

I slowly opened my eyes, my vision's a bit blurry but it will return to normal in time. I heard a slow voice from beside me, looking in that direction I saw a golden-haired person with light shining from their back.

"Are you.....An Angel" I muttered

"Huh, Hyung-nim are you okey" The Angel said

So it was Jiwoo, and the light is the sunlight coming from the window, I slowly got up and checked the surroundings.

I am lying on my bed with Jiwoo beside me, and my room is filled with other students, currently, the only ones present here are Jisuk, Subin, Wooin, Iseul, the unaffiliated students, and the two others that were sent here from shinwa.

What the heck are these two doing here.

"Are you alright?" Subin asked

"Yeah, no need to worry," I said

"Well, the director of the academy is saying that a high ranked awakened one might have come here and you must have passed out from his pressure" The blond guy with the glasses sent by shinwa said

I looked at Jiwoo and saw his expression change, he probably heard everything from Kayden, that's good, he gets worried too quickly.

"Don't worry, no one can harm me" I said with a thumbs up

"Don't get too overconfident" The same dude said while the others were silent

I am not being overconfident here, I have a walking flex backing me after all.

"So, how long was I passed out" I asked

"9 hours" Jisuk said who was prostrating in front of Casin Nitrate just a moment ago.

"Not that long huh, hey Jiwoo, let's spar," I said

I am too impatient to try out my abilities and Jiwoo will be the perfect opponent.

"Are you sure Hyung-Nim"


"You need to rest, don't overexert your self" The girl from shinwa said

"I am perfectly fine, go to the sparring hall I will arrive in a minute after I get fresh" I said

"um, ok" Jiwoo agreed and all of them left my room.

I quickly changed and went outside, outside of my room was the unaffiliated student with the strength-enhancing ability was standing, probably waiting for me.

"You need something" I asked.

I already had an idea as to what he is going to say to me since I was the one who defeated Sucheon this time rather than Jiwoo and it's not by luck this time but a total humiliation.

"I just wanted to say sorry to you" He said


"You always had this much power but still you never were overconfident while I belittled you and your brother with just my puny strength, I am sorry for that" He said

Now, what would Jiwoo will do at this moment, I am not Jiwoo and I like to hide my powers because of some unexpected situations that might pop up in the future.

"No problem, if you own up to your mistakes that's all that matters" I said to him

I don't know what else to say, I am not good at motivating people, I am just a battle junkie.

"Thank you" He said and bowed.

We then headed towards the sparring hall, everyone was waiting there for us, everyone sat on the seats ready to watch the spar while Jiwoo was in the sparring area.

I jumped from my position and used my superspeed to arrive at that sparring area in front of Jiwoo, unlike in the Manhwa Jiwoo is not Injured this time, so he is in perfect conditions

There are two reasons for that, first, he is stronger than his manhwa counterpart because of me, and second is that he didn't fight sucheon but someone weaker than him.

"Are you both ready" Jisuk asked, he looks to be the referee.

"Yeah," Me and Jiwoo said at the same time.

The moment Jisuk blew the horn Jiwoo dashed towards me, he tried to punch me in the face but I dodged him but then he tried to land a blow to my stomach.

I am too close to dodge so I grabbed his fist, he used that to grab my shoulder from his other hand and rotated his body to land a kick on my face, even if I let go of him the kick would still land.

I let go of his hand and blocked the kick with my own hand because there was no space for me to block it with a kick.

When I let go of his fist and blocked his kick he stood of his one arm and rotated his body and sent a series of kicks towards me.

A few of the kicks landed on my stomach and I was pushed back, and before I could recover Jiwoo regained his footing and dashed towards me once again, this time however lightning is surrounding his body, he knew that I will use my powers this time.

According to the records, Jiwoo and my powers are super speed and lightning, so I can't show my other powers here in front of others, the only one who knows about my ability to copy other abilities is Kayden and Jiwoo.

Jiwoo sent some consecutive punches towards me, which is just dodged but then one of his punches changed directions mid-way and suddenly hit my right shoulder, and I didn't reinforce the shoulder so it is painful, while I was recovering from it he sent a kick towards my face.

His kick connected but it didn't hurt me, a blue aura surrounded my whole body and my eyes glowed golden, I reinforced my body with the strength-enhancing ability I compiled from the unaffiliated student.

"Enough playing around I guess" I said looking at Jiwoo in the eyes.

Jiwoo jumped back but this time I dashed and punched him in the stomach and punched him back, Jiwoo managed to cover his body in lightning to avoid more damage.

I don't like bullying my brother but he needs to become stronger, so I am not gonna go easy on him just because he is my brother.

With these thoughts I once again dashed towards Jiwoo, we exchanged fists and kicks coated with lightning, our movements were so fast that it was hard for the others to catch up.

With each strike, the shockwave generated destroyed some parts of the stage, the destruction of the stage is not uncommon here but the amount of destruction caused by our fight is definitely uncommon.

After a long battle, I saw Jiwoo's movements slowing down, I do have higher stamina than him, and so I send another punch at him sending him flying.

"Jiwoo is out of bounds, Jin-woo wins" Jisuk declared with shocked eyes.

Looks like he didn't expect us to be this strong.


AN:- Hello there readers, I would just like to tell you all to please try my new novel Void's Legacy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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