
Reborn in DxD; Lost in a poorly remembered anime world

Ronald Mallory reborn into DXD with a few cheats but poor knowledge of the world. Join him as he stumbles his way through his new life after painstakingly trying to stay out of the supernatural way... only for his family to move to Kuoh. Uploads will be iffy and inconsistant. Doing this to practice my writing, criticism welcome in that regard. Otherwise, it's just a story and I hope you enjoy. I don't own Highschool DxD.

BabbleWolf · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Contractually obligatory date

Friday had come about quickly after Sona apologised profusely and that she didn't know there was any meeting. I believed her, she seemed shocked and livid the moment I mentioned it.

I felt like it was going to be a strange day. I was going on a date to fulfill my friends contractual obligation to allow the first person who beat her in chess to court her. Had I known my mother and sister(s) would barge into my room at seven and start a dress-montage. in the end I was kicked out the house with a 'good luck' and wearing smart black trousers, brown boots, a light grey shirt, and a navy blue jacket.

I just made my way to Sona's to pick her up for the day. Knocking on the door I was met with Sophie, Sona's mother.

"Ronald-kun, I had no idea you and Sona had gotten so close. Please come in. Sona will be down shortly." Sophie teased.

"Lady Sitri, you do know this date is only happening so Sona-chan isn't bound by that contract, right?" I asked curiously.

"Let me have this Ronald, neither of my daughter's have ever been on a date before, so I'm going to get as much fun from this while I can. Who knows, maybe you'll go out on another date some day." Sophie smiled warmly at me, which was odd. I haven't done anything to get her to like me after all.

"Seriously? Serafall-san hasn't been on a date?" I asked perplexed. Sure I've only interacted with her a little, but she was certainly a lovely person, if obsessed with magical girls.

"Being a female Satan doesn't lend her many suitors, and those brave enough are typically morons. Besides, she's constantly kept busy. Hmmm, would you mind asking her out on a date as well?" Sophie asked playfully.

"I'm available Friday the fourth next month for a whole day. Let's go to the Ghibli museum, I've always wanted to go there and now you're giving me an excuse." Serafall excitedly declared as she rushed downstairs. "So-tan is just putting some finishing touches on herself."

"Sera-onee-Sama, did you just set up a date for yourself with Ron-kun?" Sona asked as she came down the stairs. She was wearing very light make-up, she hardly needed any anyways. Her hair was still in its bob, but clipped away from her face with a soft yellow hairclip. Her square glasses were clean and she was wearing a blue dress to her claves, a dark grey frilled shirt and soft black buttoned cardigan. she was clasping her handbag in her hands in front of her and had both a teasing smirk on her face.

"Mhm, I did. Hope you don't mind." Serafall giddily bounced on her feet.

"Not at all." Sona chuckled, sending a small glance my way.

"Fufufu, your beauty made him speechless Sona." Sophie teased just as I was about to speak. Her mother's words eliciting a blush of embarrassment from Sona.

"Well she's not wrong Sona-chan, you do look stunning. Now, shall we go?" I asked.

"Yes, let's." Sona happily accompanied from their home under the watchful eyes of her mother and sister. "Serafall will likely follow with poor disguises under the guise of chaperoning, don't mind her too much."

"It's fine, I figured. Want to make a game out of who spots her the most?" I grinned.

"No powers, only natural sight?" Sona asked.

"Sure, miss loves her advantages." I chuckled.

"Then the winner gets to ask the loser to do one thing for the loser, like make dinner, or sing a song, simple things, and no I won't ask you to be in my peerage." Sona said.

"Sure, I think I'll have you make me dinner for once." I smiled at the thought.

"Yes, well, I'm already ahead, there in the tree." Sona subtly nodded her head forward and I could barely make her out.

"Wow, she's good." I mumbled.

"I'm used to it, so I think you'll be doing something for me." Sona said with a confident smile.

We swiftly made our way to the nearest shopping centre swapping stories about our childhoods and families. Sona was particularly proud of her parents medical contributions to the devil medical field. Why wouldn't she be? Healing devils was a very tricky business after all, unless you had powers like mine or Asia's. Even then, not all such powers worked on devils.

