
Arrival of Kayden

I am traning my force control in my room without the knowledge of my brother, long story short, i was a normal human on earth reading my favourate manhwa called eleceed, after i finished reading the latest chapter i had a heart attack and died

what suprised me the most is that i had been reincarnated as the elder brother of seo jiwoo, the main protagonist of eleceed

i am his twin brother, due to certain conditions i was born a month before jiwoo, i have the blond hair and golden eyes just like jiwoo execpt for the fact that i am more muscular then him, and as for my name, it's seo jinwoo

(A/N :- i know his name is same as sun jin-woo, but i didn't had any ideas)

as for my abilities, i have the same super speed ability of jiwoo, i examined my body and the abilities and created a force control, good thing that i had knowledge of human anatomy from my past life

right now i have two abilities, the super speed is actually an ability that allows me to manipulate sound waves, simply put i just vibrate my body to move at high speed

it allows me to increase my speed and strength, i can also create a barrier around me which is made up of vibrating sounds, it deflects all kinds of attacks, aside from short range attacks i can also create long range attacks

i can compress sound waves in the form of a spear and throw them at the target, if i want the sound wave attack will phase through any physical object only hitting the target

the final attack is to release high piched sound waves to incapaciate the enemy, sinse i have started traning from my birth i can use spatial isolation too

my second ability is healing, i wasn't born with the healing ability but i managed to create a force control for it, why, so that i can heal kayden, i knew that kayden is going to come here and i want him to teach us, me and jiwoo and healing him would be proved benificial

right now i am just traning my force control, me and my brother jiwoo lives here alone, the cats my brother have had taken jiwoo outside, it is the time when the great kayden will arrive here, i am just traning my healing force control

"hyung-nim, i am back" jiwoo shouted

in the past i tried to teach jiwoo my force control but he refused saying he want to live a normal life, he only started traning after kayden told him about other awakned ones, i coudn't tell him about all this before cause i won't have any explenation for it so i decided to leave it as it is

he will get strong in the future also he is the protagonist protected by the allmighty plot armour, the fate moves where the protoganist wants so i don't have to worry about him

"what happened, where did suddenly ran off to" i said, i knew where he went though

"i found this injured cat"

he showed me the fat white cat with yellow stripes who is heavily injured, i know the cat is kayden but i will play dumb for a while

"can you please heal the cat"

jiwoo knows about my healing abilities and so he asked me to heal kayden, or should i say casien nitrate


right now kayden is still unconcious, i healed him though, he is sitting on the chair just like in the mahnwa, kayden slowly opened his eyes and sat down silently staring at us, i stared at him back recieving a question from jiwoo

"what's the matter hyung-nim"

"when i was healing the cat, i felt the same energy we have"

"what do you mean" jiwoo asked

"i think the cat also have abilities like us"


jiwoo is right now suprised but the most suprised one is kayden, his eyes grew wide when he heared this

"i thought we were the only abnormal ones" jiwoo said

"i have told you countless times we could not be the only ones with abilities and instead of treating these abilities as an abnormality you should treat them as gifts"

"but, beacuse of these abilities i wasan't able to make any friends"

"if they left you beacuse they are scared of your abilities then they wern't your friends to begain with, besides you have me right"


"he is right" jioo tried to say something suddenly the cat spoke

"the.....the cat.....spoke" jiwoo said in suprise while i stood up and got into battle stance

i know he mean us no harm but i need to play my part cause according to them i am still ignorant about all of this

"relax kid, i mean no harm to both of you, and thanks for healing me"

"how can i trust a cat, besides your injuries were much more deep, it will take months for me to fully heal you"

"you can fully heal me"

kayden is suprised once more

"sinse you healed me this much i guess i can transform" he said

a blue light shined through the room and the cat is now a human, a naked huma to be exact, i knew this would happen so i kept some of my cloths nearby, i grabed them and handed it to him to wear

"so, mind telling me who are you"

"my name is kayden, i am a human with abilities just like you"

after that he explained everything to both of us, how he was betrayed and injured, transformed into a cat and got here, he also told us about the awakned ones which i already knew

after hearing kayden's story, jiwoo had some tears in his eyes, typical kind jiwoo, after that he said

"Mr.Kayden, if you want you can live here as long as you want"

kayden was about to say something when we all got a feeling, something pressuring and detecting us, it is Dr.delien to be exact but these two don't know about it

"what is this, we need to check" i said hastly getting up

kayden is probably thinking that the people who injured him have found out about him, he quickly transformed into his cat form and said

"i am comming with you, otherwise you kids will put yourself in danger"

we went outside to check but found nothing, on our way home though we found that extra large cat which Dr.dealin tried to awaken, when the cat saw us it started chasing us

we hid on the cornor but the cat is approching us

"don't worry i will take care of it" kayden said

kayden is healed and he can transform as well, defeating this cat is a piece of cake for him but

"no, there is no garauntee that the people who injured you are not here"

i know that they are not here but i need to manipulate kayden into him teaching us his force control

"don't worry kid, i am healed a bit"

"but you are still not fully healed"

"so what do you plan" kayden asked

"we will take care of it somehow"

i said somehow but i do had a plan from the very start, the cat came to us and jumped at us, i used my super speed and jumped above the cat, i enhanced my body and kicked the cat knocking it out

the size of the cat started decreasing until it resembles a normal cat

"you are good at fighting" kayden said

"yeah, i used to learn taykewondo"

when i was a child i asked my parents to teach me taykewondo, due to me being an awakned one i easily grasped the basics and mastered it

"you are good at tyekwondo, but not with your awakned power" kayden said

just as planned

"then, will you teach me, oh great kayden" i said

"huh" jiwoo who was silent this whole time trying to tend to the cat had a suprised expression but what suprised him even more is kayden's answer

"why not, you guys need to learn how to control your powers at the very least"

i intentionaly made a clumsy attack to make him think i have no control over my power, i mean how would you explain that an unafficilated awakned is on same level or even higher then an afficilated one

from healing him to asking him to teach us, everything is going smoothly, now all that is left is jiwoo's kindness that will make him attached to us, having him as a backer is a big thing

all three of us moved back to our house, the next thing in my plan is to make a good relationship with shinwa

inside the house kayden started teaching us about the awakned techniques, what suprised me the most is he taught us his force control

he taught jiwoo his force control beacuse he was too kind in the manhwa but i expected a different reasult here due to me being present here but everything is going just as the manhwa

maybe it's jiwoo's protagonist plot armour in effect, anyway it's a good thing for me, for the night me trained and went to sleep

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Omega200creators' thoughts