
Reborn in Castle (John Wick, Castle)

I stayed up all night watching the old show "Castle," and when I woke up, I found myself transformed into the main character, Richard Castle. Well, thank goodness, even though my mom is unreliable and my daughter looks down on me every day, and the cheat I got from transmigrating isn't very proper, at least I can use my knowledge of the plot to pursue the beautiful detective. That's good news! But, who on earth is this 'John' calling me, saying his dog was killed and his car was stolen? Did I end up in a different show? What should I do? Waiting online... I'm not just a little flustered, I'm very flustered...

Mutter · TV
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133 Chs

Chapter 132: The Outcome

Charlie's recent remarks once again highlighted the formidable intelligence-gathering capabilities of Barry Street. Not only did they locate Kate Morrow, who had gone into hiding due to the pressures from FBI Agent Fuller under the orders of Vincent Adler, but they also uncovered that Castle had been busy writing at home in recent days. This level of detail clearly demonstrated the impressive reach of Barry Street's intelligence network.

However, Castle couldn't dwell on his amazement at Barry Street's prowess; he was simply elated to finally have an answer for Neal.

Unable to conceal his excitement, Castle eagerly questioned Charlie, but Charlie stopped him from discussing the matter in public. He remembered that when Castle had commissioned the task, he had emphasized the need for discretion. Castle, in his joy, had forgotten this, but as a trusted confidant of the KING, Charlie couldn't afford such an elementary mistake.

So, Charlie led Castle into the large room where the KING resided. The KING was not present, likely due to the timing of Castle's visit. In the empty room, Charlie explained why he had prevented Castle from asking questions outside, reminding him of his initial request for secrecy. Although Castle felt no embarrassment, he awkwardly laughed it off and promptly inquired about how Charlie found Kate.

Charlie politely invited Castle to sit on the sofa in the middle of the hall. After offering him a drink and pouring him a glass of Scotch whisky, Charlie picked up a folder from a nearby table and handed it to Castle, indicating that all the information about Kate's whereabouts was inside.

Castle wasted no time, putting down his drink and eagerly opening the folder to read through it.

Charlie then detailed the efforts made to find Kate, thanking Castle for initially alerting them that Kate's disappearance was deliberate and that an FBI agent was closely monitoring her. If not for Castle's warning, the operatives searching for Kate might have been exposed to the agent's surveillance.

Barry Street's intelligence channels were indeed formidable. Within two days, they identified and thoroughly investigated the agent, Fuller, who had been watching Kate, intending to use her to lure out someone else. They uncovered Fuller's entire background and his connection to Vincent Adler, who had coerced Fuller into his service, hoping to force Neal Caffrey to surrender a hidden stolen item.

Castle was impressed by the thoroughness of the report. Despite his knowledge from the original series, Barry Street's efficiency was astounding. They had clarified almost everything except the specific item Adler sought, the music box. This information meant Castle could provide Neal with a comprehensive explanation, nearly completing his side mission.

In a good mood due to the progress on his side mission, Castle placed the folder on the coffee table and pulled out a handful of lion coins—a gift from Gianna during their mission in France—to reward Charlie for the impressive investigation.

Seeing Castle's gesture, Charlie quickly stopped him. The coins, worth $100,000 each, were too much, especially since KING had instructed that this investigation was a personal favor and no payment was required. Even if payment were to be accepted, Charlie dared not take such a substantial amount.

Castle was puzzled by Charlie's refusal until Charlie explained that KING had explicitly stated this investigation was a gift from Uncle Powell, allowing Castle to benefit without cost.

However, Castle was reluctant to accept this favor without reciprocating. The thorough investigation saved him considerable effort in explaining things to Neal. Moreover, he had recently come into a windfall and still had plenty of lion coins left. He preferred not to owe KING a favor.

Insisting on compensating Charlie, Castle said, "Charlie, you know I live in New York and work with a detective here. I'll need your help frequently. If you don't accept these coins now, I'll feel awkward asking for your help in the future. How about a compromise? You take half—five coins. Deal?"

Charlie appreciated Castle's gesture, recognizing it as a sign of respect and acknowledgment of their hard work. It made the effort they put into the investigation feel worthwhile.

Castle continued to persuade, "Don't worry about Uncle Powell. It's common courtesy to compensate for services, even if I offer it voluntarily. You can take the coins, and if Uncle Powell objects, I'll explain it myself."

"Charlie, since Rick has already said so, you should accept," interrupted a voice, revealing KING's sudden entrance.

The large, jovial man, dressed in his unique Chinese-inspired robe, strode into the hall. "Charlie, don't worry about me being upset over accepting Rick's payment. I've just learned he's recently made a significant fortune and has plenty of these lion coins. If he's willing to give, we shouldn't refuse."

Turning to Castle, KING grinned, "Rick, I didn't expect you to be dealing with Middle Eastern royals. Isn't your book income enough?"

Castle realized KING had discovered his sale of the scepter through Mozzie but appreciated that he didn't mention anything about Adam. He admitted, "Uncle Powell, yes, I've recently made some money. Mainly to have an untaxed account for emergencies. Please don't tease me."

KING laughed, "You call that a small fortune? You're more impressive than your father! So, are you satisfied with Charlie's findings? Otherwise, you wouldn't be offering such a generous reward."

Castle affirmed his satisfaction, and KING's question was intended to show his approval of Castle's generosity, ensuring Charlie understood there was no issue with accepting the coins.


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