
Reborn in Dwapar Yuga

Hi this novel is about a random guy(mc) from 21 st century is reborn in Dwapar Yuga at same time as Lord Krishna this is my first work with some help of course

Hanish_Ram · History
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35 Chs

Chapter 4: The Prodigy of Gokul

Life in Gokul flowed with the gentle rhythm of the Yamuna River. The days were filled with laughter and song, with the joyous sounds of children playing and cattle grazing in the lush meadows.

Vihaan, now a toddler, reveled in the simple joys of this idyllic life. He was doted upon by his mother, Maya, whose love was a constant source of warmth and comfort. Maya, a woman of quiet strength and wisdom, instilled in Vihaan a deep respect for nature and a love for all living creatures.

Vihaan's past life memories were fading, replaced by the vibrant experiences of his new reality. However, the knowledge he had acquired in his previous life remained, a hidden treasure waiting to be unearthed. Even as a child, Vihaan displayed an extraordinary intellect, a thirst for knowledge that astounded the village elders. He learned to read and write at an astonishing pace, devouring every scroll and scripture he could find.

He was also fascinated by the natural world, spending hours observing the patterns of the stars, the behavior of animals, and the cycles of the seasons. His questions, often profound and insightful, left the village scholars baffled and intrigued.

One day, as Vihaan played in the fields, he encountered a group of children gathered around a radiant young boy. The boy had a mischievous glint in his eyes and a flute tucked into his sash. Vihaan recognized him instantly – it was Krishna, the divine child prophesied to be the savior of Mathura.

Krishna, too, seemed to recognize something special in Vihaan. He extended a hand, a welcoming smile on his face. "Come, join us," he said. "We're about to have an adventure."

Vihaan didn't hesitate. He took Krishna's hand, and together, they embarked on a journey of discovery that would forever change their lives. They explored the forests, swam in the Yamuna, and played pranks on unsuspecting villagers.

Their bond deepened with each passing day. Vihaan, the prodigy from the future, and Krishna, the divine avatar, found in each other a kindred spirit, a friend who understood and appreciated their unique gifts.

But their idyllic childhood was not without its shadows. The looming threat of Kansa, the tyrant king of Mathura, cast a pall over their lives. Vihaan knew from the stories he had read that Kansa was a ruthless ruler, determined to eliminate anyone who threatened his power.

As he watched Krishna's carefree demeanor, Vihaan couldn't help but worry. He knew that Krishna was destined for greatness, but he also knew the perils that lay ahead. He vowed to stand by his friend's side, to protect him with all his might, and to help him fulfill his divine purpose.

In the heart of Gokul, amidst the laughter and the joy, a silent understanding grew between two boys from vastly different worlds. They knew that their destinies were intertwined, their paths leading towards an epic saga that would shape the course of history.