
Reborn in Castle (John Wick, Castle)

I stayed up all night watching the old show "Castle," and when I woke up, I found myself transformed into the main character, Richard Castle. Well, thank goodness, even though my mom is unreliable and my daughter looks down on me every day, and the cheat I got from transmigrating isn't very proper, at least I can use my knowledge of the plot to pursue the beautiful detective. That's good news! But, who on earth is this 'John' calling me, saying his dog was killed and his car was stolen? Did I end up in a different show? What should I do? Waiting online... I'm not just a little flustered, I'm very flustered...

Mutter · TV
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138 Chs

Chapter 5: The Not-So-Reliable Plan

"Rick, I just heard you mention that you're going out with John in the next few days. What are you planning to do?" Martha, busy bustling around the kitchen, looked up and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, just…" Castle quickly repurposed the excuse he'd used on his daughter for his mother.

"Is that so?" Martha gave her son a meaningful look.

Speaking softly enough that Alexis couldn't overhear, she said, "I hope you know what you're doing…"

"Sweat… Watching the show, I always thought Martha was a bit crazy and erratic.

But now, thinking about how she managed to charm my dad, who was a CIA super agent and raised me single-handedly, not to mention ensuring I went through every private high school in New York despite being expelled from each one... She's no ordinary person.

Right, this is the real world. I can't always hold onto the character impressions from the show, or it could lead me to make serious mistakes!"

Martha's slight show of sharpness snapped Richard Castle back to reality.

"You made a wonderful breakfast, Grandma. I've got to go now!" Alexis grabbed her backpack, ready to head out.

Castle also quickly finished his breakfast, murmuring a goodbye to his mother: "I'm off too. First stop, the publisher, to finalize the plan for my new book."

Heading straight to the publisher's office, Castle slapped the printed manuscript on Gina's desk with a snap: "Here's the manuscript. For the next while, I'll be busy researching for my new book, so don't bother me unless it's something important. Just stick to the original marketing plan."

Before Gina could respond, Castle quickly made his escape...

Pulling out his phone to contact the ever-talkative hacker Chubby, Castle paused to call John first: "John, are you home? Wait for me, I'm coming right over."

"According to the system's requirements, I must ensure I'm aligned with the 'Lawful Good' faction, but John used to be a hitman. Am I aiding and abetting or administering justice by helping him eliminate the Tarasovs? Can't we use police force against the Tarasov family? Is this a bug?" Castle finally remembered why something had felt off since last night. Was he caught in a thought trap?

"System, what's going on here?" Adhering to the principle of asking whenever in doubt, Castle queried the system in his mind.

"John Wick was indeed not originally from the 'Lawful Good' faction, but since leaving the underworld and living with Helen, his actions have proven his remorse and disconnection from his past life. Additionally, this incident has been determined by the system as a legitimate counter-attack by John Wick. Moreover, only by physically eliminating the Tarasovs can John's ongoing safety be ensured.

Based on a big data analysis of John Wick's actions over the last three years, it is confirmed that he meets the conditions for the 'Chaotic Neutral' faction.

Remember, 'No way out but conversion leads to redemption'!

Additionally, as this mission is a beginner task, a hint is provided: if the host successfully completes the mission and obtains John Wick's consent, the system will unlock 'Team Mode.' There are surprises waiting!!"

The system's monotonous mechanical voice resounded in Castle's mind.

"'No way out but conversion leads to redemption'? Definitely, the system's designers are Chinese, possibly even students of Buddhism…"

Before he could finish his usual rant, Castle's attention was caught by the last sentence!

"Team up? System, team up with John?

Not only pulling the 'greatest movie killer' into the 'Chaotic Neutral' faction but I'm supposed to go to the NYPD as a consultant soon! According to the system, does that mean I could bring John along as a consultant? Or maybe as an auxiliary police? Hmm…"

Imagining himself solving cases with the stunningly leggy Detective Beckett, and in moments of danger, having John Wick, dressed sharply and dual-wielding guns, dramatically taking down foes, saying to the enemies on the ground, "I advise you to be kind…"


Disgusted by his own thoughts, Castle felt it best to focus on the immediate tasks at hand rather than figuring out how to avoid the awkward scenario he just imagined.

