
Reborn in Dwapar Yuga

Hi this novel is about a random guy(mc) from 21 st century is reborn in Dwapar Yuga at same time as Lord Krishna this is my first work with some help of course

Hanish_Ram · History
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35 Chs

Chapter 2: The Divine Encounter

The sun beat down on the dusty streets of Gokul as a young Vihaan explored his new world. The sights, sounds, and smells of ancient India were a stark contrast to the urban landscape he'd left behind, yet they filled him with a strange sense of belonging.

Vihaan was no ordinary child. Born with the memories of his past life as Alok, a 21st-century Indian scholar, he knew that he was living in the time of the Bhagavad Gita, the epic Mahabharata, and the divine incarnation of Lord Vishnu himself.

As he wandered through the bustling marketplace, his eyes caught sight of a group of children gathered around a young boy, their faces rapt with attention. The boy was a sight to behold – radiant skin, a mischievous smile, and eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of the ages. Vihaan's heart skipped a beat. He knew, with an instinctive certainty, that this was no ordinary child. This was Krishna.

Mustering his courage, Vihaan approached the group. As he drew closer, he heard Krishna regaling his audience with tales of his latest exploits, his voice a melodic symphony that captivated all who listened.

Vihaan found himself drawn into the circle, his eyes fixed on Krishna's face. He listened intently as Krishna recounted his adventures, his playful pranks, and his encounters with the natural world. Vihaan was struck by the depth of Krishna's wisdom, his understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, and his unwavering devotion to dharma.

When Krishna paused, his gaze fell upon Vihaan. Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them. It was as if their souls, separated by millennia, had recognized each other across the vast expanse of time.

"Welcome, my friend," Krishna said, his voice warm and inviting. "I have been waiting for you."

Vihaan was speechless. How could Krishna know? Was it his past-life knowledge, or was it something more profound, a divine connection that transcended the boundaries of space and time?

He didn't have the answers, but he knew one thing for sure: his life was about to change. And as he looked into Krishna's eyes, Vihaan felt a sense of excitement, a thrilling anticipation of the adventures that lay ahead. He knew that he was not merely a witness to history; he was a participant, a friend of the divine, and he was ready to embrace his destiny in this extraordinary age.