
Reborn in Castle (John Wick, Castle)

I stayed up all night watching the old show "Castle," and when I woke up, I found myself transformed into the main character, Richard Castle. Well, thank goodness, even though my mom is unreliable and my daughter looks down on me every day, and the cheat I got from transmigrating isn't very proper, at least I can use my knowledge of the plot to pursue the beautiful detective. That's good news! But, who on earth is this 'John' calling me, saying his dog was killed and his car was stolen? Did I end up in a different show? What should I do? Waiting online... I'm not just a little flustered, I'm very flustered...

Mutter · TV
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138 Chs

Chapter 3: The Tarasov Family

"John, I can tell you everything about the situation, including who did it and why they did it. But I need you to promise me that you will remain calm after I tell you everything and then decide what you want to do," Castle spoke earnestly.

"Okay, Rick, I promise," John Wick replied, gravely acknowledging Castle's rare serious demeanor.

"Let's not talk about where I got my information just yet. I'll just tell you that the people who killed your dog and stole your car are the Tarasovs. Does that name ring a bell?"

"What? Tarasov? He's Iosef's..." John seemed incredulous.

"Yes, the punk who took your car is Iosef Tarasov, Iosef Tarasov's son. They noticed your car at a gas station in New Jersey. According to the surveillance, you ignored them, which pissed them off. Coupled with the bad influence of Iosef's friends, they decided to rob you directly at your home. Apparently, these punks didn't do their homework on who you are... Heh heh heh..."

Although it was somewhat inappropriate to laugh at the situation, Castle couldn't help himself.

"This..." John sighed, "Rick, thank you for the information, but I have to handle what comes next on my own. You're just a writer, not a warrior! Don't forget, even your shooting skills were taught by me."

"Hey, John, you can't do this! I know you think I'm just a weakling who will hold you back, but I won't let you handle this alone!"

Ding ding ding, Castle's phone rang.

"Oh, Alexis, what's up?"

"Daddy, did you text me that you're at my godfather's place?"

"Yes, John's got some issues, and I'm at his house! Are you back home? Don't wait up for me, I'll come back after sorting things out with John."

"Okay, Daddy, please say hello to John for me!" Alexis hung up.

After putting away his phone, Castle said to John, "Buddy, I know all you want to do right now is go out and get revenge, but trust me, now that we know who our target is, the smartest move is to cool down and make a careful plan."

John responded, "Rick, you don't understand, there's a code in the underworld: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!" Hearing from Alexis had momentarily softened John's expression, but it swiftly turned grim again.

"The Tarasov family, I've dealt with them before, I know exactly what they are like. They're a typical Russian mafia family, trafficking in everything illegal, lawless, willing to do anything for money. People like that are like rabid dogs; you have to beat them hard, only then they won't bite.

This is a feud between me and them, and there's nothing much a greasy middle-aged fat man like you can do to help!" John's voice was tinged with melancholy.

Ding! "Plot Twist Assistance System initiating a mission—Please intervene in the narrative immediately. Under the condition of maintaining the 'Lawful Good' alignment, assist 'John Wick' in reversing the narrative.

1. Help John Wick eliminate the Tarasov father and son.

2. Protect John Wick and his friend Marcus, ensuring they survive the onslaught of assassins drawn by the Tarasov's bounty.

Rewards based on the degree of narrative twist will be issued. Rewards include scientific and technological knowledge from various film and television series protagonists, or a skill owned by the assisted individuals (John Wick and Marcus)."

Castle, about to speak, was distracted by the sudden notification. "There's such a thing?" It seemed he really needed to make John take him along!

"John, say no more. First off, I will not let you confront the Tarasov family alone.

Second, we are good friends, and I don't want Alexis's godfather to just disappear.

Third, who says I can't help you? Intel, John, have you forgotten what my greatest skill is? My greatest skill is having friends all over the world."

"For my writing, I've consulted and interviewed countless professionals, including spies, hackers, gang leaders, and even you, a top assassin. Most of them have become friends with me, something you should well understand," Castle argued.

"Alright, alright, Rick, you can join, but you're only to provide intelligence support," John conceded with a sigh, rubbing his forehead as if pained.

"Let's get in the car and talk more. When it comes down to it, who can really say whether I'm just there for intelligence support?" Castle thought gleefully to himself.

"I'm glad you've made this decision, John.

Now, the first thing we need to do is to understand our opponent thoroughly

. Leave that to me."

Though Castle probably had a clearer idea of the current state of the Tarasov family than John, who had been out of the game for years, he said this to avoid raising any suspicion.

"I know you want to take down Iosef and his crew right away. So, we need to consider, if you kill Iosef, how will Viggo react? Iosef is Viggo's only son, right?"

John confirmed, "Yes, and even if Iosef weren't his only son, Viggo would still seek revenge. It's their tradition! Otherwise, who would fear him? And if I directly kill Iosef, it's very likely Viggo will put a bounty on me at the Continental.

After all, if he just hires someone to kill me, it's not just about whether they can take me down; it's also uncertain if other assassins would even take his job!"

"No, you're wrong. If you kill Iosef right away, Viggo will immediately go after your friend Marcus. Even though Marcus is truly your friend, who made it that this system also demands his life be protected?" Castle thought to himself.

"So, John, we've agreed then, I'll help you gather intelligence. Until I've gathered all the necessary information, you must not act alone. DEAL?"

"Okay, I promise I won't go after Iosef alone!" John replied reluctantly, but he felt a warmth from being cared for.

"Want to come to my place? Martha hasn't seen you in a while, and she misses you too," Castle offered.

"No, I'm not in the right state to visit your place right now," John declined.

"Alright then, I'm off. I'll try to get all the details on the Tarasov family sorted out by tonight, and I'll come to see you tomorrow!"

Even though Castle knew Iosef was likely at his nightclub's sauna right now, he decided to hold off. He trusted that since John had promised, he wouldn't go after Iosef alone. Meanwhile, Castle planned to go home and study his 'Plot Twist Assistance System' further.

Settling into his Ferrari, Castle let out a sigh, "What a situation, huh? My first day of transmigration, and I'm mixed up with one of the biggest killers in movie history. Even though he was forced into it!

Never mind that now, better head back and dig into that golden finger, and also figure out whether this world is just a movie reality or a superhero movie reality.

I sure hope they don't throw a Tony Stark at me now!"

From his large floor-to-ceiling window, John Wick watched the taillights of Richard Castle's car disappear into the distance. The lights outside faintly illuminated his stoic face as it gradually merged into the darkness...


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