
Reborn In DxD As Rias Gremory With Rimuru’s Overpowered Powers

A degenerate reincarnated soul who isn’t new to the process of reincarnation was reincarnated once again. This time into the world of DxD as Rias Gremory with the soul, body and powers of Rimuru Tempest. A Devil/Slime/True Dragon hybrid AU, Yuri, Incest

StormWolf16 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


In the countryside of the Bael territory, a small gathering between Sairaorg and Rias' peerages was taking place. This isn't the first time where the two peerages have gathered like this. It's no secret that Sairaorg and Rias have a stronger relationship than most cousins. They treat each other as siblings, so it only makes sense that their peerages are very familiar with one another. Despite Rias being several years younger than Sairaorg, she still made herself the big sister of the relationship.

At the moment, they were all outside gathered in an open field not too far from Sairaorg and his mother's residence. While he may have taken back his rightful birthright as the heir of the Bael Clan. Sairaorg refused to move back to the main capital of the Bael territory where his father and many other Bael Clan members reside. 

The reason for this gathering is because Sairaorg had called Rias and invited her and her peerage over to his home. 

As for why? Well….

Hundreds of meters in the air, an intense battle between two Kings was taking place. Those two Kings of course being Sairaorg and Rias, the battle maniac of the House of Bael and the Princess of Destruction from House of Gremory. 

Coming at great speeds, Sairaorg aimed a powerful roundhouse kick towards his red-haired cousin. Rias met his kick with a kick of her own that was equal strength. Before spinning and launching an axe kick with her other leg. Sairaorg quickly parried it with his forearm, then threw a straight right punch that was dodged. He then had to block Rias' elbow strike and spun trying to elbow Rias in her temple. 

Rias easily caught his elbow in her hand and forced Sairaorg back a little until she collided her fist against his, each of their blows was causing yellow sparks and generated powerful shockwaves. Sairaorg loved fighting using his own strength and Rias loved engaging in hand to hand combat. So whenever they're sparring, it's usually a DBZ style of battle. 

Sairaorg gained some distance by launching a powerful beam of concentrated Power of Destruction at Rias. Said woman scoffed and tanked the attacked head up, not even causing damage to her clothes let alone her.

Of course Sairaorg knew using PoD against Rias is pointless, even if he added Touki, Senjutsu and Haki all together into his last attack it would still do nothing against her. He just used it as a smokescreen to gain a bit of distance. His eyes widened in shock when Rias suddenly appeared in front of him, completely bypassing his Observation Haki and battle instincts. He instinctively covered his stomach in Armament Haki, as he was struck hard and sent flying through two mountains, breaking the sound barrier. 

"Get up Sairaorg! I know that little lovetap didn't hurt you at all. Your reaction time is still too slow in my eyes, though you did well applying your Color of Arms before I made contact." Rias praised her favorite cousin. 

In a crater, Sairaorg laughed out loud hearing Rias' words. Indeed he was not hurt, his durability is at greater levels than his canon counterpart by a massive margin due to Rias training him over the years. "Hahaha alright then, here I come Rias!" Sairaorg stood to his feet and unleashed his Touki, a potent and thick white aura of Ki surrounding his body. The pressure of his Touki generated powerful shockwaves that destroyed the surrounding trees, the crater he was already in became larger. 

Sairaorg soared towards Rias at great speeds with a huge grin on his face. It would be difficult for some Satan Class Devils to keep up with his current speed. A shiny, black, hardening substance covering his fist signifying his use of Armament Haki.

Rias smirked and channeled her Color of Arms into her own fist, she met Sairaorg's charge and their powerful fists clashed once more. 

As a result a rippling effect immediately took place, very powerful shockwaves spread across the sky. Traveling far enough to be felt through at least 75% of the entire Bael territory. The sky had darkened, cracks could be visibly seen in the air along with powerful and large, black and red streaks of lightning. 

Sairaorg tried to overwhelm Rias in a test of strength, yet no matter how hard he tried. Rias wasn't budging at all. He tried to increase his physical strength, raise his Touki and infuse more Color of Arms into his fist. But just as he expected, he was still far from being able to overpower his monster of a cousin. 

Rias was having fun, yeah she could easily one shot Sairaorg but where's the fun in that? Plus this little spar is serving as a form of training for Sairaorg. Part of her is a bit surprised that Sairaorg finally awakened his Conqueror's Haki. She's not surprised by his control over it, since she had given him some notes on control years ago for once his Conqueror's Haki awakened.

Their Color of the Supreme King collision also caused some mountains to crack or crumble into pieces. Trees and the ground itself was also being affected. 

"You're not bad for a novice Sairaorg, but you never beat me in a Haki clash!" Rias smirked in a savage-like manner, she effortlessly broke the deadlock and overpowered her cousin.

This time her fist collided with his face as she sent Sairaorg flying once again. The force behind her punch not only made Sairaorg break the sound barrier three times, his crash landing devastated his surroundings. The new crater he was lying in was nearly 10x bigger than the last one. 

