
Reborn in Castle (John Wick, Castle)

I stayed up all night watching the old show "Castle," and when I woke up, I found myself transformed into the main character, Richard Castle. Well, thank goodness, even though my mom is unreliable and my daughter looks down on me every day, and the cheat I got from transmigrating isn't very proper, at least I can use my knowledge of the plot to pursue the beautiful detective. That's good news! But, who on earth is this 'John' calling me, saying his dog was killed and his car was stolen? Did I end up in a different show? What should I do? Waiting online... I'm not just a little flustered, I'm very flustered...

Mutter · TV
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138 Chs

Chapter 21: Nurturing the Enemy for Personal Gain

The reason Richard Castle made the decision to nurture the enemy for personal gain was mainly because Vanessa and her crew were merely simple bank robbers interested only in money and not inclined to harm people randomly.

Even in the event of an accident, Castle could always cut losses promptly because he had full control over their escape plans, routes, and even where the stolen money was hidden.

Therefore, allowing them a bit more freedom for a while wasn't a big issue.

However, since their only interest was in money and they had only robbed one bank, if Beckett and her team solved the case immediately, the credit would seem minor.

After all, for the USA, robbing a bank or two doesn't really count as a major incident.

Only after Vanessa and her crew pull off another spectacular heist, causing the always sensationalist reporters to realize that this is a dangerous gang who robbed two banks in three crazy days, would the extensive coverage attract maximum public and senior-level attention.

Then, in this spotlight, allowing Beckett to execute a stunning arrest would significantly boost her prestige and support among the public, and earn her more rewards and recognition at the upper levels.

Under the system's coercion, Vanessa and her crew's role was merely to be pawns used to help Beckett's team gain experience and for Castle to curry favor with Beckett.

"Heh heh, just wait for Vanessa to pull off another big heist in two days, and then after one more day for the event to ferment, we can wrap this up! But just to be safe, I should guide Beckett's thinking a bit tomorrow…"

In high spirits, Castle set aside all his scheming and cheerfully drifted into sleep.

Early the next morning, Castle, carrying two cups of coffee, reappeared in the precinct's main hall.

"Here, your non-fat latte, sugar-free!" Castle handed one of the coffees to Beckett, who was already sitting at her desk.

"How did you know my preference?" Beckett was surprised.

"I'm a detective novel writer, I observe…" Castle replied with a mysterious air.

Rolling her eyes, Beckett decided not to bother with Castle, who was already annoying first thing in the morning.

"Captain Beckett, about the bank robbery yesterday, I have a different idea I'd like to discuss with you, what do you think?" Castle asked cautiously, planning to steer Beckett's investigative approach in the right direction.

"What are you thinking? Go on," Beckett said, knowing that Castle's ideas were indeed different from those of a regular detective and was curious about what he would suggest.

"I think that just relying on the hostages' statements and checking surveillance to find the robbers' escape route is a passive approach.

I believe we could be more proactive.

For example, check out that bright red BMW 760i.

If, and I mean if, I were the robber, I would use a bright red color to mislead you. Then, in the brief moment of shaking off the pursuers, quickly change the car's color.

This can be easily done by applying a bright red car wrap beforehand. After the robbery, once they've briefly shaken off the police's visual pursuit and found a blind spot in surveillance, they can easily remove the wrap and discard the clothes worn during the robbery, drastically changing both their appearance and the car's, and then they could just walk away right under your noses."

Castle's words deeply shook Beckett: "Right, if we use Castle's reasoning, doesn't that perfectly explain why we lost the target so easily yesterday?

It seems he might be right again, annoyingly so!"

"How did you come up with this idea?" Beckett asked, genuinely interested.

"From the moment you called me yesterday to learning that the suspects had easily escaped the police chase and vanished, the timing was just too short, almost unbelievably so.

After going home, I kept thinking, if it were me, what would I do to achieve this in such a short time?

After consulting a friend who knows a lot about car modifications, I realized it's quite simple: just a car wrap. During a police chase, you only need to shake off the police's sight for a minute or two, find a surveillance blind spot, and it's very easy to complete the vehicle's color change and disguise, including switching license plates.

Then, even if you drive this car in front of the police, they wouldn't immediately recognize it."