At the shops we had fun in the bookstores both looking at books and stationary, making out with various notebooks each. We visited a tech store where I advised Sona on which laptop to get since she claimed to need a new one. Then Sona convinced me that she needed to teach me the difference between a good and bad chess set, before dragging us both to a small out of the way shop she knew and began lecturing me on the subject. Her passion for the subject outweighed the boring detail.

Eventually we found ourselves in a ramen bar with our orders between us. Serafall was pointed out by me this time (Sona - 6, Me - 2.).

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to share this chess engagement thing with me?" I asked as I slurped some ramen.

"I suppose I owe you that much." Sona smiled awkwardly. "So I mentioned I hadn't lost since I was five? well I got engaged at four, but I started learning at three. My fiancé was one Diodora Astaroth. He was and is quite literally a disgusting piece of filth that I refused to marry. I decided to get out of my engagement by making a challenge at something I was good at, and quickly mastered. I joined chess competitions relentlessly over the next few years and quickly became a grandmaster. It wasn't hard for me. I then challenged Diodora for the right to my hand by saying he wasn't smart enough for me. What followed was a devastating slaughter of him in chess. What came after were relentless challenges for my hand in chess... sometimes at the middle of the night, sometimes after extensive training, sometimes when I was ill as a child. I beat everyone, and about two years ago the challenges stopped. Even Riser, the bastard whose hand you broke, tried. I relished that game, watching him squirm and rage as I took each and every one of his pieces without losing anything." Sona's smile was predatory and sadistic. "But anyway, yeah that was the case."

"Must've sucked." I commented, and was rewarded with a light laugh.

"Sorry for challenging you to chess and forcing you to do this. I just got so confident no-one could beat me." Sona scratched her cheek before picking up some noodles.

"Ah yes, spending time with a funny, intelligent, and charming young woman is torturous." I dryly replied.

"So, I'm funny, intelligent, and charming?" Sona asked coyly, eyes glimmering with mirth.

"Yes. Devilishly so." I smirked, and was rewarded with a slightly giddy smile.

The meal went on and we finished rather swiftly before making our way to the cinema, where the new mystery drama 'Wicker man' was out. We splashed out and got fancy seats and a multitude of snacks to last the film. Each with our own bucket of popcorn.

"I hate ads. Just start the film when you say it starts, Two rows back, other side of the aisle, orange coat." Sona grumbled as she took off her cardigan, which was quite the sight before glancing to where she'd said.

"Yeah, yeah, 9-3 to you." I smiled.

"did you enjoy the little show?" Sona asked quietly as we settled in, a teasing smirk on her lips.

"Yes, I did. Thank you." I whispered back. I grew up with my mother who made me act shameless multiple times to help with her writing, plus, I was honestly answering her question.

"Well, what do you think will be the next English assignment?" Sona asked.

"Analysing poetry probably." I went along.

The film was decent, but could have benefitted from hanz Zimmer for the sound track.

I escorted Sona home, where the score was 12-5 in favour of Sona and was invited inside for a quick cup of tea in the kitchen.

"So, you won Sona, what do you want?" I asked.

"Won what?" Sophie asked as she and Serafall entered the kitchen conveniently at the same time.

"A bet, the winner may ask something of the loser, within reason." Sona informed, a triumphant smile on her face.

"Well, regardless I hope you think about it. Don't just waste the favour." Sophie smirked.

"Hmmm, how about accompanying my peerage to the familiar forest in three weeks? We need to get familiars for a few of my members and it might just entertain you. Oh, you have to bring a big picnic for everyone too." Sona said after a moment's thought.

"If that's what you want then sure." I replied with a chuff. "right, I'd probably best be off."

"I'll see you out." Sona smiled, leaving the two older women behind as we made our way to the door.

"Thanks for a great day Sona-chan, it was fun." I said as I stepped out onto the doorstep.

"Yeah, it was fun." Sona smiled before leaning in quickly and kissing my cheek. "Thanks for today, see you at school." The door was quickly shut in my face but it didn't really register, rather I simply walked home in a bit of a daze.