
Reborn in dragon as a super saiyan 4

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs


"Host, your willpower is really very strong!"

The system didn't reply to him directly, but said such a sentence with admiration in his tone.

Hearing this compliment, Ye Mu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The ghost knew how he got through it, and the feeling was indeed painful.

But fortunately, now that he has completely gone through the torture of these three times, his strength seems to be stronger than before. Isn't it a little bit stronger? !

How powerful is it, Ye Mu didn't bother to look at it at this moment, and slowly took a fairy bean out of the system's small backpack and ate it.

After eating the fairy beans, his whole person seemed to be reborn, and his whole person was full of energy again.

After jumping on the shore, Ye Mu checked his character attribute panel again:

"Host: Ye Mu."

"Age: 8 years old."

"Bloodline: the legendary Super Saiyan (refined once)."

"Combat power: 800,000 points."

"Skills: Instant Transmission, Qigong Cannon, Five Times Kaio-ken, Nine Suns Magic Art, Great Shift of Universe."



Taking a look at his own data, Ye Mu let out a long sigh of relief.

Eight hundred thousand points of combat power!

Three painful tortures brought him 300,000 points of combat effectiveness.

Speaking of it, it's really not a loss!

If one pain gives him 100,000 points of combat power, then he would rather pain another 100 times, so that his combat power can instantly soar by 10 million points!

However, he understands that such a good thing is naturally impossible.

"Next... maybe it's time to go to Earth!"

As soon as this thought came out, Ye Mu's eyes suddenly narrowed.

His current combat power of 800,000 points is too strong!

At this stage, only Frieza has caught his eyes on the boss that came out, Piccolo Daimao?

too weak!

Not to mention the use of qi, but with the power of the flesh, Ye Mu has the confidence to poke this guy to death with a finger.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"For some reason, it was invincible in the early stage!"

Ye Mu sighed, Frieza is not there, Gods of Destruction Beerus and Angel Whis have not appeared, and now in this seventh universe, he is probably the most powerful person on the bright side.


Ye Mu didn't feel conceited because of this, and understood that to continue to practice hard, that is what he should do the most.

After all, let alone 800,000 points of combat power, it is 8 million points of combat power. After the story of Dragon Ballz begins, it will gradually become like a passerby.

and so...

He needs to work harder and always be stronger than the strongest person in the plot, which is his goal.

"It seems to be Ai Ji 737, Bulma seems to be four years old?"

Ye Mu suddenly thought of a question. It seems that the current Bulma should be five years old, and if he is actually four years old.

Four or five-year-old Lori Bulma...

What does it look like?

To be honest, Ye Mu is really looking forward to it.

However, after thinking about it, he still didn't go directly to the earth.

After all, there is a free 15 times gravity environment to practice, how could he let go of such a big benefit. —@

Moreover, the little Goku's spacecraft should not have reached the earth yet, so Ye Mu naturally has no need to rush to the earth first.

"Practice spiritual practice!"

Ye Mu worked hard. …


One month passed quickly, Ye Mu checked his combat effectiveness.

1,000,000 points!

A month ago, his combat effectiveness was 800,000 points.

Now, after a month of still assiduous practice, his combat effectiveness has soared by 200,000 points, and he has entered a small level of combat effectiveness of one million.

"Millions of combat power, I am not a weak one! In the original Dragon Ball animation, Goku was transformed into Super Saiyan with a combat power of about 3 million. That is the basic transformation of the ordinary Super Saiyan bloodline..."

Ye Mu frowned. The official did not say how powerful the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline base transformation is, but he guessed that three million should be far from enough.

"Don't worry, don't worry! Even if you can't transform into the legendary Super Saiyan in a short time, it is worthwhile to strengthen the basic combat power with five times my Kaio-ken. I just don't know if Frieza is dead or not. , If I die, I will not be threatened at the moment! If I am not dead..."

Ye Mu held his breath, then exhaled heavily.

If Frieza is not dead, then he will be in danger and may suffer revenge from this guy at any time!

"This time I went to the earth to complete the mission of selection. I think I still have to go back to the Universe to practice and practice. While getting stronger, I can also inquire about Frieza's news!"

After Ye Mu had made his goal clear, he didn't think too much about it. He pointed his index finger to the middle of his eyebrows, and he searched for the earth in the universe. He was the Supreme Kai's Instant Transmission under his control.

Therefore, his search is naturally very easy.

Soon, he sensed the existence of the earth.

call out!

Ye Mu's figure flickered, then disappeared in place.

In the next second, Ye Mu appeared in a mountain on the earth.

After walking two steps, Ye Mu thought for a while and flew directly into the sky.

"This is... Baozi Mountain!"

Ye Mu glanced at the big mountain underneath, his brows twitched, especially when he saw a small wooden house on the top of the mountain, the corners of his mouth could not help but raised slightly.

"Goku! Goku! Hehehe, I have a grandson!"

Ye Mu's ears were amazing, and he heard a sound from a path on the top of the mountain.

Looking in the direction of the sound, an old man was holding a naked baby with a tail behind his ass and yelled with a big laugh.

The old man is Son Gohan, a powerful martial artist on earth.

And that little baby is naturally little Goku.

This scene really makes people feel very warm.