Thank Satans that there is a strong barrier protecting Sairaorg and Misla's residence. 

Watching from a distance, both peerages along with Misla were commenting on the battle. 

"How long have they been fighting so far nya~?" Kuroka asked.

"80 minutes." Shirone answered her sister, she's in charge of recording this fight. Obviously it's going to be uploaded to DeviTube. 

Ladora felt great pride in watching his master's battle. While he may not be winning, Ladora knows his master's strength is extremely rare for a Devil as young as Sairaorg. Of course the same could be said for Rias, but Ladora long came to terms that his master's cousin is something else entirely. 

"That looked painful." Liban, Sairaorg's Knight, commented.

"You think?" Misteeta snorted. 

"I need to train more, I don't compare in physical strength well against Sairaorg-sama nor Rias-sama. Same could be said about Rias-sama's Rook, Shirone-san." Gandoma muttered.

"Eh, I wouldn't think too much about it, Gandoma. Monsters like Sairaorg-sama and Rias-sama are monsters for a reason. Besides, you're strong enough to hold your own against an Ultimate-Class Devil." Beluga told his fellow peerage member. 

Regulus felt a bit anxious, he didn't like seeing his master lose in a battle. Especially knowing he, the Nemean Lion, can be of great help to Sairaorg. "I should be out there fighting by master's side!" 

"Relax Regulus, we all know Sairaorg-sama is durable enough to shrug off an attack that strong. Plus you know Sairaorg-sama isn't allowed to use you in battle against Rias-sama." Coriana said to the Golden Lion.

Once Regulus joined Sairaorg's peerage, Rias told her cousin to not use the Longinus Sacred Gear in battle against her. The purpose of their spars most of the time is to train Sairaorg, using Regulus against Rias is pointless if the goal is to improve Sairaorg's strength. 

Now if the situation was a rating game, then Rias would have no problem with Regulus aiding her cousin in battle against her. 

Not that it would change the outcome of the rating game. 

"A fight between these two is always a great spectacle." Gabriel smiled. 

The first time she was introduced to Sairaorg and their peerage, understandably they were all shocked to the core. Granted, she may not be the Gabriel of their world but she's still Gabriel! One of the Four Great Seraphs of Heaven! 

And yet she's part of a Devil's group, more than that she's part of Rias' harem! 

It really blew their minds away once it all truly sunk in. 

It took time but they eventually got used to the situation, clearly Heaven is unaware and they had no intentions of spreading the word. Knowing how much their master cherishes Rias, they would never betray their master in that way or at all for that matter. 

"Ufufufu that it is Gabriel-chan, also you seem a bit worried, Kuisha-chan." Shuri noted her fellow Queen's emotions with her Observation Haki. 

"I know Sairaorg-sama isn't truly hurt, but it's hard to not be a little concerned when sensing the power behind their blows. Each one contains enough power to kill a Satan-Class Devil." Kuisha sighed, her master was always strong. Though he truly started to become a monster amongst Devils once Rias began training him. Actually not only Sairaorg, but Rias has also spent time training his entire peerages once in awhile. 

To be quite honest, each member of Sairaorg's peerage dreads Rias' training. It can be quite a traumatic experience to go through. Because Rias can heal them instantly, she has no qualms pushing them into constantly breaking their limits. 

At the same time, all of them have seen the training Rias puts her own peerage through. It showed them that Rias takes it easy on them compared to her own peerage, which makes them feel grateful yet inadequate simultaneously.

For example, instead of being only powerful as a top-tier High-Class Devil like in the original timeline. Kuisha, at a younger age than her canon counterpart, is already as strong as a mid-tier Ultimate-Class Devil. She would effortlessly destroy the canon version of herself who fought against Akeno in volume 10. 

"My adorable Sairaorg sure has gotten very strong over the years. It's all thanks to Rias-chan too." Misla commented with a motherly smile, she was proud that her son overcame the struggles he was put through at a young age. 

Truthfully, she was forever grateful to Rias, not only because she helped her son become incredibly strong. Rias is the reason why Sairaorg can use the clan trait of the House of Bael. Making her son one of the rare Devils born of two bloodlines to inherit both clan traits. 

If that's not enough, how about the fact that when Misla fell into the Sleeping Disease a few years ago, it was her niece who immediately woke her up the moment the crimson-haired girl was informed. 

It's not too far-fetched to say Sairaorg and Misla owe Rias a debt that can never truly be repaid. 

During her times chatting with Venelana, Misla often praised and complimented her niece whenever Venelana complained about Rias' rampages throughout the Underworld in the past. 

At a different location nearby, there's someone else also watching the fight between Rias and Sairaorg. While he may not be seen visible, his presence and Demonic Power can be sensed by pretty much everyone watching the fight including Misla. Though no one felt the need to say anything about it since the unseen spectator hadn't chosen to reveal themselves. 

"Young Devils sure are different these days…" 

These words were uttered by none other than the Bael ancestor himself, Zekram Bael.