread to eat and a glass of water from the tap.

When she finished eating she still felt hungry but didn't want to eat anymore so she went to Nakano's baby bed.

When she saw him she could only smile, her darling, her dear child, her only reason to live.

"Nakano my dear your mother loves you so much you will get out of here one day and have a better life i will take care of that

i will never leave you and we both will stay together i promise on my life and all holy"

She says as she lies down wearily on her mattress in the same room.

What she didn't know is that Nakano could understand every word and thought that he would do anything for this woman his mother, no matter what, he would never leave her.

This was how most of the days passed for mother and son until Nakano turned 4 years old.

*Time skip 2 years*

Since Nakano was very mature for his age and he was also above average smart, it was decided That he would attend elementary school at the age of 4.

*Flashback 3 months before*

Last night Minami noticed that Nakano's face was a little pale, so she went over to him and checked if everything was fine and unfortunately noticed that her son has fever.

So she did the only thing she could do and contacted a doctor to have a look over at Nakano.

Luckily she found a doctor in central Tokyo he had good reviews and relatively low prices Minami had to use up 2 months of savings for this visit.

But since it's about her son's health was at stake, she would give a lot more for it.

So she went on her way, she put on her clothes, which consisted of second-hand jeans, a top that was too big and a cozy woolen jacket.

The woolen jacket was probably her most expensive item. It was given to her by an unknown person. One day, almost 3 years ago.

There was a package in front of the door of her apartment without any information The sender but with a chic comfortable woolen jacket, she was particularly happy that day.

On the way to the doctor she didn't worry too much about the gangsters because there are a lot of police officers in the center of Tokyo.

As she got dressed she took Nakano in her arms and they made their way to the doctor.

The way to the doctor took 1 hour, not because there was no public transport until then, no, Minami didn't want to spend that much.

it took about 40 minutes to get to the doctor when the two arrived they were told at reception that they should wait in the waiting room and that people would take care of them.

So the two (Nakano still in the arms of his Mother) went to the waiting room.

Arriving in the waiting room, they took a seat in a corner with chairs and waited.

Minami immediately noticed that her son would like to go to the play corner that was nearby.

In the corner were boxes full of toy cars, building blocks that could be used to build anything and toy people standing in a toy house.

There were a boy and a girl standing there, they were about Nakano's age, although the girl looked a bit older.

Minami sits Nakano on a chair and asks him "You must want to go play or let me think about it for a moment... comon go on but come back to me when we're called and take care of yourself"

"Thank you Mother" He thanked her in a not yet fully developed Japanese

Nakano immediately made his way to the games corner with a grin on his face.

'I'm sorry, little Nakano, I wish I could buy toys there too, but I don't have enough money for that' Minami thinks as her son sets off.

Nakano POV

What I noticed was that the black haired boy had a slightly annoyed face and seemed bored.

While the brunette girl had a loving smile on her face and wanted to talk to the black-haired boy all the time, but he ignored her.

Arrived at the toy corner I straight go to the toy box with small figures and i took out a few to play with them.

I like one of these figures in particular so I'll take a close look at them (pic in the comments if I forget it's an Raijin figure)

"wow that looks a bit scary what kind of figure is that" The girl surprises me and asks me anxiously curious

"II don't know," I reply curtly

"Hello my name is Tsumiki Fushiguro nice to meet you what is your name" She introduces herself and asks my name

"My name is Nakano Toshio nice to meet you too"

"oh yes that boy there is my foolish little brother Megumi he doesn't always look like a scarecrow but he has never had any social interaction with anyone other than me"

"Tsumiki what are you saying about me i will tell mother right away and she will punish you" The black-haired boy named Megumi tries to threaten his stepsister

"Yes, little megumi, try it, but no matter what, you said again, Nakano, why are you here at the doctor"

"I have fever" I try to keep it short

"But you're not very talkative well rather more like my brother"

The door to the waiting room opened and the woman from the reception said "Family Fushiguro room 2 Nakano Toshio room 3" and leaves.

"I have to go back to my mother now it was nice to meet you Tsumiki and Megumi goodbye I said goodbye with a dazzling smile

"Goodbye Nakano"

I'm on my way to my mother and on the way she asks me "Have you made new friends?"

