After his trip to Diagon Alley, Ron spent the next few weeks digesting the books he had memorised and started his preparations in order to learn one of the simplest yet also the hardest branches of magic, Runes. Although it would be hard to learn the Magical Arts at his young age while he had to hide from his family, Ron was confident in his abilities. Not to mention in this life where he had magic, even in his previous life, he had been a talented and hardworking student who always performed extremely well in anything he did. For the last two years, Ron had built up an image of a `good boy' and now was the perfect time to use it, ``Mom! I'm going to the shed to look at some of Dad's stuff!'' Molly looked at her youngest son excitedly going to the shed and just asked him to be careful, ``Be careful in there and don't touch anything in the locked cabinets!!'' although to outsiders it would look like Molly didn't care about her son, she knew him better than anyone else. If Arthur or Molly asked him to look left, Ron wouldn't ask why and would just do it. It was this thought that let her confidently let him go in the shed alone. In any case, ever since Bill left for Hogwarts, there had been a little bit of a sad mood in the Weasley Household.
But with six children in the house and the neighbours kids dropping in from time to time, it hadn't taken long for the happiness to spread. Taking this into account Ron had made his move today. `Whew! First things first, let's set up an Intruder Charm just in case!' Ron was very careful with what he was doing, he knew once his actions were known to his family, it would become extremely difficult for him to do anything in the future without his parents looking over his shoulder. ``Aeris Imperium!!'' from the ` Book of Thousand Spells', Ron had learned many new spells which he knew would come in handy in the coming days. Like the current spell he had applied onto the Copper Pot, he had found lying in the shed. It allowed him to bend the metal to his will and change it to any shape he wanted. It was a magic spell related to Transfiguration but it was a thousand times easier and less dangerous. `` Huff! Huff! Huff!'' although Ron was currently out of breath, he was extremely happy looking at two pieces of copper. One was a Halo Ring, the other was a Carving Pen. ``Ron! Lunch's ready.'' Without wasting anytime, Ron hid the Ring and the Pen in an obscure location and quickly made his way to the house. He knew he couldn't accomplish everything in one day and making his parents suspicious of him was something intolerable to him.
The next day Ron went into the shed once again and set up the Charm before taking out the Ring and the Pen. Although he had learned a lot of new things from both the Ancient Tomes and Grimoires of the Weasley Family and the Books he had read at the Second Hand Bookstore, the only piece of knowledge he could currently use was Runes. Runes themselves were manifestations of magical powers, they could be used to predict the future, counteract harmful forces or they could be used in incantations, curses and magic spells. But to Ron the only use he was interested in was being able to provide various qualities to materials. Although without the magical herbs, metals and other materials the effect of runes would be weak but that also depended on what type of Rune was being drawn, the person who was drawing it and where they were drawing it. Ron was going to be drawing Ancient Runes from the Weasley Family Tomes and with his talents and the Weasley Family land, the effects of the runes would definitely not be weak.
The first object Ron was going to carve runes into was the ring he had made yesterday. Although the ring was made from trash laying around in the shed, it was the result of his hard work and effort, so Ron was very careful and slow in the process of carving even the most basic and simplest rune, a Magic Gathering Rune! With this rune, the ring would not only be able to gather Magical energies from the surrounding but it would also make it easier for Ron to focus his own magic for casting spells! This rune would be able to turn the ring made from trash into the most basic version of a wand allowing the future worktime to be cut almost in half. `` Huff! Huff! Huff! Finally it's done!'' although he wanted to shout in hoy and run into the house and show his hard work to everyone in the family, Ron knew it wasn't the time yet.
Yesterday's work hadn't taken long because of the spell but it had exhausted his magic reserves but today's work had left him exhausted both mentally and physically. But he could feel the effects of the Magic Gathering Rune on the Ring, even without any magical materials, the Rune was able to draw in the surrounding magic and slowly was away Ron's exhaustion and nourish his body to a better condition and this was a weakened version of the rune.`When I am get my hands on the Magical Ingredients i need...! Humph!' just thinking of the future made Ron humph in pride. but it all quickly went away, ``Ron, come out of the shed already! You can't just start spending your time in there like your dad, alright!!'' hearing his mother's voice brought Ron back to earth and he quickly replied while putting away everything, ``Coming Mom!''
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