
Reborn in Castle (John Wick, Castle)

I stayed up all night watching the old show "Castle," and when I woke up, I found myself transformed into the main character, Richard Castle. Well, thank goodness, even though my mom is unreliable and my daughter looks down on me every day, and the cheat I got from transmigrating isn't very proper, at least I can use my knowledge of the plot to pursue the beautiful detective. That's good news! But, who on earth is this 'John' calling me, saying his dog was killed and his car was stolen? Did I end up in a different show? What should I do? Waiting online... I'm not just a little flustered, I'm very flustered...

Mutter · TV
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138 Chs

Chapter 43: The Old Lion King’s Whimsical Ideas

In Rome, perched on a hillside, stands a castle that seems to bear the weight of many ages. Even the brilliant afternoon sunlight of the Apennine Peninsula cannot dispel the gloom that hangs over this historic fortress, the headquarters of the D'Antonio family.

The reputedly dying patriarch of the D'Antonio family, old D'Antonio, sat in a high-backed armchair in his ornately decorated study, surveying his domain like an aging lion king whose presence still commands respect.

Beside him, a butler in a tailcoat was meticulously reporting the recent events that had occurred since old D'Antonio had been confined to his bed due to illness.

"Oh? You say that a month and a half ago, Gianna suddenly took a trip alone to Marseille, France, and after spending over a month there, she suddenly went to New York, USA?

Do you know why? Was it really, as she said, just taking a vacation because she saw that my health had improved?"

"Mr. D'Antonio, according to our intelligence, Miss Gianna went to France to meet someone named John Wick, and from that time, Miss Gianna seems to have been continuously in the company of this John!"

The butler reported respectfully.

"John Wick? The Night Demon? Did Gianna finally seek him out after all?"

Despite his frailty, the authoritative tone of old D'Antonio, accustomed to having absolute power, exerted a great pressure on the butler standing beside him.

"Gianna has always been fond of John. Perhaps, seeing that my health had improved, she finally decided to pursue her own happiness…"

Old D'Antonio noted the butler's cautious demeanor and offered an explanation.

"Mr. D'Antonio, the intelligence we have received seems to suggest more than just that…"

Though the butler felt immense pressure under old D'Antonio's domineering presence, out of respect and decades of reverence for the man before him, he dared not withhold information, revealing news that surprised old D'Antonio.

After a skeptical glance at the butler, old D'Antonio spoke, "Alright, start from the beginning. Tell me everything about the family, about Gianna, and about Santino that has happened while I've been bedridden. I want to see exactly what my daughter and that disappointing son of mine have been up to."

The butler, steadying his emotions, opened the folder he was holding.

"Sir, since you began your convalescence, there hasn't been much to report regarding the family business, except a few days ago when a club in Paris owned by Master Santino was attacked by a group of unidentified assailants, wiping them out. Otherwise, the family's other affairs have been proceeding smoothly according to your last orders to temporarily pull back."

"What? Someone attacked a club owned by our family?"

Old D'Antonio was furious upon hearing this. I'm not dead yet, and someone dares to make a move? This is an affront!

"Sir, the club isn't registered under our family's name; it belongs to Master Santino's private property. The manager there, Valentino, was one of our family members.

Moreover, it is said that the main business of this club was the auctioning of young girls who had been kidnapped and trafficked from various countries. Many wealthy individuals in Europe and America with such predilections were members of that club.

The reason it was caught off guard this time seems to be because they kidnapped someone they shouldn't have…"

The butler hurriedly explained, taken aback by old D'Antonio's burst of anger.

"My son, even if he was preparing in advance, shouldn't be operating on such a petty scale. He's the type who'll only ever use small cunning and will suffer greatly for it in the long run…"

Old D'Antonio, wise from years of experience, instantly grasped what Santino was up to. Isn't it just that he wants to make connections with various powers by relying on such means while I'm bedridden, in case of emergencies?

Wait, John Wick, the Night Demon, didn't Santino still hold a blood oath crest belonging to John? Over the past few years, I've often heard Gianna complaining that she asked her brother for the blood oath crest, but Santino wouldn't let go.

Combined with the recent news that John Wick had secretly met with Gianna, does this indicate that Gianna has become aware of her brother's restlessness?

The old patriarch pondered silently, raising his right hand to signal the butler to pause the report. He needed a moment to consider the intriguing possibility he had just thought of, now not requiring further reporting from the butler.

According to the butler's information, Gianna's trip to France to see John coincided with the rumors of his terminal illness. So,

 who is plotting?


But Santino holds John's blood oath crest.

Why would Gianna meet with John and stay with him, knowing that Santino holds John Wick's blood oath crest? This isn't a simple matter of a romantic relationship.

Clearly, her foolish brother's schemes have been noticed by his sister.

But how will Gianna break the game? Directly confront her brother?

No, I'm not dead yet. Gianna wouldn't be so irrational.

Then… Right, if Gianna boldly brings John Wick back as her boyfriend and demands the blood oath crest from her brother in front of me, then Santino would have no way out!

Handing over John Wick's blood oath crest would mean a full withdrawal from the contest for the position of family head!

Refusing would expose his ambition for the family leadership in front of me and Gianna.

For Santino, faced with such a situation, it would be a checkmate!

Considering the ongoing strife between his children, old D'Antonio smiled mysteriously...

Should I, perhaps through a more discreet channel, give a little hint to my foolish son?

The gap in power and strength between Gianna, as the sister, and Santino is just too wide!

For old D'Antonio, selecting the most suitable successor for the family before his death is crucial, regardless of whether that successor is his daughter or his son.

Gianna had always been groomed as the heir; she was outstanding, and her own capabilities far outshone her profligate brother. But now, with her brother revealing his ambitions, should their father give his son a chance as well?

Attracted by this sudden idea, old D'Antonio had already explained, for him at this stage, whether Gianna smoothly succeeds or Santino makes a miraculous comeback, the outcome is fundamentally the same.

The position of family head is an honor, but more so a responsibility.

The head must lead the family towards better development, and thus a leader with vision, large-scale planning, and deep strategy is fundamental to maintaining the family's prosperity.

Now, while he still had time, his previously overlooked son had begun to show ambition?

Old D'Antonio was eager to see if his son, who had only ever caused trouble for decades, could match his capabilities to his ambitions.

If Santino was truly maturing, wanting to contest the position of family head with his sister, and had the ability to do so, then, with his own presence still here, it might be worth letting him try.

At least, his presence could keep the sibling rivalry within acceptable limits. Better that than letting them destroy each other after his death.

The more old D'Antonio thought about it, the more interesting it seemed, but he also understood that the family head succession was not a matter to be taken lightly. Thus, the first thing he did after emerging from his deep thoughts was to consult his longtime butler to see if his sudden idea was feasible.

After patiently listening to old D'Antonio's thoughts, the butler was silent for a long time.

Then, his response chilled old D'Antonio's heart: "Sir, according to the current situation, your idea of giving Master Santino a trial is already too late. If there's no mistake in the intelligence I have right now, Miss Gianna's preparations against Master Santino are already complete…"


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