
Reborn In DC Universe With The Dice System

Miles Brown's life takes a dramatic turn when he is killed by his vengeful girlfriend, only to awaken in the DC universe as an eighteen-year-old college student. Initially thrilled but soon disillusioned by the lack of superpowers, Miles's mundane existence is shattered on his 18th birthday by the mysterious arrival of The Dice System. This enigmatic force offers him a chance to attain powers and personas from a pool of DC's mightiest abilities and iconic characters. The Dice System challenges Miles with tasks that unlock new abilities and characters, altering his physical form and capabilities. As he navigates this power, Miles seeks to balance his aspirations for heroism with his desires for fame, admiration, beauties and a lavish lifestyle. His unconventional methods draw both ire and intrigue from DC's established heroes and villains alike. _____________ Disclaimer: Contains mature content. MC wil also go through a lot of character development.

TimVic ¡ Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

First Bloody Superhero Act

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As the critical day approached, Miles knew he needed something more inconspicuous than his usual attire for his planned venture into the superhero world. Ducking into a small sporting goods store, he picked up a basic black ski mask.

"It's no hero costume, but it'll have to do for now," he muttered, adjusting the mask's fit in a mirror. It wasn't the most stylish solution, but it would keep his identity hidden, which was the priority until he could think of something more fitting for a burgeoning hero-in-training.

Meanwhile, the city was on edge following breaking news that jolted everyone to high alert. The screen of every TV in every shop window and home broadcasted the same urgent message:

"Breaking News: A major explosion at Cleveland Maximum Security Prison has led to a mass breakout. Authorities report that several of the escapees possess superhuman abilities. The public is advised to stay indoors and report any suspicious activity."

The camera panned over the chaos at the prison, where smoke billowed into the sky and police sirens wailed. Emergency services scrambled to contain the situation, but the palpable sense of panic was undeniable.

High above Earth, the watchtower served as a sanctuary of calm in the universe's chaos, orbiting silently in space. This floating fortress was a hub of activity, with heroes moving briskly about, responding to distress calls from across the globe. The metallic interior was lit by panels of soft blue light that cast an ethereal glow over the consoles filled with blinking lights and holographic displays.

In the central command room, Batman stood before a massive screen that showed live feeds from various parts of the world, his cape billowing slightly with the air circulation. His brow furrowed under his cowl as he analyzed the situation. The Dark Knight was the epitome of focus and intensity, his sharp eyes missing nothing.

"This Cleveland breakout could complicate things with the proximity to Metropolis," Batman mused, his voice a gravelly rumble. "Clark is out on the Rao situation. We'll need a fast response."

"I can be there in a flash," piped up a voice, cutting through the low hum of the watchtower's operations. The Flash, in his signature red suit that seemed to blur even at a standstill, gave a confident grin. "Literally."

Green Arrow, leaning casually against a console with his bow slung over his shoulder, raised an eyebrow. "Guess I'm playing backup to the fastest man alive, huh? Don't blink, or you'll miss all the action," he quipped, the light catching the sharp lines of his goatee.

Batman gave a brief nod, the corners of his mouth twitching in what one might assume was his version of a smile. "Just try to keep up, Oliver." his deep menacing voice cut through the air.

With a flurry of red and a nod from Green Arrow, the two were beamed down from the watchtower with a sophisticated teleportation technology that made the distance between space and Earth trivial.

Back on Earth, Miles was gearing up. He'd parked his old, nondescript sedan a safe distance from the prison and was now adjusting his makeshift mask one last time. "Here goes nothing," he whispered to himself, feeling a mix of adrenaline and anxiety course through his veins.

As he neared the scene, he could already hear the chaos unfolding. Police and emergency responders were setting up barricades, their efforts coordinated yet seemingly just short of pandemonium.

Suddenly, a streak of red zipped by, and the crowd gasped as The Flash appeared at the forefront of the action, his movements a blur to the untrained eye. Not far behind, Green Arrow arrived more traditionally, riding a custom motorcycle that fit his rugged, practical style. He dismounted with a fluid grace, already nocking an arrow to his bow, ready for anything.