"They were nice"

Mom opened the door and we sat down on the chairs

After about 20 seconds, an young man in his mid 30s with black hair

He and my mother bowed to each other in greeting

"Hello madam... Toshio what is your problem, how can i help you" He says as he reads the name off the clipboard

"In fact my last name is Kiyomi my son Nakano's name is Toshio and he is also the patient he has a fever since last night and I don't know what to do"

"Ohh okay madam Kiyomi I'll take a look at your son" He says and approaches me

First he feels my forehead then behind my ears and pulls out a blood pressure monitor while he says

"This is a blood pressure monitor don't chew on it I put it on your arm And check your blood pressure, it's a bit cold at first, so don't be alarmed"

I pulled my top up by my arms and he put the measuring device on, but it was so cold that I was shocked for a moment.

The shock made me move briefly and the figure from the waiting room fell out of my pocket onto the floor.

At that moment I could only look away in embarrassment.

'He probably thinks I wanted to steal it'

"What is that figure?" he asks as he picks it up

"Sorry doctor this is a character from the play area in the waiting room that i played with i must have packed it by mistake i'm very sorry i didn't mean to steal it" I'm trying to talk myself out of it with the truth

"Doctor please hear what my son says he would never do such a shameful act"

The doctor watches us for a silent long moment as he starts to laugh "hahaha it's alright kid I wouldn't accuse you of stealing for that you're way too cute with your beautiful Blonde hair and black eyes"

He observes the figure more closely and asks "Do you know who I have in my hands here?"

I shake my head

"This is the almighty god Raijin honor also has other names like Raiden-sama, Kaminari-sama, Raikō but these always say the same thing in the end and that is Lord of Thunder

(AN:For these guys that didn't get it he is the God of Thunder)

Well, we don't know much except that he was seen in the 13th century and that he has a lot of contact with the god of the Wind"

I've always had a lot of interest in Donner und Blitze so I could only listen with interest

"I've heard of him before. I found a scroll next to my mother's sleeping place not long ago. The scroll was old, but I could read it with no problem" I answered the doctor

When I said I could read it, my mother looked at me in shock, her face full of questions and concern

"You can read at the age of 3" the doctor asks me

"Yes, I can. It took a while, but when I used practice exercises, I could read it almost fluently with no errors"

"This is extremely interesting to be able to read at such a young age is rare You know what, you can keep that figure, but please stay , after I've treated you, I want to ask you some school stuff, is that fine, Ms. Kiyomi of course you can stay"

"Ah yeah sure" Mother gives him permission

*After he treat's me*

"You should be feeling better by now it was just a common fever than no more worries"

"Thank you for healing my son"

"Yes thank you"

"You're welcome now I just have a few questions so tell me Nakano I have three Riddles for you the first one

A is the brother of B.

B is the brother of C.

C is the father of D.

So how is D related to A?"

(If you really want to solve it don't go any further)

"A is D's uncle" Nakano answeres within 30 seconds after hearing it

'He is good and fast at the age of 3 I would not have been able to solve this riddle' The doctor thinks

"That's right, now I will say several riddles so I say it you answer as fast as you can




What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?"


"What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?"

"A river"

"What two things can you never have for breakfast?"

"Lunch and dinner"

"What can fill a room but takes up no space?"


"How many questions have I asked you since the riddles?"


"Not correct I gave you 5 riddles not 6" The doctor had a smile on his face that said I won

"That's true but you asked me 6 questions the last time they asked me how many questions they asked me so this counts as another"

"Hahah you are good thats amazing at the age of 3 such an achievement how about i try to get you a scholarship to a prestigious school and we meet at least once in a month how does that sound"

My mother's situation was full of embarrassment and I knew why even if it was a great solution we don't have the means to travel to school every day and other expenses

So my mother was just about to decline and said, "You know, even though it's very nice of you, I'm not in the positio" When she was interrupted by the doctor who said

"Of course I bear any costs such as the way to school and other needs to promote a genius I would do a lot"

Mother looks at me and I knew that this was some kind of question asking if I agree so I nodded excitedly at learning at a renowned educational institution so early.

So my mother bowed and said tears of joy" Thank you very much for this great gift"

"hahaha there's no problem. I'm happy to do that. So here's a card from me. If you need help with anything, give me a call"

He gives my mother his card with the name Sobito Ieiri on it


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.

Erdzan_21creators' thoughts