
Reborn In DC Universe With The Dice System

Miles Brown's life takes a dramatic turn when he is killed by his vengeful girlfriend, only to awaken in the DC universe as an eighteen-year-old college student. Initially thrilled but soon disillusioned by the lack of superpowers, Miles's mundane existence is shattered on his 18th birthday by the mysterious arrival of The Dice System. This enigmatic force offers him a chance to attain powers and personas from a pool of DC's mightiest abilities and iconic characters. The Dice System challenges Miles with tasks that unlock new abilities and characters, altering his physical form and capabilities. As he navigates this power, Miles seeks to balance his aspirations for heroism with his desires for fame, admiration, beauties and a lavish lifestyle. His unconventional methods draw both ire and intrigue from DC's established heroes and villains alike. _____________ Disclaimer: Contains mature content. MC wil also go through a lot of character development.

TimVic · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Unlocking A New Ability

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In the quiet of his dorm room, Miles focused intently, the Dice System interface materializing before his eyes in a luminescent display only he could see. His stats hovered in the air, a tangible reminder of the progress he had made and the decisions that lay ahead:

**Name: Miles Brown**

**Superhero name: Nil**

**Strength: 5**

**Speed: 3**

**Attractiveness: 12**

**Intelligence: 6**

**Abilities: 3**

**Characters: 3**

**World Likeability: 0**

**Popularity: 0**

**[ Points accumulated: 90 ]**

Running his fingers through his dark hair, Miles considered his options. His blue eyes flickered with thought as he contemplated his next move. "Ninety points... Time to make them count," he murmured to himself.

His gaze settled on the (Flash) Likeability index. Curious, he decided to experiment by allocating a point to see if it could indeed increase.

**< (Flash) Likeability: 15/720 >**

He added one point and watched as the numbers updated, a small satisfaction in seeing his theory work:

**< (Flash) Likeability: 16/720 >**

Though a minor increase, it confirmed that likeability could be influenced, albeit slowly. "Not the fastest route, but every bit helps," he sighed, knowing well his points were far from sufficient to unlock Flash's character.

His attention then shifted to choosing a new ability. After some deliberation, his choice was made:

**< Bane Heightened Physical Strength - 50 points >**

"I need something solid, something foundational for now," Miles reasoned, acknowledging that while more spectacular abilities were tempting, grounding his capabilities in something tangible like strength was crucial at this stage.

Confirming his selection, the dice in his hand shifted, a new face appearing to confirm the addition of Bane's strength. Now with four faces, the dice seemed almost eager in his palm.

**[ Ability Unlocked: Bane Heightened Physical Strength ]**

With the remaining thirty nine points, Miles decided to enhance his personal stats, distributing twenty among them to fortify his foundation further.

**[ Points distributed: Speed +5, Strength +5, Intelligence +5, Attractiveness +5 ]**

As he allocated the points, Miles felt an immediate response in his physique and senses. His muscles tensed and relaxed, testing their new strength; his mind felt sharper, thoughts clicking into place with greater clarity; and even his reflection in the mirror showed subtle changes—a sharper jawline, a more piercing gaze.

Standing to stretch, Miles could feel the enhancements coursing through him. "This is permanent, a real change," he noted, pleased with the direct impact on his physical and mental abilities.

Unlike the temporary surge of the characters and abilities from the Dice System, these improvements were a part of him now. They wouldn't vanish after a certain time frame.

Reflecting on his enhanced appearance and capabilities, he grinned, "Looks like being attractive just got a bump too. Not just a superficial change, hopefully."

Miles looked back at his stats, content with the day's progress but aware of the journey ahead. He knew he needed to continue building himself up, not just for the challenges he might face but for the person he wanted to become in this new world.

"I need to come up with a good superhero name,"

As Miles mulled over potential superhero names, the familiar creak of the dorm door announced Ron's return. A grinning Ron barged in, his arms laden with takeout and an air of triumph.

"Hey, guess who just crushed it on a chem quiz?" Ron declared, setting down his bounty on the cluttered desk.

Miles, distracted from his thoughts, gave a playful roll of his eyes. "Let me guess—the same genius who tried to invent a new energy drink by mixing Red Bull with espresso?"

"Ha, you never let that go, do you?" Ron laughed, flopping onto his bed. "But seriously, what's up with you? Look like you're trying to decode the meaning of life there."

"Just wrestling with choosing a superhero name for a friend. It's trickier than I expected," Miles admitted, his tone lightening.

"Superhero name, huh? How about Captain Broody? You always look like you're deep in thought," Ron teased, tossing a packet of fries at Miles.

Miles caught it, laughing. "Thanks, but I think I'll keep looking. Anyway, how's campus life treating you?"

"Same old, but hey, I've got this monstrous assignment for Poli Sci. It's a beast. Help me tame it?"

"Sure thing, buddy," Miles replied, always ready to lend a hand, especially if it kept his mind off more daunting tasks.

As they tackled Ron's assignment, their conversation veered from academic woes to the more tantalizing topic of campus life—a realm Miles had yet to conquer in this new world. Finishing up the project, Ron was quick to switch gears.

"Thanks, man. And hey, you're coming to the Sigma Chi bash on Friday, right?" Ron's tone was casual but insistent.

"Party?" Miles perked up. His previous life's pursuits came rushing back—the thrill of the social hunt, a game he played all too well.

"Yeah, it's going to be wild. Tara's going to be there," Ron nudged, his eyebrows doing a suggestive dance. "The campus belle? Senator's daughter? Ring any bells?"

Miles did remember Tara—striking, beautiful, smart, and exactly the type of challenge he found exhilarating. "Yeah, I know her," he said, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Sounds like my kind of night."

"That's the spirit! Plus, all the key players from the social scene will be there. It's the perfect gig for you man," Ron said, clapping him on the back.

Miles nodded, his mind already racing through potential scenarios. Attending the party could be the perfect opportunity to not only reintegrate into the social fabric of campus but also to reclaim a bit of his old flair that seemed stifled in this new life as a budding hero.

"Alright, I'm in," Miles confirmed with a renewed sense of purpose. 'Time to mix a little fun with the hero business.'

"Perfect! It's settled then. You need to let loose, man. Show that charm and, who knows, maybe score a few points with some of the beauties," Ron suggested with a wink.

Miles chuckled, his former confidence bubbling to the surface. "Let's just say I plan on making more than a good impression."

As the night wore on, they shifted from discussing strategic approaches to coursework to strategic approaches to parties.

"Yeah, I'll definitely be there."