
Reborn in Dwapar Yuga

Hi this novel is about a random guy(mc) from 21 st century is reborn in Dwapar Yuga at same time as Lord Krishna this is my first work with some help of course

Hanish_Ram · History
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35 Chs

Chapter 9: A Shared Understanding

Vihaan's reputation as a prodigy grew, not from loud boasts or grand displays, but through quiet observation and thoughtful action. While the other children of Gokul chased after stray calves and played games of hide-and-seek, Vihaan would often be found perched on a rock, a worn manuscript clutched in his hands.

The village elders marveled at his thirst for knowledge, his ability to grasp complex concepts that were far beyond the comprehension of most adults. Yet, Vihaan never flaunted his intelligence. He remained humble and approachable, always willing to lend a helping hand or share a kind word.

His bond with Krishna deepened as well. Their shared curiosity and love for learning drew them together, forging a friendship that transcended the ordinary. They would often sneak away to secluded spots, where they could talk freely, away from the prying eyes of the villagers.

One afternoon, as they sat by the banks of the Yamuna River, Krishna turned to Vihaan with a knowing smile. "I sense a kindred spirit in you, Vihaan," he said. "You possess a wisdom that transcends this time and place."

Vihaan met his gaze, a spark of recognition in his eyes. "I have lived another life, Krishna," he confessed, choosing his words carefully. "A life filled with knowledge and experiences that are foreign to this world."

Krishna nodded, his smile widening. "I know," he said softly. "I see it in your eyes, in the depth of your understanding. You are a traveler between worlds, a bridge between past and present."

A comfortable silence settled between them. Vihaan wasn't sure how much he should reveal, but he felt a deep sense of trust in Krishna, a connection that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

"Tell me about your world, Vihaan," Krishna urged, his curiosity piqued.

And so, Vihaan began to share fragments of his past life. He spoke of towering cities, flying machines, and a vast network of knowledge that connected people across the globe. He spoke of scientific discoveries, philosophical debates, and the relentless pursuit of progress.

Krishna listened with rapt attention, his eyes sparkling with wonder. He asked questions about the nature of this future world, the challenges it faced, and the lessons it could offer to their own society.

Their conversations grew deeper with each passing day, delving into the realms of philosophy, spirituality, and the very nature of existence. Vihaan found himself sharing insights that he had gleaned from his past life, while Krishna offered profound wisdom from the ancient scriptures.

Their bond deepened, transforming from a simple friendship into a sacred companionship. Vihaan recognized in Krishna the embodiment of divine love and wisdom, while Krishna saw in Vihaan a kindred spirit, a fellow seeker of truth, and a valuable ally in the journey ahead.

As the shadow of Kansa's tyranny grew larger, their connection became a source of strength and solace. They knew that they were destined for greatness, their paths intertwined in the grand tapestry of the Dwapara Yuga.

Together, they would face the challenges ahead, their friendship a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the brink of chaos.