
Reborn in dragon as a super saiyan 4

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs


Soon, a group of people walked into the venue.

Don't look at Ye Mu did not participate in this world's No. 1 martial arts club, but some staff have known him, and naturally they will not stop this two consecutive championship masters.

At this moment, Ye Mu suddenly saw a familiar figure, who was not Chichi.

And Chichi in the front also seemed to have a sense. Looking back, when he saw Ye Mu, his pretty face blushed. When the two looked at each other for a few seconds, the little girl's face was flushed red too. An expression of excitement and surprise slowly emerged.

"Big...Big brother!"

I don't know if it was a big decision, Chichi suddenly trot over and shouted to Ye Mu.

Seeing Chichi running towards him, Ye Mu couldn't help but glanced at Bulma next to him.To be honest, after all, he was an old man who was married, and he didn't pay attention to it.

However, what surprised Ye Mu was that there was no other expression on Bulma's face, instead he smiled and looked at Chichi who trot over.

That look, that smile... "It looks like a sister who is in charge of the harem and looking at her..."

I don't know that Ye Mu thinks too much, he murmured in his heart.

"Big brother! Sister hello! Long time no see!"

At this time, Chichi had already trot over and came to Ye Mu and looked at this elder brother who was 173 secretly in love when she was a child.

"Hello there!"

Ye Mu smiled slightly and greeted her.

Seeing this scene, Master Roshi and the others in the back looked at me one by one, and I looked at you, and then slowly showed intriguing expressions on their faces.

"Big Brother Ye Mu is really good! First, there is such a beautiful lady as Bulma, and then there is such a young and agile girl."

Klin on one side whispered.

Huh! In an instant, a staring gaze shifted over.

It was Ye Mu's gaze.

Shrink! Meeting Ye Mu's gaze, Clintton shrank his neck for a while, then laughed twice, and ran behind Master Roshi.

Ye Mu occasionally teaches Klin, which is extremely strict, so Klin is still a little scared of him.

Master Roshi and others are not fools. Seeing the melting eyes and shy expressions of such a beautiful girl looking at Ye Mu, how can I not see her intentions! So..." Ye Mu, Heh heh, let's go to the ring first, you guys have a chat here!"

Master Roshi coughed twice.He was also the place where he came into the qualifiers.After so many years, he could look at it openly and he would naturally not miss this opportunity.

"it is good."

Ye Mu squinted at these guys and smiled bitterly in his heart.In fact, he also wanted to leave like this, but...Bulma and Chichi were suspected of fighting in their eyes, so he was not good to leave like this.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)


Bulma suddenly spoke.

"Sister Bulma!"

Chichi also spoke. Ye Mu called Bulma's name back then, and she naturally wrote down her name.

Hearing the girl yelling her name, Ma raised her brows, she was a little surprised, and after a little thought, her gaze at Chichi changed a little.

Good guy...I'm afraid this little girl has missed her husband when she was a child! Otherwise...how could she write down her name.

Isn't this typical to remember the name of a rival in love? Thinking of this, the smile on Bulma's face slowly receded, just as he was about to speak, at this moment, Chichi bowed suddenly and said: "Thank you Ye Mu for your help back then, and... Qi... Chichi actually likes Ye Mu very much!"

Huh! After making a strange shame, Chichi clutched his hot flushed face and ran away.


Ye Mu saw Bulma turning his head, and scratched the back of his head with a dry smile.

He is also very confused, and it is no wonder that he is too attractive! "Humph!"

Bulma looked at Ye Mu and snorted, then walked towards the center of the venue.

Ye Mu smiled bitterly and shook his head, and slowly followed forward.

Along the way, Ye Mu glanced around and seemed to be searching for someone.

Soon, a Namek person came into his sight.

Piccolo! Ye Mu narrowed his eyes. In the first two years, he did not participate in the plot of the original timeline, but he was very clear about the plot. The purpose of this guy's arrival this time was to defeat Son Goku.

In addition, this guy's nature is not bad, so Ye Mu just checked his combat power and headed towards the ring where Bulma was.

On the way to Bulma, Ye Mu saw that Goku, who had changed into a martial arts suit of the turtle fairy genre, was warming up under a ring, and he shook his head and smiled.

After thinking about it, he took a look at Goku's combat effectiveness.

Four hundred thousand points! Hmm! Seeing this strength value, Ye Mu frowned.

So quickly, has it reached 400,000 points of combat power! But after thinking about it, Ye Mu lost his surprise again.

For this plot point, this guy Goku has drunk Karin-sama's super supernatural water.

The super-shen water, which can stimulate human potential, can be said to be one of the most precious treasures on the earth.

But to be honest, this thing in Ye Mu's eyes is far more harmful than good.

Think about it carefully, why did Son Goku later have heart disease! Many rumors on the Internet in the past life are naturally due to the side effects of long-term and multiple use of Kaio-ken.

Second, that is the side effect of this super god water.

Ye Mu always feels that something like Super Shenshui is ultimately an increase in the guiding potential of foreign objects.

As for the great elders on the Namek ball and the old Supreme Kai's potential enhancement to the later Son Gohan, that is not the guidance of external objects, but a kind of secret technique, which stimulates the inner potential by inner guidance.

For this point, Ye Mu naturally agrees very much.

"But it's not a big problem, as long as I remember Goku's heart disease, then it is impossible for him to relapse.

And... the super fairy bean can prevent all diseases from happening, and then give him a heart attack and he will be gone."

Ye Mu sighed lightly and didn't care too much about Son Goku's later heart attack.

After a while, with a resounding gong.

The qualifier for the 23rd World No. 1 Budo Contest is also officially launched! "Husband, I... I'm so nervous now!"

When Ye Mu walked to Bulma's side, Bulma looked back at her husband and suddenly spoke.

Even if her combat power has broken through 50,000 to 10,000, she is still a woman after all.At this time when she is about to fight against someone for the first time, she still feels a little flustered.

"Don't be nervous, take a deep breath.

You can rest assured that there will be no injuries.

Of course, you still have to control your own strength, otherwise if you really don't pay attention, you will beat your opponent to death."

Ye Mu laughed.

He didn't worry too much.Even if Bulma didn't control his strength, he could save Bulma's opponent instantly and save him from a death catastrophe.

After listening to Ye Mu's words, Bulma took a deep breath, then tilted his head to glance at the contestants around him, spit out his tongue gently, and said, "These... .... The players in the competition seem to be too weak, I really have to take some strength, otherwise it will be bad for my husband to cause trouble by then."