Testing the limits of the highest legal speed, Castle quickly reached John Wick's residence in New Jersey.

Upon entering, he found the dining table loaded with an array of weaponry.

"John, we're not going to war, and New York isn't Syria. Is all this really necessary?" Castle picked up a rocket launcher from the table, somewhat exasperated with his host.

"..." John Wick gave Castle a look, maintaining his aloof demeanor.

Bluffing hard, Castle, not about to back down, asserted, "John, I

 spent all night gathering intel and came up with two plans. The first is simple but risky. The second is a bit more complicated but cleaner, leaving no loose ends. Let me use your laptop."

After receiving the laptop from John, Castle opened his email and downloaded a large compressed file.

The computer screen filled with folders clearly marked with information on the Tarasov family, Iosef Tarasov's personal behavior and character analysis, Iosef's friends' details, and even an analysis of John Wick's behavior and a chart of his social relationships.

It also listed the most likely allies the Tarasovs would turn to if attacked.

John Wick's friend Marcus was ranked first!

Of course, that piece of information was added by Castle himself to make John consider bringing Marcus into their duo without raising suspicions.

"This…" Seeing the comprehensive intelligence and personality analysis, even the usually stoic John Wick couldn't hide his shock.

"Heh heh, just kidding. Did you really think I'm just a freeloader? Aside from the intelligence which Chubby helped gather, the personality analysis was all my doing!" Seeing John's inability to maintain his composure, Castle felt quite pleased with himself.

"Rick, you pulled all this together in one night? You…" For the first time, John felt that his friend, whom he thought he knew well after many years, might not be as he seemed.

"Hmph, that's for underestimating me, thinking I'm just a weakling! How about now? Do you see how capable I am?"

This haughty remark reminded John Wick to revert to his usual perception of Castle. He seriously began to review the information on the laptop screen.

"Rick, do you really think if I retaliate against the Tarasov family, Viggo will go after Marcus? And how did you know about Marcus?" John, after reviewing the files, looked up in confusion.

"Yes, John, first, I apologize for investigating your personal relationships without your permission. But you should know, a lot can be done with the internet nowadays, and I not only have a skilled hacker friend, I'm also rich! In the dark web, there's nothing money can't buy.

Marcus was once your closest friend before you retired, so he appeared in your social network chart.

Furthermore, after analyzing big data, if you start retaliating against the Tarasov family without going through the Continental Hotel, Viggo's most likely move would be to call on Marcus to deal with you, as Marcus not only used to be your best friend but also your greatest rival.

The one who knows you best is often your biggest enemy, isn't it?"

"Then why do you suggest bringing Marcus in? Is it just because there's a high chance Tarasov will use him against me?" John was still puzzled.

"Not just that. Didn't I tell you I have a plan with no loose ends? This plan needs Marcus's help. Just the two of us isn't enough." To fulfill the system's task, Castle was prepared to drop what little dignity he had left and sweet-talk as much as necessary.

"What kind of plan?" John started to show interest.

"John, you know, if it's just the two of us, then we would have to choose between going after Viggo or Iosef first, and knowing you, you'd probably want to take out Iosef first.

But that could alert Viggo. If he hides after we take out Iosef and then puts a bounty on us, we'd be facing countless assassins attracted by the bounty.

And that would be a problem!" Castle explained earnestly.

"Right, the two of us would only count as one effective combat force, you oily middle-aged fat man…" Even someone as cold as John Wick couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey… I'm being serious here!!" Castle shouted, annoyed.

"So, we need another hand, and isn't your friend Marcus the perfect candidate? Besides, this guy seems to be a pretty formidable sniper!"

Castle with a grand gesture: "My plan—is to strike both Tarasov father and son simultaneously.

Only then can we ensure no loose ends for you."

John Wick fell into thought.

After a long pause, he looked up at Castle and said, "Thank you, Rick. I'll contact Marcus right away, let's make a big splash!!"


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