
Reborn In DxD As Rias Gremory With Rimuru’s Overpowered Powers

A degenerate reincarnated soul who isn’t new to the process of reincarnation was reincarnated once again. This time into the world of DxD as Rias Gremory with the soul, body and powers of Rimuru Tempest. A Devil/Slime/True Dragon hybrid AU, Yuri, Incest

StormWolf16 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


After spending more time with her brother and sister-in-law, Rias paid a visit to her precious nephew before going to see her mother.

Right now she's watching the first season of Pokemon with Millicas. As his aunt it was her job to get her 4 year old nephew into anime at an early age. Not wanting to start him off with any serious anime so soon, Rias introduced Millicas to Pokémon, Beyblade, Digimon, Yugioh, Sailor Moon, Sonic X and Dragon Ball. So far the show he cares about the least is Beyblade, Dragon Ball and surprisingly Sailor Moon is tied for his favorite. Being a young boy she assumed he wouldn't like Sailor Moon as much as the other anime, however, it turns out she was dead wrong. 

"Millicas, you still haven't told me all you've been up to since I've last seen you." Rias said.

"Oh yeah, sorry Rias-oba I got sidetracked again." Millicas apologized. "I honestly haven't been doing much, recently I've started my studies and learning how to properly control my demonic power. Other than that I've spent most of my time watching the anime you showed me." 

Devil children mature much faster than human children, it's not surprising that Millicas talks in a more mature manner for his age. 

"Hoh? You're already starting to learn how to control and use your demonic power? Time sure flies quickly." Rias commented. Remembering back when her nephew was born, how she always held him in her arms every chance she got. 

"The tutoring I was expecting, but the sudden training surprised me. Mother told me originally I wouldn't start any training until 5 or possibly 6. I think it has something to do with the Power of Destruction." The young boy shrugged.

Rias can understand the sudden change in decision, the sooner Millicas learns basic control over his clan trait the better. While he was not born with his Power of Destruction as unnaturally strong and potent as his father and aunt. His PoD was still powerful for his age on a normal scale, Rias knew that her nephew will be one of the top powerhouses of his generation without a doubt. 

As long as Millicas agrees, she plans to train him when he's older.

"Most likely, the sooner you gain basic control over your Power of Destruction the better. While not unbeatable, our clan trait is a very dangerous power. Remember this Millicas, it's impossible to utilize our clan trait to its full potential without great control. Your father can do a lot of amazing things using our clan trait because of his excellent control over it." She lightly ruffled his hair. 

"Yeah, mother and grandmother said the same thing. But can't you do even more amazing things aunt Rias? Besides, I'm way more interested in that one ability you showed me before." Millicas excitement picked up during his last sentence.

"Well of course I can, never forget that your beautiful badass of an aunt is the strongest in the universe my dear nephew. Your father and mother can only dream to do 3% of what I can fufufufu." Rias smirked, there's nothing wrong with bragging about one's self every now and then. "But which ability are you talking about Millicas? I've shown you a lot ever since you were born."

Which is true, to entertain her precious nephew over the years. She did show off some of her abilities to him since he always enjoyed whenever she did so.

"It's when your arm turns a shiny black color! I think it's called something haki, you said the name before and told me you'll teach it to me once I'm older." Millicas spoke in an excited tone, remembering how cool his aunt's arm looked.

<<Such a cute child.>> Ciel commented.

'I know right? There's not a child in the world cuter than my Millicas.' Rias agreed with her partner.

<<Master, please don't become like your older brother.>> Ciel-Sensei told Rias, it would not do well for Rias to pick up her brother's tendencies.

'Oi! The hell is that supposed to mean Ciel?! How could you be so mean?' Rias knew what Ciel was hinting at, she couldn't believe it.

<<Nothing at all Rias-sama, I'm just saying it won't do well if Rias-sama became too much like the individual Sirzechs Lucifer.>> Ciel stated.

'Hmph, you're definitely not being all the way truthful but whatever. I'm not going to become a nephew-con if that's what you're worried about Ciel-Sensei.' Rias assured.

<<Please don't call me that.>> Ciel asked.

'Nope! Ciel-Sensei will always be Ciel-Sensei." Rias said.

<<Rias-sama please…>> Ciel asked again.

This entire conversation took no more than a second, perhaps even less than that.

"You mean Armament Haki?" Rias smiled.

"Yeah! Armament Haki." Millicas exclaimed.

"So you like that over your clan trait?" She wondered.

Millicas hesitated for a moment before eventually nodding. 

"HA! I can just imagine the reaction of the Bael Clan if they heard this." Rias laughed. 

Zekram wouldn't care, however the same couldn't be said for others such as Lord Bael.

"I-It's not like I don't like the Power of Destruction aunt Rias. It's really cool too but I just like Armament Haki better. I want to shatter giant mountains with my fist like you do!" Millicas stated in his child-like voice.

"Silly kid, you don't need Haki to do that. You've seen me do that using nothing but my own brute strength." Rias poked his nose lightly.

"Aunt Rias…you're way too strong so you don't count. Mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother and even the servants all say you were born as the incarnation of chaos and destruction. An immortal monster amongst mortals." Millicas deadpanned.

Rias felt her left eye twitching in annoyance, just what the hell were they saying about her to her sweet nephew?! 

<<They're not wrong in their assessment Rias-sama.>> Ciel said.

'WHOSE ARE YOU ON?!' Rias exclaimed.

<<Yours of course.>> Ciel answered without hesitation.

Rias ignored Ciel for the moment. "Regardless. Millicas-chan, you can and will do the same in the future. Our cousin Sairaorg can do it, the same can be said for some of your father's peerage members and all of my peerage members."

Her nephew doesn't realize what kind of potential he holds, but he is a child after all so it's expected. Because Sirzechs and Grayfia won't have the time to train Millicas as much as they would like to be able to, it's up to Rias to handle it. She's going to make her nephew a monster, but for now it's best to let him enjoy being a kid until he's old enough. 

There's absolutely no reason to start seriously training Millicas any time soon. Not even her brother, as powerful as he was as a child, did not become truly serious in his training during his childhood. 

After spending another couple hours with Millicas, Rias departed from him after giving him a hug. Her next stop was to visit her mother, she hasn't had any milk in quite some time.