
Reborn in dragon as a super saiyan 4

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs


Ye Mu shook his head and laughed when he saw these two pieces of his news.

The woman Angel Yan is really bloated.

"Okay! Next time you start a live broadcast, let me see the big scene on your side! Holy guard Zuo Yi Yan."

Ye Mu directly touched her, and then temporarily withdrew from the Dimensional chat group, teleported to the Gods of Destruction world to meet with Whis and others.

This time, the Tournament of Power at the Angel level, whether it is Son Goku or Beerus, are actually extremely excited. After all, this time is an Angel level showdown! Let's not talk about whether it can be the first place, but... can compete with such a powerful one. The existence of a fight is indeed a very exciting thing.

Ye Mu glanced at the people and checked their combat power.

Whis: 45 gao.

Beerus: 20 gao.

Son Goku: 21 Gee.

Vegeta: 18 gao.

...Too weak! After checking it out, Ye Mu shook his head.

To be fair, they are improving too slowly! In fact, if you think about it, it's not that Son Goku is too slow to improve, but Ye Mu himself is improving too fast, so he thinks that Son Goku is still very slow. .

Regarding this point, Ye Mu did express helplessness.

After all, the more he reaches the later stage, the more perverted he is indeed.

Everyone set off directly for Wuzhijie, and when they arrived, the rest of the eleven universes had already arrived.

At the same time, Ye Mu quietly started the group live broadcast, which can watch the surroundings from his perspective.

Right now, Ye Mu uses a live broadcast revealed from his first-person perspective.

Nonsense: "Well! Is this the world of the group leader!"

The strongest man in the world: "I...how do I feel the palpitations."

Little Monkey in Huaguoshan: "Shivering."

The Little Dragon Girl from the Ancient Tomb School: "Hey, the picture of the little monkey is very interesting! Shaking+."

Angel Yan: "Huh! But Er, I thought there was a scene atmosphere! You know, we are confronted with something here, and everyone on a planet can be destroyed."

...Interaction,,...started! Ye Mu's thoughts were a little deeper, and when he saw Angel Yan, the corners of his mouth could not help but lift up slightly.

These guys can see the value in the battle for a while, for example...When Ye Mu takes a shot, Gu Aotian and others will be able to know what power his blow can cause.

Therefore...in a while..., the woman Angel Yan will be silently slapped in the face.

Therefore, Ye Mu doesn't have that leisurely heart at all now.

"Ye Mu!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ye Mu and others just arrived and sat down in the auditorium of the seventh Universe: Champa in the sixth Universe auditorium next to him waved and said hello.

Ye Mu turned his head to look, and also waved hello to Champa.

"There are a total of twelve universes in our world. I am in the seventh universe. The person who greeted me just now is Gods of Destruction Champa of the sixth universe, and Gods of Destruction is one of the top powerhouses in the universe! "

Ye Mu retracted his gaze, and then introduced it to the group members from the bottom of his heart.

Nonsense: "6! The identity of the group leader seems to be very honorable! Even the top powerhouse in the universe will take the initiative to say hello to you!"

The strongest man in the world: "By the way...I thought about how to start this live broadcast. I have to live broadcast my son Black Beard.

Like this, I don't know if I can wash away my humiliation."

The Little Dragon Girl of the Ancient Tomb School: "The strongest man in the world, I support you! The crime of killing the father should be put to death!"

Angel Yan: "Huh! Don't be the so-called group acting! Funny laugh."

Following Ye Mu's introduction, the group members immediately interacted.

Ye Mu glanced and saw Angel Yan, the woman still struggling, suddenly sneered.

In a while..., when you have a red face! "Brother Ye Mu, if you can squeeze on the Tournament of Power at the Angel level with your current strength?"

When the Grand Priest began to promulgate the rules of this Tournament of Power, Son Goku next to Ye Mu asked in a low voice.

Ye Mu shifted his gaze to Son Goku, smiled and nodded, and at the same time introduced to the group members in his heart: ``This guy is called Son Goku, with the same name as the Huaguoshan monkey in the group.

Now, this guy is much stronger than the little monkey...

If you give me a serious introduction, his ordinary blow can definitely destroy an entire planet with ease."

This is because Ye Mu didn't describe it too exaggeratedly.You should know that in the original Dragon Ball animation, the Gods of Destruction level full fight, but it can bring the entire universe to the point of destruction.

And now Son Goku has stronger combat power than Gods of Destruction and even Angel.

So, in a real sense, as long as the current Son Goku wants to destroy it, the entire seventh universe will be destroyed by him.

, Nonsense: "Nah, I am uncultured, and I'm going all over the world with one sentence."

The strongest man in the world: "However, I am uneducated, and he walks the world in one sentence."

The Little Dragon Girl from the Tomb School: ".

The little girl will stop swearing, and can only say one thing, boss 666!"

...Ye Mu almost burst into laughter when he saw this piece of news from the group members.

Ye Mu was not shocked by the modern vocabulary of Gu Aotian and others.

Because this was when he uploaded the group rules, and by the way, some online vocabulary from the previous life was also uploaded.

However, when Ye Mu was slightly surprised, Angel Yan didn't even jump out this time.

0..."Everyone, please come to the stage for the contestants participating in this Angel-level Tournament of Power!"

At this moment, the Grand Priest in the sky announced.

Shoo...!! Shoo...!! Shoo...!! With the words of Grand Priest falling, I saw a figure flying from the audience seats of each universe to the ring.

Soon, Ye Mu took the lead, and everyone in the seventh universe also fell behind.

Although the strength of Son Goku Beerus Vegeta 3 is slightly insufficient, they are still ready to play and hone themselves.

After boarding the ring, the group live broadcast also changed from Ye Mu's first perspective to the third perspective, and then into the director's perspective.

Nonsense: "Speaking...Guess who the owner of the group is"

The strongest man in the world: "I think it must be that... the tall and strong man with white beard. Only this guy is a real strong man in my opinion!"

The Little Dragon Girl of the Ancient Tomb School: "By the way, Uncle White Beard's standard for being a strong person is...does he take himself as a model?"

Huaguoshan Little Monkey: "I have seen the teacher... he... is the most handsome guy present...!"

"The Tournament of Power at the Angel level, officially...begin!"

As the voice of Grand Priest fell, breaths exploded in the ring.

At the same time, when the members of the Dimensional Chat Group were carefully searching for the most handsome man in the field, a breath that could destroy the world swept toward them.

Everyone, in their world at this moment, was all frightened to the ground.