"Alright, let's round up some bad guys and maybe get some autographs later, huh?" Flash joked to Green Arrow, who merely shook his head and offered a smirk in return.

Miles took a deep breath and edged closer, trying to blend in with the onlookers while keeping his eyes peeled for any opportunity to assist or glean more about how these heroes operated.

As the heroes engaged with the escaping prisoners, using a combination of super-speed maneuvers and precisely shot arrows, Miles observed intently. Each action, each choice they made was a lesson he absorbed, fueling his resolve to one day stand among them as an equal.

Watching The Flash and Green Arrow work together was like seeing his childhood comic books come to life. The Flash's incredible speed combined with Green Arrow's strategic precision created a synergy that was not only effective but mesmerizing to watch.

"This is unreal," Miles muttered under his breath, his eyes wide behind the mask.

He felt his heart pounding as the dice materialized in his palm, hidden from the view of the bystanders and the ensuing chaos. Glancing at his options, the temptation to pick characters and roll the dice tugged at him, but remembering that he had Lex Luther as one of his characters, he decided against it.

Plastic Man was a powerful character but if he ended up getting Lex Luther, how would he be able to explain what he was doing here.

The dice changed from characters to abilities as he shook and cast it. It clattered briefly before settling on the number two.

**[ Activating Superman's Laser ]**

A warm surge flowed through his head, startling in its intensity. He'd read about Superman's powers, fantasized about them, but feeling them course through his own veins was another thing entirely.

Although, it was just a singular ability, this was power. Raw, almost uncontrollable power. As his eyes adjusted to the sudden change, he knew that with a thought he could emit powerful laser beams.

Not far from where he stood, the Flash was a blur of motion, efficiently rounding up prisoners with his super speed and depositing them in a makeshift containment area. Green Arrow was left to handle the more aggressive escapees, his bowstring humming as arrows flew with lethal precision.

Miles knew it was time to step in—not as a bystander, but as an active participant. Spotting a group of prisoners sneaking up behind Green Arrow, their bodies shimmering with the onset of activated powers—one beginning to scale the walls with gecko-like agility, another's hands sparking with burgeoning electricity—he acted.

With a squint, Miles focused, and beams shot from his eyes, precise and cutting.


The beams sliced through the air, severing limbs before the prisoners could fully attack. Limbs detached, falling to the ground as their owners screamed in shock and pain, collapsing before they could harm Green Arrow.

Green Arrow spun around, his arrow notched but his expression one of stark surprise. "What the—?" he exclaimed, taking in the sight of the disabled attackers. "Who did this?"

Miles, still hidden in the shadows, felt a pang of fear. The power was too much, too raw. He hadn't meant to maim, only to incapacitate. He remained silent, his heart thudding painfully against his ribs.

Meanwhile, the Flash zoomed back into the fray, his eyebrows knitting together as he took in the scene. "Ollie, you okay?"

"Yeah, but we've got a wildcard here. Watch out," Green Arrow replied, scanning the area with keen eyes. "And call in medics! We have serious injuries."

Miles, realizing there was still one particular prisoner unaccounted for—the one he remembered from his readings as having the ability to possess bodies—knew he couldn't just stand by. He moved swiftly, following the direction the dangerous felon had taken.

In a dark alley, he found him. The prisoner, a sinister figure with eyes glowing ominously, was clutching a woman by the neck, his other hand pressed to her temple as he began the process of transferring his consciousness. "Just relax," he cooed to the woman, whose eyes were wide with terror. "This will only hurt a lot. Hahaha."

"Stop!" Miles shouted, stepping into the light. Without hesitation, he fired the lasers again. This time, he aimed more carefully, severing the prisoner's arms from his body.

Blood sprayed in a horrific arc, and the woman fell forward, gasping for air as the prisoner screamed in agony, his sinister transfer interrupted.

The Flash appeared at the mouth of the alley just as Miles turned to ensure the woman was safe. "Whoa, what happened here?" Flash asked, eyes widening at the bloody scene.