
chapter 7: Level 60.

Bringing her information bags back to her base she first washed them clean in the river, scrubbing their skin until it was red. Laying her new friends on the wolf fur carpet she proceeded to take off all her clothing and washed the days of sweat, blood and filth off her body.

After doing so she put her clothes back on and went back to see her guests. Realising that they might feel uncomfortable naked she dropped a few wolf skins to cover them up.

"How are you doing?" Elrica asked. At her question, one of them burst into tears while the other stayed silent.

Elrica didn't mind, instead she walked to the side of the brown haired woman who was crying and put the sobbing girl's head on her lap and gently brushed away her tears.

"Thank you..." The platinum haired woman choked out.

"The things they did to us..." She said with hatred and rage.

"You saved us, and killed all of them, I won't even forget your kindness...." She said.

"Let's leave that for later. You must be starving." Elrica said.

He then grabbed a small pouch from inside his clothes, inside it was some jerky.

Lifting the brown haired girl so that she was sitting up, she fed her the jerky slowly. The girl showed the hard meat while her tears constantly fell.

Elrica fed the other girl next and they both fell asleep. Elrica looked at the sky outside, it was already dark and she was exhausted she would have to go back for the giant's bones later.


The next day, Elrica woke somewhat later than usual as the sun was already high in the sky. Looking around she found the two girls still sleeping.

Getting up she went to the site of the dead giant, surprisingly enough she found it untouched.

Using her dagger, she dug it into its flesh using great strength but after she couldn't budge it neither left nor right, removing it she moved it left and stabbed once more, repeating her actions, Elrica cut a line across the giant's muscular leg, cutting another line, she took out a large chunk of it leg and cutting another she finally managed to extract the leg bone.

Whipping off the sweat on her forehead she grabbed the bone, lit a makeshift torch and entered the cave once again.

Inside she rummaged for any equipment she could find, although most of the stuff she found was damaged beyond usage she found a nice bucket helmet, chainmail, black leather cloves, clack leather pants and black leather boots.

Stripping all her clothes off she put on the pants, the boots, the chain mail, helmet, the gloves and a brown tattered cloak to hide her chain mail from enemies.

Looking around a bit more she found a straight one edged sword in pretty much perfect condition with almost no crack or chinks.

'If you give it only one edge at least bother curving it to get more cutting power.' It was an inferior design.

An inferior design but would have to do.

After her shopping spree, she started the long trek back to her cave while dragging the giant's body.


Nasha woke up half expecting to find herself still under those goblins but she was relieved to see upon waking up that she wasn't dreaming last night.

Looking around she found Aisha next to her who was just staring at the sealing, but no matter which way she twisted her neck she couldn't find that woman.

Turning back to Aina she asked her. "Aina where did the woman who saved us go?"

"She wasn't here when I woke up. She probably has things to do." Aina replied.

"We're paralyzed and in the middle of a forest how can she abandon us here?" Nasha said.

"You're a healer, can't you do anything about that?" Aina replied.

"I can but would take a month at least to heal myself and at least one and a half to heal you, we will be dead by then."

"Better get started then." Aina said before closing her eyes.

"How can you be so calm?" Nasha asked.

"I believe in our saviour." Aina said.

"I guess that's all we can do."

A magic circle a few times larger than the ones Elrica could cast appeared above Nasha and she was enveloped in warm golden light.

After casting the spell on herself a few more time, Nasha sighted in contentment as she felt most of the wounds inflicted by the goblins heal.

Under the wolf skin blanket, the numerous wounds that covered Nasha's body all's slowly healed.

Of course the healing was only skin deep, her internal organs were still in a bad condition and most problematically both her leg and arm bones were shattered by the goblins.

Had they just been broken, a week would suffice but since they were shattered it would take at least a month.

In that period, Nasha would be completely defenceless and although the woman who saved them had taken good care of them up until now, she couldn't stake her life on someone else's kindness.

Although Aina seemed to trust their mysterious saviour and she did as well to a certain extent, that didn't cloud Nash's judgement and she smelled something fishy.

Looking around the cave, it was only full of primitive items, animal skins, bone utensils and wooden spears. It was all very primitive.

Not to mention that their saviour herself only dressed in wolf skins sawn together into clothes.

Not to mention the strangest thing which was that their saviour seemed to live in solitude very deep inside a forest far removed from society.

That meant that their saviour was in the best case an eccentric hermit but it was more likely that she was on the run either from the church or the law.

Even worse was that she was extremely powerful. Their party of adventureres couldn't even subdued a few goblins. But that woman exterminated their whole den and killed a goblin champion all by herself using only primitive tools.

She was afraid that only warriors at level 60 or above were capable of such a feat. People on that level were all well known adventureres or knights, they enjoyed great influence and were given respect wherever they went.

They were even given special treatment from the authorities and as long as their evil acts weren't too public or aimed at the authorities themselves, the authorities usually turned a blind eye to any crimes they commited.

That mean that their saviour was either an enemy of a great force or a heinous criminal with no discretion for the public.

As for the possibility of Elrica being a person from another world, Why would Nasha even consider that?

As for her assessment of Elrica's capabilities, she had greatly over estimated Elrica both do to the image the goblins had carved in her heart and because she was too green in combat which made her overlook the possibility of Elrica using more than a month to prepare for her assault on the goblin den.

Along with that Elrica was also an outlier due to having such a rich combat experience while being at such a low level.

Of course no matter how rich her experience if she had rushed into a frontal battle in the goblin den, Elrica would have definitely been defeated swiftly without even getting to see the goblin champion.

Luckily due to Elrica's foresight and experience she managed to squeeze out a victory against the goblins without even getting injured.