"Your idea makes sense, any more insights?" Beckett finally recognized a merit in Castle, that his wild ideas, although seemingly absurd at first, could indeed provide different perspectives.

"Hey hey, I knew this would work on Beckett, that overly responsible girl!" Castle secretly gloated.

Hearing Beckett's eager response, Castle didn't hold back: "I always feel they won't stop here, they are likely to continue robbing."

"Why? What makes you think so?"

"If it were just for

 one robbery, then the robbers' preparation seems overly meticulous.

From their actions, there are a few characteristics:

First, they do not harm hostages, which means less media pressure on the police, leading to less frantic pursuit.

Note, this is very important! It effectively lowers the police's guard and sets the stage for a surprise second robbery.

Second, they use a specialized vehicle, capable of disguise, used only once; don't you think that's wasteful?

Third, the first robbery can also be seen as a test of the police's response speed and pursuit capabilities, and the results are currently in the robbers' favor. If it were you, wouldn't you be tempted to continue?

That's all I've got for now on this case."

Castle knew when to stop, not wanting to spill everything at once.

Truth be told, if Castle weren't already a successful novelist, he might have excelled as a professional criminal! Honestly, Beckett was shocked by Castle. As proud as she was, she had to admit, his analysis was both logical and persuasive.

"Also, I think the robbers are likely from out of town, committing crimes on the move, completing a few heists and then disappearing without a trace. This would explain their brazenness!

I suggest you focus your investigation in this direction!" Castle felt it was necessary to push a bit harder on the spoiler.

Beckett pondered deeply...

"Esposito, you and Kevin, check with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security if any notorious criminals have recently arrived in New York, and also find out where in the city someone might have ordered a BMW 760i for cosmetic modifications…" Emerging from her thoughts, Beckett immediately dispatched her best men to verify Castle's suggestions.

"Mr. Castle, thank you for your brilliant deductions, I hope they turn out to be correct.

That way, we can apprehend the robbers sooner."

For the first time, Beckett responded to Castle warmly.

"Haha, I knew my trick would work! But, I don't agree with you wanting to catch Vanessa and her crew so soon; if you do, your merit would be much less impressive!"

Castle thought to himself, determined to let Vanessa commit one more heist before revealing all the information.

"Alright then, you guys are busy, I'll be on my way, call me if you need anything!" Seeing that the discussion was about wrapped up, Castle got up to leave.

He planned to use this opportunity to check out the garage in West Sicaco where Vanessa and her crew modified their getaway car, to survey the area just in case something went wrong and he needed to quickly secure the stolen money and prevent Vanessa from escaping.

Driving his flashy and flamboyant Ferrari 458, Castle headed to the garage located on the outskirts of Manhattan.

"Hey, isn't that the blue BMW 760i, the one Vanessa and her crew used to get away after the robbery? They're here now?"

Just as Castle was preparing to park in front of the garage, he spotted the bright blue BMW 760i, the same car used in the original plot for the robbers' escape.

At that moment, four glamorous beauties in shorts and tank tops walked out of the garage, led by the blonde Giselle Bonchen—no, Vanessa Lopez.

"Wow, the real Vanessa..." Castle's eyes widened, and he couldn't stop drooling!

The four robbers noticed the flamboyant Ferrari opposite them. Of course, they weren't nervous; after all, they were just beautiful women in shorts and tank tops, not fierce robbers.

Just thinking that the police couldn't afford a Ferrari made them feel very reassured.

Vanessa, leading the group, even turned her head before getting into the car, winked her irresistible eyes at the love-struck Russell, and then drove off.

"Damn, who could withstand such powerful charm? Thankfully, the system gave me a big threat; otherwise, I might have been tempted to defect..."

Grateful for the first time for the system's threat that kept him in line, Castle considered his next move.

"Ah, such a good opportunity, should I sneak in to take a look? They just robbed five million dollars yesterday, they must be starting to hide the money in the doors of the getaway car by now.

Should I go in and check?"

Castle was torn.

He wanted to sneak in while Vanessa and her crew were out but was also aware that someone might still be inside, and exposing himself could ruin everything.

"Never mind, I've found the temple door, no need to risk it. If I try to steal the chickens and lose the rice, that would be really bad. I better go, staying here too long would draw unnecessary attention."

Starting his car, Castle left the garage and drove towards his home.


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